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Everybody say hello to Timmah1, newly arrived from DC, who reports that life in the People's Republic has managed to make him feel more liberal and more conservative at the same time:

... More liberal in that I am around more people now who actually realize that George W. Bush is one of the worst Presidents we've had in my lifetime, but also more conservative because I cannot stand the panhandle that goes on outside my apartment. Can't we just enforce the law and make them stop? I don't feel bad for them. Sorry, there I said it. It's really annoying. ...


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I'm confused, so liberals are okay with people begging in the street? Wow, sign me up as conservative!

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Ok, I have to clarify my statement as I usually say dumb things or don't explain myself. It just seems that liberals would be more inclined to feel sorry for panhandlers. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. I don't like them though.

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