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Massholes are finely attuned to current events

Cosmo Catalano reports on some white Masshole's retort this morning to a black pedestrian who dared yell at him for blowing through a stop sign in Central Square.

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You know what's frightening? That there are folks who are so seething inside over having a black president that they see even a traffic-related dustup through those eyes. That's why all this talk about America having become "post-racial" is a load of crap. We've still got plenty to work through.

But Massholes aside, today is a huge step forward.

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Is that posters believe that people are seething about having a black president and are projecting their insecurities at some driver with a wise ass retort to a pedestrian.

I thought the whole Crosser/driver scene was pretty funny.

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Except some of us remember way back to November when three alleged morons in Springfield (which last I checked is in the People's Republic of Massachusetts) expressed their feelings about Obama's election by burning a black church down.

Actually, even without that, it still wouldn't be funny.

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Aren't these the same pieces of work who froth and fume about how anarchy and lawlessness will certainly result from having a Black president?

Oh yeah, I forgot - the law they fear collapsing is "might makes right", not the rule of law that says you have to stop at that mysterious red octagon thingy.

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The person who blew through the STOP sign deserved to be yelled at! I say kudos for the pedestrian for doing so. Had it been me, I would've hollered and cussed out the STOP sign-blowing Masshole for all it was worth! That driver doesn't have a leg to stand on.

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