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Allston brawl sends three to the hospital, one in pretty bad shape

Around 10:45 p.m. at Brighton Avenue and Cambridge Street. Fortunately for the injured, there's a firehouse right there. Boston EMS Incidents reports one of the injured appeared "unresponsive" when EMTs arrived; he was rushed to Beth Israel Hospital, rather than taken to the nearby St. Elizabeth.

A nearby resident reports she saw it all:

It felt so high school. A bunch of 30-somethings yelling at each other. Then punches pretty quickly. One white dude was who the van of guys were trying to get at.



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It's Allston Christmas. Tis the season to be jolly!

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Airing of the Grievances, Feats of Strength, etc.

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Sounds like some bros had a few too many double imperial IPA's at Deep Ellum. Maybe someone didn't like the other's fedora.

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You're mix and matching the hipster and dudebro stereotypes. Keep it straight who you're intending to insult.

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The hipster and bro subcultures are more intermixed than you might realize-- gone are the days when a standard bro would not also own a fedora or a hipster wouldn't take in a sporting event just on principle.

Just another sign of Peak Hipster, I say-- their numbers will collapse and individuals will be subsumed into bro, breeder, suburbanite, middle-class schlub, and other groups.

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If they were 30-somethings, most likely they were at the Silhouette, not Deep Ellum (or the Model).

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As a 30-something who loves going to Deep Ellum with my other 30-something friends, I don't know what you're talking about.

To be honest, I've also never stepped foot in the Silhouette.

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The fact that I have family roots in Allston going back centuries, am there all of the time, means nada. I clearly know nothing about the place compared to the transients. OK.

Listen, older types may on occasion go to Deep Ellum, or the Model, or wherever, but their preference is the Silhouette. And FYI, it's been that way for well over 30 years.

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It was the Model.

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Because your grandfather lived in Allston nobody over thirty goes to deep ellum? Anybody who is not you is a transient here? So weird.

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Is that older types have been avoiding Deep Ellum for centuries?

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deep ellum opened in 2007, so I'm sure your experience over 30 years provides a ton of insight into the dynamics of who hangs out there.

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My first visits to the Model were in the early 1980's. It was very local, fun, George Anthony owned it and his family worked there. When George died his sons went after a younger crowd. I think the big change has been since 2000.

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One white dude was who the van of guys were trying to get at.

aaaaaand why was the race of this one guy mentioned? What racial group were the attackers? Who ended up being the guy in really bad shape?

I'm also kind of confused why a violent group attack serious enough to put the victim unconscious and require transporting them to a major trauma unit is being marginalized.

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You aren't explaining much about why you care so much!

Wow - this could be THE counterincident to make me feel better about white guys murdering black kids for no reason and getting away with it! Stormfront coordinate!

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Are you OK?

I too question what exactly occurred, who was really involved. Why was the white guy [victim] race mentioned? It is fair to conclude his attackers were then non-white, yes? So, what actually happened last night that ended up with this white guy being very seriously hurt?

A LOT is being left out.

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You know that quote at the bottom is not from a police report, right?

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it doesn't matter, but so what? It was made by an independent witness who felt the need to describe the color/race of the guy being beaten, which in turn suggests the guys doing the beating were something other than him.

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The point is who cares.

I should start only mentioning a person's race when they're white just to see how many people it trips up.

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You should probably ask the person who gave that description.

And marginalized by who?

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What has to be going on in your life that you're still getting hammered midweek and getting into bar fights in your 30s?

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Look at the nerdo here.

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It was a group of black kids and a group of mexican kids. The most-injured person was beat with a tire iron. I called the cops to the scene. After the unresponsive person was picked up and taken to the firehouse, there was a huge bag of weed left on the ground. One of the mexican kids came back , picked it up and ran away. It seemed like gang-violence to me, and over drugs. They were not the typical allston crowd. It was frightening to watch, and I had to scrub blood off our store front for 30 minutes afterwards.

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You heard their accents? And were they speaking in English or Spanish? Just curious. Mexicans have very distinctive accents, different from central Americans like Salvadorans, etc., They often even look different.

The Mexican cartels and gangs have been trying to muscle in on the street level retail trade in weed and other drugs for some time. It's one of the big reasons for a lot of the gang violence in places like Chicago. It often pits them against black gangs and dealers. It's one of the big reasons behind the hate between Mexicans and blacks out west.

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Less than ten percent of Boston's Hispanic population is Mexican. I can't imagine that there is a large enough presence for gang formation in particular neighborhoods.

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The quotation from the nearby resident has no citation (as far as I can see on my pc). Is there more to that? And where is it from?

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