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By adamg - 3/9/07 - 10:44 am

OK, so I blew it when I predicted the Herald's Laurel Sweet would write another story about the Finneran/Carr "feud" yesterday. She didn't.

Thank goodness for Brian McGrory. Just as I predicted, his column today is all about his grave, grave disappointment in Deval Patrick. Our Boy Bri is angry with the governor over the New Bedford case.

By adamg - 3/8/07 - 5:58 pm

The Globe reports today that dissent erupted in the blogosphere over Deval Patrick's call on behalf of that mortgage company he used to work for, in an article about allegedly shellshocked Patrick supporters.

By adamg - 3/7/07 - 1:07 pm

The Herald's Laurel Sweet will get Tom Finneran to insult today's insult-o-matic column by Howie Carr, thus letting her extend the Herald's Finneran/Carr streak to four days with a story that consists of one paragraph of new material and twelve paragraphs of background (or maybe two paragraphs of new material if she gets Carr to make a crack about Ron Borges over this boston.com poll).

By adamg - 3/7/07 - 10:35 am

Eeka writes NPR to complain about a piece on "All Things Considered" about bass fishing and gets back a form letter apologizing that her bass-fishing expectations were not met:

Funny, I didn't know I had expectations about bass fishing.

By adamg - 3/6/07 - 5:25 pm

Ever wonder what poet of the airwaves Carl Stevens looks like? The 'BZ reporter files a video report on lottery fever in Brighton today:

By adamg - 3/6/07 - 2:29 pm

Chronology of how Ron Borges went from Globe football beat writer to suspended Globe football beat writer in just 24 hours, starting with a post in an ESPN forum.

Want to discuss the Borges case? Maybe don't bother with boston.com's message boards.

By adamg - 3/5/07 - 11:23 pm

Globe sportswriter Ron Borges was suspended for two months for cribbing a Tacoma News-Tribune story in a column yesterday:

"The Globe does not tolerate plagiarism," (Globe Editor Martin) Baron said in a statement. "Extensive passages written by the Tacoma reporter were used verbatim in the column by Borges, and that is prohibited." ...

By adamg - 3/5/07 - 11:29 am

Cold Hard Football Facts claims that this Borges column on a Seattle Seahawks player came from this Tacoma News-Tribune article a week earlier.

By adamg - 3/5/07 - 9:53 am

John Daley takes note of today's most important, 72-point front-page story in the Herald, that Tom Finneran has upset Howie Carr with a cheap joke:

... Howie Carr is such a nice guy. He always takes the high road in his columns, never resorting to tough guy, cheap shot, desperate attempt at humor, attacks on his subjects. Now radio competitor Tom Finneran is making derisive jokes about poor Howard. I'm sure this is very upsetting to the man. ...

By adamg - 3/4/07 - 2:29 pm

Perhaps Borges thought his readers have the attention span of gnats and wouldn't remember that his column today on how the signing of Adalius Thomas was possibly a big mistake completely contradicts what he wrote just yesterday on MSNBC. Bruce Allen and his readers are all over Borges - and remind him that they can, too, retain information for longer than 24 hours.

By daveAdams - 3/3/07 - 9:38 am

Well, this was a week I'll long remember. I was in a crappy mood Monday night. I had a ton of work due on Tuesday. I had to give mid-term progress reports on all my students. I was behind on grading tests, which needed to be done if I was to give an honest assessment on the reports. But I also needed to get an expense check and a month worth of pay into the bank before the mortgage came due.

By adamg - 3/2/07 - 9:29 am

Scott Allen Miller writes it's kind of amazing that the Globe, which still includes "Boston" in its full name, can't figure out that J.J. Foleys is in Downtown Crossing or the Financial District, but definitely not the Leather District. He adds:

... Although he says he doesn't remember the incident in question, Foley made it clear that he would expel gay people from his bar for kissing. What a moron. JJ Foley will have to get along without my future business. ...

By adamg - 3/2/07 - 9:15 am

Only in Boston, Kids discusses various faults of the Metro, but raises a scary possibility: Imagine if Spare Change Guy ever started hawking it:

Want a Free-e-e-e-e-e-e Metro-o-o-o-o?"

By adamg - 3/1/07 - 7:41 pm

Seth Gitell is offering a pizza from John's Bakery in Roslindale (you don't want to miss that) to whoever guesses the name of the anonymous State House source of a particularly vacuous quote in today's Adrian Walker column.

By adamg - 3/1/07 - 10:11 am

Not to harp on the case or anything, but it's odd that neither daily paper has written a word about two teen-agers getting shot in the back at rush hour on a busy Roslindale thoroughfare, but both give pretty full coverage to three teens getting stabbed outside the Cambridgeside Galleria (see here and here).

By adamg - 2/27/07 - 8:40 pm

Yes, it's awful what gun violence is doing to Boston (mercy, I had to find another way home tonight because of it). And yeah, City Councilor John Tobin's proposal for a city poet laureate is probably not real high on the quality-of-life meter.

By adamg - 2/27/07 - 8:18 pm

Russ Stein wishes the tall Metro hawker at Green Street would just go away:

... He's like seven feet tall and runs from one end of the station to the other shouting shit like, "Aw yeah, I've got your Metro!" and "It's a great day for a Metro!" while getting in the way of people trying to catch the train. I've also heard him muttering some ex-junkie Jesus bullshit when dodging him. ...

By daveAdams - 2/26/07 - 10:43 pm

During the first quarter of tonight's radio broadcast of the Celtics game against the Houston Rockets,one of the Celtics players managed to fake out the referee to get a call to go his way. The referee who made this call was Violet Palmer, who happens to be a woman. Cedric Maxwell, the analyst / sidekick on the Celtics broadcast team, proclaimed "Get back in the kitchen!" when she made the call.

By adamg - 2/26/07 - 7:42 am

Or 123 Party! Channel 25 was doing an "expose" on dumpster diving (and next week, in part 2 of our exclusive investigative report: Homeless people sleeping in ATMs!). One of Fox 25's sources let the three neon-green dancer guys know and media-jamming hilarity ensued:

By adamg - 2/25/07 - 1:59 pm

Dan Shaughnessy Watch compiles a list of terms the CHB uses over and over and over again, such as "Young Theo" and, oddly, "Grey Poupon" - and solicits your help:

What is your favorite Shankism?

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