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Daylight shooting in Dorchester sends one to hospital

Boston Police are at Columbia Road and Holden Street, where a man was shot around 12:45 p.m. Police are looking for a man in a red shirt who fired several shots at two men, hitting one.

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We truely need the National Guard in the City of Boston, people being shot mid-day shows how scared these thugs are of the BPD

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This is ridiculous. Every day there have been multiple shootings and nothing seems to be done about it. National Guard, street teams, surveillance cameras, relieve some of the density, whatever it takes. DO SOMETHING! I do everything I can to avoid driving Columbia Road, which is sad that a lifelong resident of this area has to do so, because it's a blood bath every day, and i'm honestly afraid to have my kids in the car with me. These neighborhoods are going down (further) fast.

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I am having a lot of difficulty understanding why in the early afternoon in a residential neighborhood one person felt that it was very important to try to murder another person in the middle of the day in broad daylight at the intersection of two major streets.

In a very basic way I'm struggling to understand this, I just don't get how it was THAT important.

Why not wait until the cover of night in a shadowy back alley?

Moreover, why not decide that, hey, murder probably isn't really necessary given the potential legal wranglings, moral quandaries, potential for retaliatory violence, the myriad of social trauma it will cause, and, oh I dunno, a million other reasons?

Is it really just, "eh, fuck it, I'll kill him"?

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Boston is the best city to kill someone and get away with. Any where. Any time. I'm sure statistics can prove Boston has one of the lowest murder conviction rates in the country. It's not the world class city the pols want to make it seem. How is it that someone can shoot another person in broad day light, stab someone in the neck on public transit, stab a kid over Facebook beef in front of the new dudley police station (even though the media and bpd claim it happened in front of the social security building), shoot four woman in a car, and a dozen more incidents I can go on about? Simple, the inability to solve one murder creates the ability to commit more. The bpd moves on from one case to another without giving the last one a 100 percent of their effort or resources. As a result the same ol killers kill again or shoot again. The killers who get acquitted then bring back the knowledge of how to avoid getting caught or convicted to their protégés who then go out and carry firearms for those who are on their first, second or third gun conviction. Thus, the sh*t continues because EVERYONE knows the chances of you getting caught for killing the guy that robbed you, or the girl who set you up, or someone you don't like is extremely slim. I've lived in Boston my whole life and I'm proud of it. I'm proud because I learned a young age that you must take matters into your own hands. You are responsible for your own outcome, education, and preservation out there in Boston. I have long moved out, but when I did live out there I can proudly say I was always "illegally" exercising my 2nd ammendment right for my own protection. Why? Because I knew I was a target just because I grew up in a certain neighborhood, and those same people in he neighborhood could always turn and try to take everything you had. So when I woke up every morning I asked myself do I wanna put myself in a position where some ol crack baby can come and try to kill me for some stupid reason or do I want to carry this 18 month jail sentence or even life if deadly force is necessary? At the end I always knew my family would rather visit me in jail then visit my grave so the choice was always the same. What was I supposed to do? Leave it to Ed and Tom to protect me? No thanks. My solution make Massachusetts gun laws like Arizona's. Then let's see if those same people doing all this crime will stop and second think well maybe I shouldn't shoot someone in broad day light because there are people everywhere and they all have guns.

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I've lived in Boston my whole life and I'm proud of it.

I have long moved out, but when I did live out there...

You were saying?

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allowed you to live long enough to never learn how to format paragraphs.

Also, glad to see all that money spent on Netflix reruns of "The Wire" paid off, yo.

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your argument about everyone carrying doesn't add up. more guns means more gun violence.
mass murder in arizona by a wierdo with a gun at a political rally
mass murder in a colorado movie theater by a wierdo with a gun

as far as cities go, boston is very safe. however if you live in a black community it's not safe. not sure how that will change when people won't get involved in the safety of their community, won't help the cops with identifying the violent criminals among them. Most of the murders are black on black crime - very very sad

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They know they can get away with it because witnesses won't identify them. The sociopath who stabbed Rizzie in Dudley Square is on the loose, still, as are the people who killed the three women. Boston is a very small town when it comes to this stuff and the excuses coming from the community are tiresome. People who won't turn in the killers are as big a part of the problem as the people wielding the weapons. Either way, fear rules. Shitty way to choose to live.

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Can we start Judging already and let it be known this is not acceptable. People in the Hood need to really voice it and stop being afraid.

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Oh my gawd!! Snake Plissken save us from this hell-hole Boston has become!!

13 Shot in 30 Minutes in Rising Chicago Violence


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They were too busy beating up homeless people and going HUT HUT HUT HUT because their might be an Occupy action somewhere that they need to go beat up people.

They don't care if black people die - so long as rich white men are not inconvenienced.

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