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Two out-of-staters charged with sticking up local woman at nail-filepoint

Boston Police report arresting a New Hampshire couple on charges they pulled off an odd armed robbery in the South End yesterday.

According to police, a local resident had just gotten her child out of daycare around 4:45 p.m. at Harrison Avenue and Savoy Street when a red pickup pulled up beside her:

The victim says a white female exited the vehicle, approached her with a metal object (later determined to be a nail file) and grabbed her hand bag. After rummaging through the hand bag, the suspect – after taking nothing – returned the bag to the victim and jumped back into the vehicle which then fled the area. Although emotionally shook up, the victim states that neither she nor her child was injured during the incident.

Courtney Hurley of Hudson and Joseph Masiello of Nashua, both 20, were apprehended not long after and charged with armed robbery, police say.

Innocent, etc.



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Another fine example of the epidemic deathly griphold of opiate / narcotic addiction at work.

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Might explain but doesn't excuse - there's plenty of ways to score a fix without traumatizing and threatening innocent people.

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I used The Google to look up these two. This is fast evolving into a prequel to the Live Free or Heroin version of Kalifornia. How many times can one get arrested in New Hampshire and make bail to threaten our fair state?

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4 different arrests from a quick google search... pretty impressive

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Fact is arrests are just that arrests. Previous arrests obviously do not mean he was convicted of them. They do stay on line forever, but there are never recaps to the story to say if he in fact was ever found guilty of them. I can assume he was not because he was free, not wanted, and not violating any probation or the media would have been all over that. As stupid as a nail file robbery may be, its better then it being a gun right?

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... on whether the cops there can rely on your drug dealer to come pick you up and save some paperwork or not. It simply isn't their problem if you reload and run down and kill people in the following hours.

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Its like up in Lawrence it seems every other car is a ratty bucket with NH/Maine license plate. I'm pretty sure they're not visiting for tourism or empenadas. So, not only are there no good jobs up there, but they even have to come down here for their smack. They continue to mock and badmouth our state any chance they get, even though MA is their primary source of everything, and they drive like maniacs on our highways. Its time to throw some tolls up at the borders and make them pay their share of taxes.

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And they make broad sweeping generalizations about us, too. That part is the worst.

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This is troubling. There has been a recent spree of issues like this in the neighborhood, and every time it is an out of towner. Clearly these two from New Hampshire aren't in the South End to visit the art galleries. As a resident of the area, it concerns me and I hope the the BPD steps up their efforts to find out what/who is drawing these folks into the neighborhood.

And spare me the pearl clutching, Maclaren stroller pushing, yoga pants wearing comments. There's nice, normal people in our neighborhood too.

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"I hope the the BPD steps up their efforts to find out what/who is drawing these folks into the neighborhood."

BPD is aware of the drug dealing in the area.
Awful problem, glad they got these jerks.

South End isn't all Lulu and MacLarens.

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I don't think they wanted to arm anyone, they just wanted money and sadly enough chose an easy target. If you can leave and read comments then you can watch this http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xgFn8kDXVo8

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Many people who have been abused do not resort to violent crime. Saying that they didn't want to harm anyone while robbing them with a weapon is laughable. Making even more excuses is just encouraging this sort of thing.

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While they might not want to harm anyone you never really know what to expect from someone addicted to drugs and desperate to get their next fix. A drug dependency affects someone's rational thinking.

I have a relative that has been battling a drug addiction for years. When clean the person is great and awesome to be around. When a relapse happens they are conniving and will lie, cheat & steal to get drugs.

They should be held responsible for the crimes they commit, but after justice is served they need some additional inpatient treatment before being released to the public. But, all the detoxes are filled to capacity and not enough beds in the hospitals to help people. All that remains is jail & prison where a majority of people won't clean up their acts.

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.I am not saying if they did this it was right. He has had some trouble in the past and has been trying hard to work on issues. He is not a vagrant that lives on the street and does nothing but steal. He has a great job and his own place to live. Nothing makes any sense about this story at all. I have not spoken to my son, so any information I have is what you are getting as well.

If the target was not a women with a baby, no one would care and be making a big deal out of this. They didn't even take anything from the women according to the report.

So please stop making things out to be like some one was murdered here !

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You aren't doing your son any favors when you make arguments of this sort.

Brushing aside his actions, in the way you are doing here, seems "unfortunate", to say the least.

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I am not trying to make any excuse for him at all. Just making people aware he isn't a low life that doesn't do anything positive in his life. He doesnt sit home and collect welfare, and live off the state. But I will say again this happens alot in the city. Its being made out to be worse because of the baby and because people have nothing better to do then Google their names. Do they do this on every crime that happens in Boston?

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Previously, Mass had been running a death rate for accidental drug overdoses that was TWICE the number of all roadway fatalities (motor vehicles+cyclists+pedestrians). Authorities are saying that heroin overdoses alone are about 200 for 2 months.

BTW is there some sort of minimum requirement for a weapon to cross the line to armed robbery? It is good to hear heroin addicts are able to keep up their nail hygiene, however.

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If you banned cars, and make these junkies take the MBTA, then you will see the robbery rate drop at least 15% due to delays and broken down trains.

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Then think of all the dope sick junkies stuck on dead trains or platforms sweating, shivering, vomiting everywhere. Dealers, rather than most delivering by car, would only deliver by bicycle or T, adding to the delay and frustration of addict customers.

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Reading these comments have gone way off track and just stupid. Like mostly everything in society and it's clear to see why. What does train have to do with anything on this matter? I posted that video to make people understand why he did it. Not an excuse to why. Anyone who does not know about addiction or experienced it, with family friends or even themselves should not speak on it at all. I'm in agreement that he should be punished for this crime, but knowing him personally this kid wouldn't harm a fly. He's been through more then a lot of us and remains to be a great kid with a drug problem and makes bad choices, Not everyone who commits a crime is a bad person. You can call him a scumbag junkie or whatever for committing this crime, and I agree with that, he should be jailed for this. I feel for the women and her child who was robbed, it's a terrible thing. She's going to live with that and always have that in the back of her mind. Addiction is the devil and makes the person evil, do bad things. And you feed the problem by bashing it. Let's not forget he wasn't the one who held that lady up even though he's just as guilty, as far as the girl goes. Idk her or what life she's come from but people need to understand the problem this country has. If you think I'm making excuses for them and trying to Ignore the subject of matter then you need to open your eyes and mind. Some of you understand, and some of you will get it after you read this but for the people who after reading this and still continue to bash it, clearly have your head where the sun don't shine to say the least. This country needs to fix the drug problem, and prevent this stuff from happening. Anyway you look at it this was an act of violence committing this crime and it's just another sad thing tallied to the list of america. It's a shame because we could all be great, this country as a whole, on the path of god, but little things even being hard head and ignorant like most of this country to the drug addicts and gang members and ultimately everyone under the all seeing eye of lucifer, get in the way, I want to thank everyone for reading and I accept everyone's comments whether or not I agree with them

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Thank your for your post. Thank you for being able to see the good in him, there is alot of good but people who read the bad and do not understand they need help, help that sometimes is to costly or the wait list is so long.. Addiction is hurtful to everyone. And where do they turn when there's nothing else there? Its a problem in society that will only get worse if we don't try to understand it. And who ever you are who wrote the post that I am replying to, You show a great example of understanding both sides and seeing facts! Thank you..

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This kid is my blood. He has been through HELL & back since he was younger, things NONE of y'all would ever understand!! Yes what he did was wrong, he has a record, but this boy is a sweet, big hearted, loving individual. He would never harm a soul! He is a victim of drug addiction. Us as his family have tried to help, but there is unfortunately, always relapse. Please dont see him as a monster. I hope & pray that after this we can get the REAL Joey back! Instead of judging him, why dont you just pray for him & his family! God knows we have been through enough.

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Thank you! Not sure what family member you are, but thank you for seeing, and remembering, the good in him! He will be back as our Joey again soon, he is trying very hard to improve his life and get back on track. Prayers are always welcome! Thank you.

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