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Another ethical issue for the Boston Licensing Board

The Herald reports that Licensing Board member Michael Connolly has been using his City Hall office to conduct business for his Wellesley real-estate venture:

... Connolly, 61 - whose wife, Lynda, is chief justice of the Massachusetts District Court and whose son, John, is a Boston City Councilor - has spent untold hours promoting the $3.6 million Wellesley development from his City Hall office over the past two years. ...

The mayor's office went tsk-tsk and says it's launched an investigation. Although the board has office space in City Hall, its members are appointed by the governor. Board Chairman Daniel Pokaski's name figured prominently in the FBI's affidavit against ex-Sen. Dianne Wilkerson.

The Herald notes that Connolly gets paid $85,000 a year for his part-time gig on the licensing board.

David: As if we needed another reason to dismantle the Boston Licensing Board.

Jay Fitzgerald: It's not enough he gets a cushy $85,000 Boston Licensing Board job:

It's not enough his wife is on the public payroll. It's not enough his son is on the public payroll. No, Mike has to use public facilities to run his side business pushing multimillion-dollar developments opposed by neighbors. ...

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Sounds like a Howie Carr column, no?

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Gee, surprising isn't it? People left and right being tossed out of work and this clown is using Boston City Hall to promote a project in SWellesely!
He's also making $85,000 a year PART TIME(?)! The time for some real ethics reform is long over due. Unfreakinbelievable...
One other thing I remember seeing in this mornings Herald was that this man was suing a 69 year old woman who abuts his project. I've heard of developers doing this to stifle opposition. Nice.

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How can we express our deep disgust over the growing guano pile that has become civic life in this state?

I voted against Question 1 -- which called for abolition of the state income tax -- because as much as I wanted to send a message to our elected and appointed officials, I knew that eliminating a huge share of the tax base would hurt real people with real needs.

But how does one adequately convey repulsion over how business is done around here???

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what part of a two-party system do you not understand? Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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I understand plenty about power, corruption, and the lack of a GOP presence.

Are you suggesting that for the sake of a two-party system we vote for the even more inept and misguided Republicans in this state? With some genuine exceptions (e.g., I've always thought that Sen. Bruce Tarr is a smart, capable legislator), they have served up candidates in legislative races that smack of desperation simply to put a name on the ballot.

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Where?... How?... do you obtain the DVD... Michael Landes in Beacon Hill, The Gentleman from Boston, Abuse of Power, Katahrisi exousias (Greece TV title), Vallan sokaisemat (Finland)

It appears the DVD isn't mentioned at

The Education Project, LLC didn't appear in a search.

Where is there ordering information?... at the Nordisk Film links

see also
by Steve Bailey

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