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Man on motorcycle crashes in Dorchester; police try to figure out the deal with the two guns found on the street

UPDATE: Boston Police report the man died. The Herald reports he was Michael DePina.

Around 8:45 p.m. a man on a motorcycle crashed on Taft Street near Dorchester Avenue. As he was taken away with serious injuries, police found a gun near his motorcycle, then another gun near Pleasant Street.

Police locked down Taft Street - residents were not allowed out of their homes - as they conducted a line search looking for any additional evidence in yards and under cars.



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the cops used to sleep outside Tommy Menino's house, Marty's street is the wild wild west

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His mother lives there. In front of Martys house there is always a cruiser.

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Well, I live in this generally quiet and safe neighborhood. Anyway, went to walk my dog up pleasant street by Taft. Yup, the whole street quarter is taped off. A police officer I spoke with seem to think there was a shooting and that person was at the hospital. But there is def some car with police all over it.
What was amazing is with even a police cruiser sitting in the middle of pleasant with his brightest lights on cars were still speeding up and almost running into the tape/car. Like, are you all fucking high. I swear they were.

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Not that safe

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Not safe at all right now, but housing prices and rents keep creeping up, meaning that area will be cleaned up at some point in the near future and all the non-working welfare trash who are currently making the place a shithole will be pushed further west, away from the red line. Given its proximity to JFK/Umass t-stop and semi-decent housing stock that can be easily converted to condos, it can't stay ghetto forever now that the whole area is on the upswing. Heck, some sucker just paid $1.5M for a .75 acre lot not too far away from there.

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He was shot and killed you didn't add that its all over twitter and Boston.com reporting it

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I was actually out of state today. At the time I wrote my original post, last night, a) Police were saying he was injured by the crash, NOT bullets and b) He was still alive.

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http://bpdnews.com/ They reported he victim was transported to Boston Medical Center where he was later pronounced deceased.

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A lot more safer than walking through the Boston Common, North End and the Back Bay Esplanade at night. I have lived here for almost 30 years and it is a safe as it gets. My friend lives in the North End and has been robbed twice and her store held up three times and car broken into. Another woman friend lives in East Boston and will not go near Maverick Sq, she witness a stabbing, see drug deals going on 24/7 there and has had prostitutes walking up and down her street at 6 AM in the morning.

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Several people around the memorial . Do we have a name for the victim? Taft street looks fixed up but there are still at least 2 triple deckers owned by losers who rent to scum , collect their section 8 checks and smile all the way to the bank. As usual the rest of us hard working tax paying people have to suffer .

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Every time you see something shady happening at those houses. They'll be added to the problem property list and the slumlord will eventually end up paying for the police detail. That will light a fire under his ass to either evict the trash currently living there and find better section 8 tenants, or only do market rate rentals.

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Just because someone has section 8 doesn't mean they are scum, stop passing judgement. The people involved in all these issues don't even live on taft st. The residents are scared to go outside and have to live with the memories of this night.

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I was at ashmont at 11pm saw kids with hoodies on when I was sweating with a t shirt on prey it wasn't one of them

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The Cape Verdean violence continues. Another Wendover associate murdered this year. His brother ,Joao, was the anti crime activist and he unfortunately couldn't convince his brother(s) to follow his path.

Sadly, more bloodshed will follow as Michael was well known among his associates.

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Boston's version of a gang War 5th person this year someone I know lost someone close to them when will it end? Its becoming a casual thing not good

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3 shot 3 stabbed in 24 hours not a good trend but it will get overlooked because its Boston I love my city SMH

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