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West End


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what is this, link spam?

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I believe, in his own telegrammic way, el Zako is attempting to show us that, hey, there are some resources for people interested in Boston's old West End. I do so wish he would realize that he doesn't have to pay by the letter to post here. Stop.

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I think it's Don Saklad, uncharacteristically using a pseudonym.

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Don't forget that the North Slope of Beacon Hill was also considered the West End. (for good or ill)
Vilna Shul is located on Phillips Street at Irving. it got a huge infusion of cash in the mid-nineties, but decades of neglect had taken its toll.

Below is a great link to pics on an urban planning site. It documents Boston before the Central Artery was smashed through the city and before the razing of the West End. As you page through you'll see pics of one lone structure standing - it's St. Joseph's Church. As the story goes, Cardinal Cushing has a soft spot for the parish and thus made a deal with the BRA to spare the church and school when the rest of the ethnic parishes were demolished. I used to go to St. Joes and it was the gathering place annually for all those displaced West Enders and I got to know many of them before they passed.

Thanks for remembering them.


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