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The South End really is going to the dogs

Apparently, pushing babies in strollers is tres passe in both NoWa and SoWa. JD reports spotting somebody pushing a doggy stroller - yes, a stroller designed for a dog:

... Thinking it was just a fluke, I remember my friend Chris commenting on a mosquito-net enclosed doggy baby carriage we saw some lady pushing along the bay in San Diego a couple of years back. "Look at that" he said. "How long before you get the dog one of THOSE?" "Eh, how about NEVER?" but I admit I was fascinated. "Yeah but just wait," he said. "You'll be seeing them all over the east coast in no time. They like that sort of thing." ...

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We were just talking about this today! I spotted a woman and her husband pushing some small spaniel around in the dog stroller thing.

At first I thought it was just an unfortunate looking baby.


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Better to have them in the stroller thing than walking and craping on the streets.

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The ladies over at Jezebel reviewed the pet catalog where this product - and many others - were featured.


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Maybe the South End IS OVER?


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We gave old strollers to people who wanted to use them with pets. One couple has no car and needed to walk to the vet with their cats, and to get their cats out of the house so they didn't exhibit extreme stress when outsiders came in. Another needed a sag wagon for a three-legged corgie with arthritis in the remaining leg joints.

I also sheparded a MassBike ride with a guy who towed his dog around with him in a beat up old baby trailer. The dog loved it, and it was better than having her have to stay home and rip up a small apartment (again, no car).

These things have a place, but what I don't understand is buying new stuff. Plenty of spent strollers on freecycle and craigslist.

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Just because you have money, doesn't mean you have common sense!

I really need to start thinking ideas up like this, you'd make a killing off their stupididty (and wouldn't feel bad because they have the money to blow)

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I've had afew morning chuckles on the internet before, but this absolutely and totally takes the cake!! I mean---seriously, putting dogs in a stroller or carriage when they're perfectly capable of walking???!! It's ludicrous.

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Better to have them in the stroller thing than walking and craping on the streets.

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