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Mayor Menino does wheelies

Or, at least, dons the helmet for some serious biking. Mike Ball is astonished at the mayor's appparent change of heart toward the two-wheeled:

... If Tommy now likes bikes, things will get better for us cyclists and commuters alike. Hyde Park Avenue is big enough for both of us. ...

Dave Atkins applauds Hizzona and describes the benefits of biking to work downtown from Westwood:

... I don't claim to relate to the people of all the neighborhoods I ride through, just because I'm on a bike, but I see parts of the city I would never notice if you just got in your car and rode the MassPike from suburban Westwood in to work downtown. My daily ride takes me through Dedham, Roxbury, West Roxbury, Roslindale, Jamaica Plain, the South End, and parts of Southie. Sometimes I ride home through the Back Bay, out past Fenway and BU, Allston-Brighton, through Newton, Brookline, Needham, etc.

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This was an interesting story and I think it's good news for Boston cyclists. As much as he tries, our beloved MFL can't be everywhere at once. So some things he's going to see and others not. When he hits potholes in his car, he makes them fix the street. When he wants the houses to look nicer on his drive in, he gets grants to Hyde Parke Ave. Now maybe he'll make them fix things that affect bikers.

Perhaps the MFL will pedal over to my neck of the woods and go for a nice ride up the Arbor/J/Fenway bike path sometime. I do it as often as I can, because it's so lovely. But I would like to be there when he gets to Rt. 9. And again when he tries to figure out how to get to the Esplanade.

Mumbles could set a great example for city youth if he started commuting to work on his bike - it's not so terribly far for him. He could go right up the bike lane on Hyde Park... oh, wait, there isn't one. Well, anyway, once he got off Hyde Park, he could go up the Southwest Corridor park. Which is beautiful ... except on those days when the punks from Bromley-Heath throw rocks at you.

Making city streets safe for bikes is an important part of making a livable urban environment. Everybody out there riding a bike represents one fewer car on the street, which means a reduction in traffic and parking congestion and an improvement in air quality. More people on bikes = a nicer city. But many of the problems that make people not want to ride their bikes are practically invisible to people driving cars. The people driving the cars, most of the time, _are_ the biggest problem for bicyclists. So I'm psyched that Menino will have the opportunity to see things from the other side of the windshield.

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I saw the Mayor the other day and he said he was going to launch Hub on Wheels on the 23rd ON HIS BIKE. Good for him! Kerry's riding too but he rides alot of them..this is a first for Mr. Mayor!

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