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New T same as the old T: Equipment vehicles derail twice in two days

WCVB reports maintenance equipment derailed on the Blue Line yesterday and on the Red Line today.

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The bike path next to GLX from Lechmere to Magoun Sq is still closed.

You know, the one that was finished at least a year ago.

The path that was supposed to open in December when GLX to Medford started service.

The same path that was then supposed to open a month later as they needed it for some construction stuff. Only they didn't actually need it since they haven't actually used it.

The path that has remained closed even as the T reduced train speeds to slower then a casual bike ride if you include station stops. The path which would really come in handy as the T melts down with no improvement in sight.

The same path that remained closed today when it was 75 degrees out and seemingly everyone in Boston was outside.

Yeah, it still seems to be closed to the public.

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Do you bring your concerns to the MBTA or perhaps the City of Somerville at all?

Your state rep might also be interested.

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I'm not a Somerville resident so I don't think they'd be particularly concerned about my views.

Crap like this is so frustrating because it shouldn't take a letter writing campaign. It's not as if they've forgotten the path or the desire to have it open. They just see no urgency. Each group blames the other for delays.

Like everything about the T (and municipal matters) the knee-jerk response is to keep things closed and reduce services.

When I contact me local reps about DCR or MBTA issues normally they just say they are powerless themselves. That's not technically true but if the Governor or State Senate leadership isn't concerned, it's unlikely anything will happen.

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….was out again the afternoon of the 11th inspecting overhead wires, which always causes about a 10 minute delay. However that didn’t prevent a “power problem” (per T alerts) around 7 pm. requiring bustitution between Wonderland and Revere Beach.

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