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Road rager with a gun sought

Boston Police are looking for the driver of a gray 2012 Audi A6 for an incident at Huntington and South Huntington avenues around 8:50 a.m., in which he allegedly displayed a gun to emphasize his displeasure with the other motorist.

The car's license plates are Mass. 895-TZ3.

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Whoever did this is TOAST!! I guarantee they'll find the suspect before the day is out smh

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Assuming they weren't driving a stolen car.

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I'm sure the Audi driver didn't use a directional signal (standard Audi operating procedure) and the other driver had the nerve to honk at him for it. Then things escalated rather quickly.

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Not just Audis, standard Boston driver procedure. Also add dont stop at stop signs, dont yield to pedestrians and block intersections. But theres no enforcement so why bother driving legally in Boston. The driver who showed the gun will maybe get a warning. Drivers run over pedestrians and the BPD say they probably just didnt see them, showing a gun is nothing. Unless there are different rules for threatening or hurting drivers versus pedestrians.

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"theres no enforcement so why bother driving legally in Boston"


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Had he threatened someone with his car, do you think they would put out an APB?

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No, that's just another day in paradise, a.k.a. Boston traffic, donchaknow....

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He didn't honk, he didn't flip the bird....he merely showed that he was prepared to deal with his grievances in exactly the way our Founding Fathers envisioned.

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He didn't actually shoot anybody, just waved his gun!

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Somehow I doubt the guy is a legal owner.

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Or are yall serious?

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There are some folks wandering these parts who think that anything a gun owner does with a gun is protected and responsible, and that consequences just aren't fair!

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There are some folks wandering these parts who think that anything a CAR owner does with a CAR is protected and responsible, and that consequences just aren't fair!

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what would you have done, thrown up the peace symbol? Way to be rational......

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I must admit that the founding fathers were shitty drivers.

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..I'm always puzzled why paranoid white guys are convinced a small metal penis surrogate is the answer to every chest puffing conflict.

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Racist much? You don't have to answer.

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Make sure that straw man you've constructed doesn't get near an open flame....

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timed metaphor.

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I love those.

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C'mon U-Hubbers, we can do better than that. Forget the gun; let's pretend Mr. Audi cut off an unemployed hipster on a bicycle who blew through a redlight, while driving the wrong way on a one-way street after shopping at the Whole Foods on Centre St.

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If you have the plate#, I believe you can make a complaint with the DMV. A police officer told me this years ago and I did make a complaint regarding a particularly unsafe driver that I had encountered. What happens is that all parties are issued a citation hearing date. Then you go to the hearing and make your case.

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One of the fastest ways to get you pegged as an outsider around here. It is RMV, FYI.

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I think you mean "out of stater".

And heaven forbid that someone move here from somewhere else and use a term that is accepted in all the other 49 states in the union.

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what does this even mean?

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means "your grandparents didn't live here."

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On a thread about how lawless Boston drivers are, the commenter is probably proud to have shown they can't trace their lineage to the pilgrims like you.

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My family got here after the Beatles and I call it the RMV. I call it Tonic. I call it a bubbler. I call it the cellar. I call them Jimmies. Keep your language out of my city.

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I refuse to do the math but by the sounds of it your grew up in the old days where terms no one ever uses anymore are still used by you

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Those of us who are "from here" have never heard of this "Department" of Motor Vehicles.

I've heard that in some Midwestern states they call it the Secretary of State. Odd!

I've got Costello beat, Bostonwise. My family hit Boston way back in the Eisenhower era.

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... particularly in Windows 95 when a single invalid key could require a complete reinstallation of the operating system!

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I still say, Bubbler, Registry & Jimmies... It's nostalgia, kid, pay attention and grow some character! and, while you're at it, learn the math...you'll need that little skill later in life! Cheers!

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That's all I care about

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