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Big Dig

By adamg - 5/12/05 - 11:54 am

Tim, who seems to always be where the traffic action is, discovers what happens when somebody's car overheats in one of the I-93 tunnels:

... He put his windows down because he had to turn on the heat to cool down the engine, which has always been a weird paradox. It wasn't enough, though, because his car started spewing steam. He had to pull over by cutting through two lanes of traffic, and where he stopped meant anyone trying to use the Government Center/North End ramp would have to snake around him. I doubt this helped traffic.

By adamg - 4/28/05 - 10:13 pm

The ire wells up in Bri when he thinks about the Big Leak Dig:

...Well, I'll tell ya what. I am pretty good at doing these here web thingies. I have no problem building pages for the State of Massachusetts about each of your little Modern Continental, Parsons Brinckerhoff and Bechtel asses and telling the world how much you suck.... and providing everyone all your little Republican party donation amounts on one happy site. It would be a lovely little place where we could again see how giant corporations, bend over the little guy and repeatedly violate his blow hole. ...

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