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Often, a resident of Charlestown. But townies also live in Reveah and Whiskey Point ("da Point") in Brookline, so it's also a state of mind, or perhaps hair. You can often tell a townie by the way he or she adds the phrase "'n shit" to the end of many sentences, as in "Oh my gawd, like yestihday, right, he was totally down Nahant polishing his TA (Trans Am) 'n shit."



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just wonderin if you were refferin to nahant, the town nexta lynn...

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I think Townies refers to anyone from Boston's suburbs, especially common on the South Shore. We had lotsa townies in Canton. These were normally people who lived their whole lives in one town, and seemed to be a character of sorts.

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I go to Tufts and a townie is somebody who lives in Somerville of Medford. You can usually find them on Saturday nights looking to crash a college party.

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A townie where i came from was basically everyone in my school, gelled hair, permed hair, bleached hair, scrunchies, belts as skirts platforms and girls with no tits or arse who offered regular free sex to just about anyone. The boys considered themselves to be 'rhude' and had either shaven heads, curtains or ski jump hair styles, pierced ears and fingers dripping with fauz gold knuckle dusters. All of them had the worst attitude i've ever seen.They had lived in this town their whole lives, as had their parents and their grandparents etc. Luckily i managed to escape at the age of 14 and have thankfully been cured of the townitis and am proud to say im no longer anything like them!

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I am in england and we have townies here as well. They usually have really short hair and hang around supermarkets or bus stops swearing at people. They wear tracksuits and have thier trousers tucked into thier socks. They seem to think that they are the toughest things that have ever walked the planet, they are completely pathetic! They wear clothing from brands like Cappa, Nike and Rebok and listen to hard dance music like nu monkey. When their not doing drugs or beating each other up you usually see townies around bus stops going up to people and saying "ere ding, crash us a f*cking bine or I'll do yus", this translates to, give me a cigerette or I'll beat you up.

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we dont lik 2 be called townie ne more man, it aint right, wer chavs innit. i dont care wat u say we r da best, u cant mess wit us n get away wit it man. stop dissin us man or well com bust u up n den who wil be da 1 laughen

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Shut up man, townie, chav its the same thing, they can mess with you and get away with it man cos you dunno who the fuck they are. They aint messing with you anyway, it's all true so if youre so if u cry so much bout what they say then change, they'll be the ones laughing even if 'u bust em up innit' cos at least they know theyre not gonna be in prison before the age of 20

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its funny how they never make any sense, do they even understand what they're saying? Where i'm from they get lunchtime passes from school, go out and hang around the skateparks, bus stops, and public toilets. All the classiest places. And they smash things, espiecally fond of anything made of glass.. like to vandalise, spray graffiti etc, and shout abuse at random members of the public, such as 'fuck, shit, slags' etcIf you happen to catch there conversation, this is always the funniest thing. They argue about who can get served for fags and alchohol... they look about 12! Oh, and i prefer to refer to them as pikies. Apparently anyone living in a town or built up area is a townie so it doesn't identitfy there.. species well enough... otherwise i 'd be one! Hell no.

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right, i would like to say my view on townies/chavs they are scum, my school if full of the fuckers, i agree with everyones comments (except the townies one) when i was 15 i got beaten up by the biggest townie in my town, everyone is scared of him, he was 18 when he did that, he waited till i was looking the other way and it took him like 7 punches and as soon as i went to fight back all his friends joined in, i ended up with a black eye etc, now hes in jail for life for murdering a man in his own home, iv never been more satisfyed.

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am a gangstaaaa not just a townieme n ma men/n ladeez take all shit seriously and so wot if we were tracksuits n burberry not all of us do me n ma crew prefer the real deal like gucci boss and armani. chavs n townies r not fukers 'goffy' yea so u best not be sayin da 4 true or w'ell bring arms up 2 ur mom.

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"townies" are people who are from Charlestown, MA - people here call themselves townies, many of the sport teams are caleld townies, and the corner stores sell shirts and sweaters and hats that say CHARLESTOWN TOWNIES with a shamrock,Charlestown is home of the Townies.. most people who live in medford, somerville or whatever and are townies, they were probably from Charlestown. Charlestown is the home of the Townies, everything here is full of "townie" pride...

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heya yeah...i wud just lyk to say dat 1stly...wat dat gangsta sed bout arms on goffys mom...u dnt even no her mom m8!...well nt reli m8 coz i aint mates wit no townies...pikeys...chavs or w/e ya like to call yaselves! 2ndly...i wd jst like to mention dat 2day i wz down at a fair at red hill park n dis loat of fuckin kakkas (townies) came ova n started on meh coz im mates wit sum1 dey wr trin to beat up...so dey punched meh in da face...ok they tried to punch me in da face...they seriously cant fuckin punch...so i had to decide weather to give them a black eye or a broken nose...bt decided against da idea cz 1stly i aint lowerin miself to dere pathetic level n 2ndly dis is a new top...like hell am i gettin blood on it! besides if i wanted them beat up i would have called ova sarah or joe (goths) or john (human 6' bush) or ma sista (shrimp wit an attitude) or da rest of da weird and quirky crew...bt seeing as im quite a nice person i just walked away...you see...kakkas ruin this world...hu agrees dat da world wud be so much betta without em? eh?GothiksoddenbitchxXxenglish n proud!

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Im a nu-metal sort of style dude. I gta say, i hate chavs/townies. but the world would simply suck without them. Cuz what stereotype would you take the piss out of. Im so glad im in london and can always go to Camden in london. Camden is a rock place. Only Grungers, Goths Punks and every other rock genre stereotype

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why do u geeks neva say dis shit 2 da townies faces. its cuz u scared of us! u fink ure all hard talkin bhind r bkz... u ent, ure just a fukin geek! go up 2 da nxt townie u c and call him a cunt and hit him den c wot happens. but u won't coz ure 2 fukin scared... GEEKS!ToWnIe

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duh cause townies hang round in mass groups of about 20 + lol they probs wudnt be safe if theyre on their own and i guess they need backup from their mates when theyre threatening people on the streets... Theyre hated by most people now and it really bugs me when they walk around like funking retards, massive clown shoes,and why do you always tuck ur socks into ur trackies?? can you not dress yourself properly or summat?! get a fuckin life, stop skivin school, get a job, go kill urselves, whatever just stop annoying people, it doesnt make ya look cool, you just get more enemies,. assholes

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So townies call themselves "gangstas" and they would run a mile if they came across a REAL gangster right?A real (self respecting) gangster would wear a suit and tie - not trakkies and 'tucked in' socks!Townie scum - shoot the lot of them

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eya rite...i dont mind bin called a chav but da word townie duz annoy me coz its like so last year! anyway..as i was saying..i think townies shud b respected coz they are prob the most toughest (emotionally) evaa! dey prob av bin thru a lot ov shit in der lifes and wana mek a point dat dey aint gona take it nomore or no1 dats y dey dont giv a shit coz dey dnt c y dey whud coz dey hav nowt 2 giv a shit about coz dey hav bin thru so much shit dey cant b arsed. i fink dat da world needs chavs coz chavs tel it o it is and if dey dnt fink sumthings rite den dey fuckin tel ya. wether its gud or bad. oh and by da way im a chav or ow eva u describe us and i am prob da most fair perosn u wil eva meet so if sum1 poor bastrads takin shit off another chav den i say sumut and if i giv sum1 shit den my mates say sumut so wer not all dat bad. a goth wunt prob just stand der wiv his tunes on not givin a shit bout anything while his mates stood dey getin shit coz he is 2 scared coz he is a coward.....AT LEAST WE CAN B PROUD 2 SAY WE AINT COWARDS...WE AINT FANNYS...N WE AINT GONA STAND DER N TEK SHIT...WE WIL STAND DER N TEK DRUGS N STIK 2GETHA. OH N DNT KNOCJ DRUGS TIL U AV TRYD DEM COZ DATS JUST STUPID

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the word townie refers to niatives from the town your in, used mostly by out siders and college students.but in boston i agree fully with sean. townies are people from charlestown, im from somerville and tufts students have called me a townie and i was confused because im not from charlestown then i found out what they meant. Among the somerville youths People from Somerville or "the Ville' are called villians spelt Villen. "The VILLE' has "VIllens', "C-town" has "townies" and "meffa" has faggots". PS be careful calling people townies cuz weather from somerville or charlestown they will kick your ass.

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I agree with Sean, true Townies are from Charlestown and YES we have Townie Pride.I moved 24 years ago but still am a Charlestown Townie at heart. Most of you are describing scumbag losers who can live anywhere BUT we Charlestown Townies know who are are!

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I am a chav and most people have lots of different viewings of chavs. I prefer myself as more of a townie i do not go around mugging old ladies, gate crashing parties or going and doing anything else that you lot say they do. All me and my mates do is just walk around get drunk and chat that is all. So you lot are all wrong not every chav is the same as you lot put it

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I thimk townies are stupid ppl.I h8 them.

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I grew up in Boston and although I am not from Charlestown it is well known that Our Townies are from Chralestown C-town CT or what ever you want to call it. In other communitys there are Locals but,not Townies. In Somerville you have Villians in Charlestown you have Townies. Places out side of Boston like Medford and Canton have locals but I wouldn't call them Townies.

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Also a chav and a townie ,I dotn drink white lightening or mug anyone and what is wrong in dressing well in comfortble clothes with me m8s ..Most chavs are gay any how

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I live in england and a townie here is a prep, lipgloss queen, whatever. The y live in makeup, wear skirts and show of their underwear whenever it pleases them. KILL THEM NOW PLEASEEEE!Chavs are just crazy ppl, covered in jewelery and burberry wearing caps and stealin the stupidist things.

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For those of you who were not born in a town, nor brought up in one. Try not to be neurotic about those who are and were.Then again most of those who have made a comment here, seem to be very bitter and discriminatory.As far as what I see from the discription some of the people above have given, is that of those town folk who live in deprived situations. I would imagine that this has become a symptom of where ever you see it - Britain for example.A lot of people here are trying to escape reality by taking drugs or sugar or using masks such as calling themselves "gangsters".All I can say is if the previous generation could not prevent this, but you lot would wish to prevent this, then the answer is many.Or you could be all neurotic and forget about a solution and except it.You can always hate, but it takes a really inspirational person not to hate.

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I'm from Charlestown, Mass and have been called a Townie many times. In Charlestown we take pride in being Townie's not because of what some of the angry people on this site say but, because we are call "Charles-Town" you see where the "Town" part comes from. We are a Town in the city of Boston and take pride in that fact. We take pride in our amiture football team the Townies our high school sports teams are called the Townies and Townie shirts are sold at some corner stores. I still live in Charlestown hold down two jobs and go to school.I don't bother people on the street or start trouble but, it seems to me that all the sterio types are negitive. Well I'm 24 a Townie for life and work hard thoses of you who like talking all this about people they don't even know should walk in their shoes before all this bad mouthing others.

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im not being rude yeah but some chavs can be assholes when thewy walk around the streets and put their hand down there stride and basically are saying i have a cock wnanna suck it and i clal them chavs and big dick faced striders so dont diss punks and emo and goths because were the best and chavs are the worst :they steal and wear there so called FAKE burbery and were what they call BLING which is pieces of cra u wear round your neck and WE PUNKS DO NOT WEAR CLOWN SHOES WE WEAR THE BEST SHOES "CONVERSES" SO SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTHS U SHITTY CHAVS!GO SUCK YOUR MUM AND GO SUCK DICK"ASSHOLES"

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I'm from down the cape...and when we say townie, it's usually someone that didn't go away to college (or went to 4c's), and works something like constuction, landscaping, or at a supermarket...it's basically someone that has lived in town forever, and will probably never leave.

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im from england and here wot we describe as "chavs/townies/pikeys" are the scum that come from the poor estates, usually their parents are unemployed, and dont give a shit about anything cos they think the world doesnt give a shit about them and thats their reason that their lives suck, they believe its societies failure rather than their own. its funny how its always the stupid kids in school, the drop outs and the ones with the ? dont care" attitude that end up hanging around bus stops and empty car parks late at nite. they say that theyve been through a lot worse than everyone else, and maybe they have had a tough life, but being angry and taking it out on everyone with a life isnt gonna make ur life better is it? a perfect example of this is found in coventry, where the chavs and students are forced to live side by side, sharing the same shopping centre and some pubs. the chavs seem to think that cos the students are going somewhere with their lives, that they have intelligence and direction, that somehow its their fault that all the chavs are still gonna be wearing tracksuits and hanging round the same shopping centre in 10 years time. do everyone a fucking favour and sort ur lives out. its ur own fault that u live in a high-rise flat and its ur parents fault theyre on benefit, cos u think that somehow an existance can be gained from doing nothing, then when u find out that the rest of ur life is gonna be pointless and depressingly shit, u turn round and blame everyone else! well if u really feel like it u can carry on shouting insults at passers by and vandalising bus shelters, cos im afraid the population of the world that arent chavs couldnt give a flying fuck about u! so fuck off!

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Just for true Townies from CharlestownThis is our day...St Patrick's day. Happy St Paddy's day to all real Townies -we still have Townie pride and ignore the idiots above who dis us. I left C-town but still proud to say I grew up there and I have done very well professionally who I am started back where I grew up which included being a kid hanging on the Monument steps or sitting on the old library stone windowsill on Monument Ave.

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Yo Yo Yo Amanda n' Kathryn in da house. We Chavin it massive and lovin it large. Us chavs like dont like u dissin us cos were well hard and gonna beat u in to pies! I like PIES!Kiss Kiss

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everyone on here is wrong i live in a rough area and i have long hair i can't stand goths i think they are perfettik with there makeup and stuff. i am an exception of the rule i am the hardest in my school and don't give a shit chavs don't scare me cuz ime quite happy to knife ya if you start on me so biggit up for rubery birminghamrockers rule and so do chavs

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Even without looking at the name you can tell which comments are from the chavs/townies as they are the only ones who are unable to spell properly.They want all this respect yet can't resolve anything any other way other than to beat you up with weapons or a big gang of friends...pathetic if I was threatened in English then I might consider taking it seriously, when they learn to threaten in English then they can get back to me =)Where I come from townies like to dress in the designer makes of jeans where high heels all the time (so high they walk like idiots and get the heel stuck between the pavement slabs) they like to where big necklaces with their first initial, and stick to the fashion trends. Whereas chavs here just live in track suits and baseball caps, where lots of "bling" and like to hang around in massive gangs insulting you and calling you a whore even though they know nothing about you and will be generally riding on stolen bikes (quite possibly yours)Id like to know why they tuck their socks into their trousers...

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A Townie is someone from Charlestown MA.You are Townie if you understand the following.- The Oilies- The Neck- Mishawam- The 40 Flights- Godfathers- Jenny- JopasI'm proud to be a Townie and a Bentley Grad.

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to the moron that posted that we shouldnt judge drugs as bad until we have tried them:dont judge suicide until youve tried it yeah??and whats with the way you type? (applies to all chav scum) it takes two hours just to translate!.i live in coventry and jesus christ the chavs are like cockroaches, if one overdoses, two more will take its place. at least us non chavs stick together. and sticking together doesnt mean harassing old ladies for their pensions. sticking together for us meansd keeping in groups to avoid the risk of being mugged by one of the scummy chavs.

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A townie is a member of a greasy lookin crew a' guys and girls that hang around a Dunkies, a MacD's or a Cumbies all day in their wife-beaters, lookin' for a fight--usually this is for their entire life.

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So Chavs are well hard innit? I'm afraid these are the kind of people who, when you ask them to move so you can take your pool shot, say "no", ask if you're starting and then headbutt you, as happened to me last night. Sadly his chavvy manliness attempt was scuppered when I broke my pool cue on his face in 2 places and cut it open - well come on, he headbutted me. He then proceeded to claim he'd been glassed - can't even tell the difference between a stick and some glass. Nevertheless, they were thrown out and I finished my pool. UTTER FUCKING SCUM.

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OMG!! you sad bunch of low lifes!! everyone has stopped the whole conflict between townies and chavs etc..but fuck me look at you lot. grow up it's getting old.(get a life while you still can) YAWN

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i just hafta say, i grown up in medfid and i gut alotta friends in charlsetown and thats the only place you'll find townies... people sayin that townies are like greasers are wrong, ur just sayin shit you learnd from a movie... if you were really from boston or around here you'd knoww fair well townies were from charlestown. no more arguments, its a fact... and the asshole up there sayin medfids fulla faggots.. you can go screw thanks.

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heywell where i come from there is a difference between chavs and townies (by the way i am neither, if i must be labelled then it would be punk, okay?) anywayz townies are people who follow the trends almost like sheep, whilst chavs are people who wear trackies, usually they play with themselves in public, wear burberry and big gold jewellery, they also have WAY too much gel in there hair and the chavettes (girl chav) have too tight clothes on, hair sprayed back, sometimes gold and listen to r'n'b,dance or rap etc. some of them are actually quite nice and im not saying there bad people so why do they have to stereotype me as a goth because when they do that, the word spreads and all of a sudden im at the recieving end of one of there punches...

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ive been called a townie here on the cape. its a totally different thing here though. it basically means you were born on the cape and have lived there all your life or have lived here for over 30 years.

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Found this page by accident - you people HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.Should you all be in your corporate seats at the Sox game, telling people your suburban ass is born and bred in Boston.FOR THE LOVE OF GOD - end the horribly lame act of SPELLING OUT THE BOSTON ACCENT.

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I am a full blooded Townie...born and raised. I can boil this down REAL simple: a Townie is someone who takes pride in being from Charlestown. I have a chain around my neck 24/7 thats says TOWNIES and everyone who sees it has the same reaction: "Oh your from Charlestown?" Its never Medford or Somerville because there is only one true town that can claim that title and it is CHARLESTOWN.

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First off i'd like to apoligise to all the Charlestown "Townies"- i should imagine it's like being a Londoner or a Mancunian, right? Pride in place of residence is no crime, whereas getting hepped up on "fukkin pillzzz, mayeeet" and smashing up public property is. As an Englishman on the subject of UK townies, my view is perhapos a little extreme, but followssonoetheless:You people aren't people, you're a f*#king epidemic. Maybe your parents (if you do actually have them, and don't just form from some kind of council-sponsored slime) didn't kick your arses quite as hard or often as they should've done when you were kids,- that'd be one ovbious source of the developmental retardation you seem to suffer from. Bastardising the English language doesn't make you hard. Knowing several different ways to kill a man with one hand does, and you'll be amazed at how few martial artists have the same attitude problems as you people. Don't get me wrong, we do want to kill you, it's just we know the filth'd get involved, albeit probably reluctantly. As for your favourite "awweaww, yer f*kkin geek"- without geeks (knwn in the real world as "engineers") you wouldn't have beer in cans, a fridge to keep your beer cold in, central heating in your filthy flea-ridden pit of a council house warm, or your crappy little "souped up" hatchback minus exhaust silencer- "geeks" invented all these things so you could chav about happily all day on the dole, driving down the shops, drinking and smoking fags in the warm, and hassling the defenceless. Finally i have a few requests of you pond scum:1.) Stop smoking weed, shortages are pushing the prices up & you don't deserve it.2.) Stop knocking each other up- we don't need any more people, especially not really f*cking stupid ones.3.) Learn to play Cricket or a musical instrument (NOT DECKS)- it's far less gay than football. Finally:4.)NEVER call me "mate". EVER. It makes me see red, want to hurt you, all blood and cracked bones etc. Very uncivilised.

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hey yall, I'm from the midwest where what we call a "townie" is some one who lives in a college town but is not affiliated with the college. So while having the college experience you see "townies" goin about their business but they seem poorly dressed and lowley. if you have been to college you know what i'm talkin about.

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I'm a Townie, born and raised in Charlestown. I'm not angry or ignorant and yes, I do know how to spell. Growing up in Charlestown wasn't easy, but it was unique. I miss the 40 flights, going to Christopher Columbus hockey games, drinking up the park, meeting on Terminal Street before proms. Charlestown was definitely a crazy place back then and there are some people that I miss, may they rest in peace. If you don't understand it, that's OK. Just don't disrespect us.

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Haha u goths emos punks grungerz wateva ya wna call yaselvz ya dnt av a clue do yaz a mean frm wat iv jus read a chav is abusive n dirty n got no respect yet al th abusive posts r frm goths emos etc ur laughable

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Charlestown people might be townies, but so are people from Lynn, Everett, Revere, Brockton, Dorchester, and various other toilet towns in the area.There are also suburban townies from places like Lawrence, Methuen, etc.A townie's clothing is nothing but Red Sox and Patriots clothing, and Celtics jerseys if they're winning that year. Young townies are usually found falling off a ladder, and older townies are usually found in a sub shop, trying to pick up 5th grade girls, or pulling up their pants.Townies are interchangeable and expendable, and they know it. After all, they always work for people far smarter than themselves. They justify their existences with false piety, loudly-expressed but poorly-reasoned opinions, and racism. They have a lot of time to polish their act, because they're always on worker's comp.Townie Heaven is a giant "99" restaurant with a Dunkin Donuts in the back.

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Well considering that Boston was around a lot longer than any of those other towns....and Charlestown was one of the first neighborhoods in Boston, it is clear that the original "townies" are from Charlestown.

Charlestown High School teams are called the "townies" - as are many of the youth hockey, basketball, and pop warner teams.

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I totally agree with you and most of these comments are ridiculous and they don't know what it means to be a real Townie. Hey I moved 30 years ago but as they say "You can take the girl out of the Town but you can't take the Town out of the girl!" I still have Townie pride and family still living there who are on the Boston Fire Dept helping to keep everyone safe even the people who are disrepectful as you can read on this website. Charletown Townie for life!!!!!!!!

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damn skippy, maybe universal hub should move those replies bc it takes the REAL defintion into so many different directions you forget what country you are in.

we're from charlestown and no one can be prouder and if you can not hear us we'll shout a little louder


The Townies and the Irish who lived on Bunker Hill, The shamrocks and the clovers that gave us all a thrill. The sweatshirts and hats that displayed our Townie pride, And the leprechauns that we tattooed on our side. The hanging on the corner, the street or project hall, The St. Catherine's dances and playing high school ball. The fact that you knew that you never had to frown, For smiles were abundant in The Old Charlestown. Lorianne's for doughnuts and O'Guys for a sub, A quick beer at Sully's or maybe J.J.'s Pub. Jenny's for a pizza. The Front Page for a steak. Collier's for a sandwich, The Wizard for a shake. Christy's and Austins and The Family Shoe, Revere and Domino's and their sugar too. Joe Roselli's Frosty Truck circling around, Along with Dell's Pizza in The Old Charlestown. The Boy's Club, The Girl's Club, The Charlestown Savings Bank, Not to mention Station Fifteen which was our weekend tank. The land of disabilities which we would proudly enter, Along with Jack Millerick and The Life Focus Center. The Red Store, The Green Store were both a corner stop, Jack and Umberto who took a little off the top. The Harvard and The Bunker both were still around, And so was school spirit in The Old Charlestow n. The Rink was our Garden, The Neck was Fenway Park, The Oily gave us softball, the forty flights a spark. Jack Curtain, The Little League, our pride and honor, Ron Burton of The Patriots gave this town Pop Warner. Street hockey games played with Townies all around, Having dreams of turning pro in The Old Charlestown. The Townie in Lake Placid, The Miracle still is told. Jackie O'Callahan and an Olympic Gold. The N.F.L. and Howie Long are now a household name, From the streets of Charlestown into The Hall of Fame. Mike Fidler and Jim Vesey displayed their skills as well, And both of these Townies made it to the The N.H.L. And both of their memories will always be around, For they're in The Hall of Fame of The Old Charlestown. The Bunker Hill Monument still is standing proud, And "Old Ironsides" and freedom both still scream out loud. And no Townie can forget The Ride of Paul Revere, But now I fear The British are still living here. For all The Yuppies have bought up every shack, And now The Old Charlestown is never coming back. But leprechauns and shamrocks still can be found, In the precious memories of The Old Charlestown.

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    Wrong!!! Townies refers to those who were born and raised in Charlestown/Bunker Hill. Nothing more. If you don't believe me go to Sullivan's Tap in Charlestown and tell them that. I'm sure they'd be glad to give you an eduction.

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    In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, a townie is a person from Charlestown, that is the only definition. People from Somerville or medford or wherever wish they could call themselves a townie.

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    It isn't a bad thing.
    We're a group of people born and raised in CHARLESTOWN, MA.
    You try to bring us down by saying all the girls are whores and the youth are trashy and disrespectful. But guess what? Every town has the town sluts, and the rude kids. The MAJORITY of Charlestown youth are polite and respectful. Yeah, there's some ignorant people. Well, everywhere you go there's ignorant people. You can't base your opinion on a select few. That my friends is called STEREOTYPING. Haven't we all agreed that stereotyping is wrong?
    People from Somerville, Medford, and any other town aren't Townies. They're townies. There is a world of difference in the capitalization of the t. We are the original Townies, and we always will be.
    And for all you yuppies out there who mock our accents, BITE ME.

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    To all these Charlestown people who think they're the only townies: you're wrong, sorry to break it to you, maybe you think that because you NEVER FUCKING LEFT CHARLESTOWN! Every town in Mass has its people who dont ever leave and end up working for the town. Im not going to make condescending descriptions of these people like some others. Importantly, though, they are always white and almost always work for or have family that works for the town. These people are townies, and every town and small city in Massachusetts has them. Sorry, Charlestown, you're not special. And maybe if you hadn't stood on the streets in the 1970s during the busing crisis holding racist signs and showing your narrowmindedness, it wouldn't be quite as satisfying seeing your old 'hoods being overwhelmed by Yuppies from out of town.

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    You are right that they call other people besides Charlestown residents Townies. It is not people that work for the Town, you are way off on that aspect. Townies are any people that grow up in the town and typically end up living their adult lives in the same town. They are typically blue collar, white, and clash with yuppies or college folk. Tend to be hard asses. "Did you see that Biff got the shit kicked out of him by a Townie that crashed the frat party on Friday night" Numerous references in 80's and 90's movies. Think "Mystic Pizza" or Matt Dillon in "Beatiful Girls", or 16 Candles, etc...

    However, Charlestown's Highschool Mascot is the Townie, and the sports teams are called the Townies. Other towns cannot make that claim, that I know of. So Charlestown are really the official Townies, all other townies took the name from Charlestown. So saying the Townies are too narrowminded to know of other townies just proves the point that Charlestown has the original Townies. Well done.

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