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Fake sleeper, would-be sprinter and two artistes arrested

Boston Police report on three incidents yesterday:

Around 10:20 p.m., police say, a couple robbed a Chinese-food delivery guy at 55 Forest Hills Ave. Unfortunately for them, the delivery guy recognized the woman, so police knew just which apartment to go to - where they found the man hiding in a closet and the woman on a bed, pretending to be asleep.

Around 3:30 p.m., police say, an officer on the way to work noticed a young woman chasing another woman with a folding chair in Roxbury (report doesn't say where). The woman spotted the cop and dropped the chair - and then sped up to catch the other woman and steal her purse. The would-be Olympian, however, was no match for officers who responded in cars.

About 1:30 this morning, police say, they spotted two guys apparently looking at the graffiti they'd just sprayed on 50 St. Germain St. in the Back Bay. They, too, proved unable to out run the fleet foot of the law and when asked what he was doing with spray paint at 1:30 in the morning, one said:

"I carry them everywhere I go." When officers returned to the location of the graffiti, officers observed that the graffiti on the wall matched the color of the spray paint found in the suspect's bag.

At least one is a Mass. College of Art student, according to his Facebook page.

Asleep until proven awake, turtle-like until proven a runner and clean-handed until proven stained purple.

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When asked to explain his reason for running, suspect #2 stated he ran for fear of being blamed for the recently applied graffiti. Officers observed that suspect #2 had purple paint on his hands.

Caught purple-handed! Take 'im in, boys.

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on the uber-trite weekly rag, the Boston Courant, which takes an editorial stance that graffiti is about the worst crime one can commit in the Back Bay.

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is probably 50 St. Germain Street. That's one of the little side streets near the Christian Science Church, a reasonable place for a Mass. Art student to live.

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