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By adamg - 3/25/15 - 7:35 am

The Globe reports on the plans for rebuilding Comm. Ave. between the BU Bridge and Packards Corner with "cycle tracks" that would use barriers to keep motorists out of the bike lanes.

The Herald froths about the goddamn tree-hugging dirty hippie socialists in Spandex destroying America thanks Obama.

By adamg - 3/20/15 - 3:47 pm

Nicole Freedman, appointed by then Mayor Menino to gear up Boston's bicycling efforts, is leaving next week for a transportation job with the city of Seattle (to which we also recently lost our chief of detectives).

She writes:

By adamg - 3/11/15 - 4:49 pm

Cambridge Police report a bicyclist was struck and killed by a truck around 1:40 p.m. on Putnam Avenue between River and Pleasant streets.

Marcia Deihl, 65, a Cambridge singer and songwriter, was pronounced dead at the scene, police say. They add:

The operator of the vehicle remained at the scene of the accident and the driver is cooperating with investigators. No charges have been filed at this time.

By adamg - 2/20/15 - 11:01 am
Snow tunnel at Wellington station on the Orange Line.

Boston Bike Party show us the tunnel a determined group of bicyclists with shovels dug out of a snow mound at the Wellington T stop - where the T dumped snow right on a bike path.

By adamg - 1/30/15 - 9:05 am
Snow bicycle in the South End

Jed Hresko marveled at the time somebody put into clearing out a parking space for this bicycle on Columbus Avenue in the South End last night.

By adamg - 1/22/15 - 7:19 pm

The head-on collision, north of the boathouse around 7 p.m. was with another bicyclist on a path.

By adamg - 12/20/14 - 9:43 am

Kara Sassone asks:

I'm looking for a recommendation for a bicycle shop in or near Roslindale; where would you send me?

By adamg - 12/12/14 - 8:56 pm
Washington Street just south of Forest Hills

A concerned citizen complains about the way those extra parking spaces were added to Washington Street south of Forest Hills, creating a sudden swerve on an otherwise straight road:

Truck parked completely blocking bike lane because the parking spots along the side of the road are still there. Please get rid of the parking on the street in front of the harvest co-op. It is not necessary as there is a large parking lot. You are jeopardizing bicyclists lives every single day. Please make sure the mayor and Commissioner gilooly see this.

By adamg - 12/6/14 - 1:05 pm
Bicycles on Boylston Street in the Back Bay

A concerned citizen does some bike counting outside the Apple Store on Boylston Street:

If there's a place bike racks are needed it's here ! Bikes attached all over the place! Maybe you can get Apple to make a large art piece for a bike rack! I'm counting 10 bikes locked to everything except bike racks!

By HarryMattison - 11/22/14 - 11:29 am

New bike lane

Paint crews were on Cambridge Street in Allston this morning creating bike lanes on one of the Boston region's most dangerous streets. A pedestrian died after being hit by a car where the Mass Pike on-ramp meets Cambridge Street on July 17, 2014 and a cyclist died in 2007 after an accident on Cambridge Street near the intersection with Harvard Ave.

Thank you to the Boston Transportation Department and MassDOT for making these important safety improvements!

By adamg - 11/11/14 - 5:27 pm
135 Bremen St. rendering

Architect's rendering.

The BRA board on Thursday considers a developer's plan to tear down a fenced-off, abandoned old commercial area at 135 Bremen St. and replace them with 94 apartments on six floors, space for a restaurant or shop and 126 parking spaces in an underground garage.

By adamg - 11/10/14 - 9:17 am

Updated with info from the arraignment.

A Brookline cab driver had bail set at $1,000 today on charges he wielded both his fists and his cab as weapons against a bicyclist who had just run into a pedestrian at Tremont and Avery streets Friday night, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

According to the DA's office, the incident with driver Sam Chandler, 45, began when a bicyclist ran a red light and plowed into a pedestrian as she was crossing the street.

By adamg - 11/6/14 - 11:40 am

Hubway announced today its bicycle-rental stations will again remain open this winter in Cambridge - except for the stations at Lafayette Square/Main Street and Dana Park, which will be taken out to let snow plows plow snow.

By adamg - 10/31/14 - 4:58 pm

Michael Ahern of Dorchester was sentenced to 18 months in jail today for killing bicyclist Doan Bui on Morrissey Boulevard in 2012 by ramming him so hard with his pickup Bui's body flew 150 feet, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

By adamg - 10/29/14 - 3:03 pm

The City Council today passed an ordinance under which all trucks over 10,000 pounds used by city contractors will have to be equipped with side guards and special mirrors to reduce the odds a bicyclist or pedestrian will be crushed when the truck makes a turn or changes lanes.

The ordinance, which goes into effect in six months, is the first in the nation. The measure, first proposed by at-large Councilor Ayanna Pressley, does not apply to emergency vehicles or trucks used for snow plowing.

According to the mayor's office:

By adamg - 10/16/14 - 3:29 pm

A Suffolk Superior Court jury today found Michael Ahern of Dorchester guilty of felony motor vehicle homicide for running down a bicyclist on Morrissey Boulevard in 2012, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

Prosecutors convinced the jury that Doan Bui, 63, bicycling home after a fishing trip, died because Ahern rammed him with enough force to throw him 150 feet from the point of impact. Bui was traveling in the right-hand lane of Morrissey southbound near Malibu Beach.

By adamg - 10/5/14 - 6:38 pm

An aggrieved citizen complains:

It's like biker boys or 2fastfurious on Washington st every Sunday. Mopeds, quads, dirt bikes, face masks and zero helmets. How is this always going on so close to the D4 police station. There MUST be warrants out for some of these punks.

By adamg - 9/21/14 - 11:14 am

Greg Hum spotted this bicycle built for five on Storrow Drive this morning during the annual Hub on Wheels.

SouthieSpots captured the start of the tours - which ranged from 10 to 50 miles around Boston - this morning at City Hall:

By HarryMattison - 9/18/14 - 9:37 am

What will happen here after spending $250 million of our money?

Tonight at 6:30 at the Jackson Mann Community Center, learn how MassDOT plans to spend 250 million public dollars to rebuild the Mass Pike in Allston.

At 4:30, learn how the Boston Society of Architects thinks this project should start the transformation of one of the last major piece of developable land in Boston.

Both meetings will be at the Jackson Mann Community Center, 500 Cambridge Street, Allston

By adamg - 9/17/14 - 6:06 pm

NECN reports the fatal crash happened on Lynn Street. Linuxlibrarian reports it happened around 4:45 p.m. near the Rte. 60 movie theater.

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