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By adamg - 1/8/07 - 3:31 pm

I spotted a fly this morning. It was a sickly fly, wandering around down there on the floor of the men's room - when I moved my foot right next to it, all it did was try to crawl away, not fly away. But, of course, it got me to thinking. First - we never see flies in the winter. Second, how long before somebody in the local media puts 2 and 2 together and gets DEATH FROM ABOVE, i.e., a story about how our current un-winter means we're all going to die this summer from West Nile Virus/Eastern Equine Encephalitis/Lyme Disease/salmonella/something?

So ...

Let's have a pool: Reply to this post (or send me e-mail) with the date on which you think we'll see the first story in the local media linking the present weather to some horrible disease we all have to worry about this summer. For extra fun, note which media outlet you think will "break" the story.

Whoever guesses the right date will get a plush e. coli bacterium, from the batch I just ordered (click on the little guy to the right for more info). Guess the right date and the right media outlet and you'll get two.

All entries must be posted by 11:59 p.m., EDT, Jan. 15. All decisions of the judges are final. Results will be available for inspection on this site. Media outlets must not use this post as an inspiration for this story until at least Jan. 16 - otherwise, what am I going to do with three plush e. coli bacteria that my wife will think I'm insane for buying?

By adamg - 1/8/07 - 12:39 pm

Fun story on the pigment-challenged rapper son of a former mobster in the Herald today. But geez, if you're going to profile a guy who goes by "Sullee," don't you think you owe it to your readers to ask if he has a girlfriend named Denise?

By adamg - 1/8/07 - 9:02 am

Pixnit spray paints buildings and is an acclaimed artist. Tel spray paints buildings and is a common criminal. What makes one better than the other? A publicist?

By adamg - 1/7/07 - 6:42 pm

Margalit wonders why local TV news crews are so enamored of cars careening into buildings - it's not like that's such an exotic thing around here:

... We've had cars crashed into babies cribs, cars crashed into living rooms, cars crashed into Harvard, cars crashed into garages, cars crashed into restaurants, cars crashed into offices, in fact we've had cars crashing into pretty much every type of building you can imagine. It never seems to get boring to the local new media, who cover every story seemingly with glee. ...

By adamg - 1/7/07 - 6:06 pm

Hub Politics marvels that WRKO allegedly canned John DePetro for calling Grace Ross "a fat lesbian," yet thinks its OK to give new felon Tom Finneran a radio show (hmm, anybody of the Rhode Island variety remember which station Buddy Cianci got a show on after his first conviction?).

By adamg - 1/7/07 - 2:09 pm

T officials report no complaints whatsoever about CharlieCards failing after just four days, so therefore, it hasn't happened. Plus, anybody who's had problems with a CharlieCard, well, let's just say your trolley doesn't go to the last stop.

By adamg - 1/5/07 - 12:00 pm

Arizona snowWorried that a bigger Yankee Magazine is losing touch with its roots? The Herald reports that the snowy scene on the cover of the new mutant-sized mag is actually from Flagstaff, Arizona (gives new meaning to the term "western New England"). A Yankee editor acknowledged to the Herald that they knew the photo had no connection whatsoever with any place east of the Taconics:

"There was concern that the image was from Arizona," Allen said. "But we felt the sense of wonder was universal."

So "sense of wonder" is the new New England. I can't wait for the first spread on shopping in Manhattan.

By adamg - 1/5/07 - 11:06 am

Dan Kennedy notices some subtle differences in the way the Globe and Herald cover the question of whether Tom Finneran will get to stay as head of the Mass. Biotechnology Council (one guess which paper led with the word "Disgraced").

Meanwhile, visitors to Channel 5's Web site are left wondering how and when Patrick turned into a bald white guy and how they missed the inaugural celebration on the ice at the Garden:

By adamg - 1/5/07 - 11:00 am

Were those tears in Harv's eyes last night as he explained how the jet stream is keeping all the cold air away from us? Looked like the poor boy was just barely holding it together - dammit, if we don't get a good old-fashioned Nor'easter soon, his head will just explode (let's all get together and send him some weather love, shall we?).

By adamg - 1/2/07 - 4:59 pm

Uh uh

The Globe business section has a story today about plans to replace an old motel in Lexington Center with condos. It's accompanied by the above photo of a Minuteman statue with a caption that starts "The Minuteman statue on Lexington's Battle Green draws many visitors." Indeed it does, but the Minuteman in the photo is the one in Concord, not Lexington.

By adamg - 1/2/07 - 8:24 am

Maureen Rogers likes the heft of the new, mutant Yankee magazine (no more confusion with the Old Farmer's Almanac). But she is not too enthused about the content, which seems to be heading toward Boston-Magazine-style conspicuous consumption:

By adamg - 12/31/06 - 3:54 pm

Nothing against Deval Patrick - I voted for the guy, after all - but the Globe's Bostonian of the Year doesn't actually live in Boston. Maybe they should have named him Miltonian of the Year? OK, OK, makes more sense than Time's inane decision to make me person of the year, but still.

By adamg - 12/30/06 - 8:09 pm

And Todd Gross looked like he was 12. DCbatwing posts some snippets from a 1984 newscast on Channel SE7EN:

By adamg - 12/30/06 - 12:47 pm

You know those time tones WBZ-AM has played at the top of the hour every hour for the past 60 years or so - and no matter whether it comes in the middle of a commercial or promo? If you have a Linux computer and know what to do with some C code, you can synchronize your computer to WBZ time.

Via Spatch, who notes the final tone now always comes eight seconds after the hour:

By adamg - 12/30/06 - 12:11 pm

The storm claimed one more victim last night, at least, according to Channel 7 news.

By adamg - 12/28/06 - 9:25 pm

Red readily admits he couldn't tell a right wing from a Buffalo wing, but adds he has a couple of great reasons to never miss The Buzz on NESN.

By adamg - 12/22/06 - 10:31 am

It's the feelbad story of the day: Elderly couple has their handicap ramp stolen. And you know it's going to be all over the airwaves (to be followed up by a heartwarming story involving a local carpenter volunteering to build them a new one for free). But get a jump on tonight's news and read about it now.

Via Dan O'Brien, who broke the story for the Wakefield Item and who wonders why TV stations never give small papers credit for the stories they get from them.

By tatefox - 12/22/06 - 10:09 am

While digging through local newspapers this morning I came across an alarming article in the, "Cambridge Chronicle," that seemed familiar.


It was! It was originally published September 11th 2002!

I guess some people are more concerned with hitting the highway than fact checking.

By adamg - 12/20/06 - 12:25 pm

Dan Kennedy detects a certain fill-in-the-blanks-ness to a number of Herald outrage stories:

Three or four times a year, the Boston Herald comes up with an easy answer to the arduous question of what to put on the front page. The editors follow a formula, reliable, predictable and simple. Just fill in the blanks ...

He points to today's "tourism czarina" front pager:

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