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Area blogger gets offered cool job

Parker Morse reports he's been invited to write a "competition blog" at the 2008 summer Olympics in Beijing:

... There are some complications and sacrifices to be made on this end, but I've never yet been to an Olympics (nor to China, for that matter) and it seemed like too good an offer to pass up - especially considering how notoriously difficult it is to obtain press credentials for the Olympics as a freelancer, or even in some cases as a magazine editor. ...



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I think it is great that this blogger is getting such a cool trip here ... but I have to say that I myself am dreading the possibility of being sent to Beijing next summer (keeps head down when boss orbits office looking for research monitoring team).

I have mild asthma that tends to turn into more serious asthma when pollution enters the picture. Kind of a pain as I work in air pollution research. The authorities have pledged to rein in the pollution and they are making progress - but if I have to go I will be packing some serious rescue meds and beefed-up everyday meds.

I strongly suggest that sportsblogger get a full physical and some lung function testing prior to departure, as well as a prescription albuterol inhaler in case the miasma claims another set of lungs (I know people who have had problems with asthma-like symptoms for the first time in Beijing and ONLY when they repeat visits to Beijing and no where else!) Beijing can get really severely messed up for days on end and it would be best to arrive prepared.

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Thanks for the heads-up. As a fairly active and relatively competitive runner (6-7 hours a week) my lung function has always been sufficient to my needs, but it does sound like Beijing will be a unique challenge, so I'll make a point of going in prepared. (And being thankful I'm not expected to run a marathon there...)

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