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Man with knife shot with beanbags on Dartmouth Street

Steven Walsh reports police subdued a man who put a knife to his throat outside Copley Place this morning by shooting him with one of those non-lethal beanbag guns.

UPDATE: See the comments for video and the police account of the incident.

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I must have walked right past so caught up in The Replacements that I didn't see it because my friend was about 3 minutes behind me and saw the whole thing.

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Don't see those used very often [anymore]. I'd like a study done which compares which is more beneficial: beanbag guns or taser guns? For one, it's not sending electricity coursing through your body, and two, if they're touching someone then the other person doesn't get hurt as well. I'd prefer to see more beanbags. The tasers are just too dangerous to be the common practice IMO.

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beanbags will kill if your aim is off, whereas tasers won't. cops have to get tased themselves before using a taser. If you've ever been tased it is the most excruciating pain but once turned off the pain stops immediately. You can't say the same for being shot with a beanbag.

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a quick google search and your argument falls to pieces. thanks for playing though!

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So far huge unruly crowds do they bring out the heavy artillery and shoot beanbag chairs out of cannons? I guess Cornhole should be required training for the police?

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I'm sorry I missed that.

I always wonder why they don't use tranquilizer darts, vs a taser gun. I can't wait for the day they'll be shooting ray guns at people in Boston.


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Besides the potential to be pretty dangerous, and the precise application that would be required, tranquilizing someone takes for-freaking-ever. After you've seen it zillions of times on TV, seeing it in real life is actually pretty disappointing.

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Here is the video that someone at work took of the shooting

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Boston Police report on the incident. Neiman-Marcus security called because the guy wouldn't leave. When officers arrived and told him to leave, he wouldn't, and then they noticed he was holding something in his hand:

Specifically, the suspect appeared to be concealing something while holding a black hat in his hand. Fearing the presence of a weapon, officers instructed the suspect to drop the hat and show them his right hand. However, instead of complying with the officer’s legal instructions, the suspect became increasingly agitated and refused. As officers continued to instruct the suspect to drop the hat, the suspect moved towards the officers and began shouting, “Just shoot me!!! Shoot me!!!” Still unable to determine whether the suspect was armed, officers made a point to create distance between themselves and the suspect.

At this time, the suspect began pointing his hand, still covered by the hat, directly at officers in such a way as to suggest the suspect was in possession of a weapon.

After refusing to acknowledge or obey the constant and continuous stream of commands instructing him drop the hat and show his hands, the suspect was subdued when officers employed the use of less-than-lethal weaponry. Upon being struck by a pliable projectile round, the suspect dropped the hat. After a violent physical struggle, officers were able to apprehend the suspect. While attempting to apprehend the suspect, officers observed the suspect attempting to digest a white powdery substance believed to be cocaine.

Max Corona, 27, was charged with disturbing the peace, possession of cocaine, assault by means of a dangerous weapon on a police officer and assault and battery on a police officer.

Innocent, etc.

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