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Following the money leads to a Menino re-election campaign

If you look at Tom Menino's recent campaign financial statements, there are some expenditures that indicate Hizzona is strongly considering another re-election bid in 2009.

In September, the campaign paid Network Solutions $144 to renew domain names (like themeninocommittee.net - which doesn't have a corresponding Web site yet) - would they do that if their guy weren't running again?

Even more telling is the $30,000 the Menino campaign paid to Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin & Associates, a California polling company. Would somebody getting ready to retire on Dec. 31, 2009 do that?

Then again, it's not like the money is denting his campaign war chest. PolitickerMA reported the Menino campaign has more than a million just sitting in the bank right now, in addition to $400,000 or so in his active campaign fund.



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Actually they paid $480 for the domain name renewals, but how do you know which names were renewed?

Also I think it's pretty common for all the domain holders I know to hold onto names well beyond their "actual working life." The consideration you cite, that things might change and the holder would want to use the name again, is one of the reasons. But of equal importance are continuity for people who've been using the name (for whatever purpose - just because there's no website doesn't mean they aren't using it for e-mail), and keeping it out of the hands of opponents/competitors who could repurpose it 180 degrees from its original intent...

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I think the money spent on out-of-state pollsters is way more significant.

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What else would Tommy do? I have trouble imagining The Mumbleator in The Dreaded Private Sector.

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He's 66 and has a fat pension waiting for him.

Time for some new blood.

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66, fat and has a pension waiting?

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It's just the baby-blue satin track suit - that adds about 30 pounds.

It would add about 30 lbs to Ashley or MaryKate Olson, too.

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When I met him in person, I was struck by his resemblance to the father in that show "Dinosaurs".

"Not da mamma!"

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