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Getting laid off after 20 years in the same job


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Welcome to the rolls, it sucks. That being said, I can't imagine being employed at the same place for 20 years. As far as I'm concerned, you are EXTREMELY lucky.

Hopefully you have diversified your skill base over these past two decades, and saved up a good deal of money. Best of luck to you.

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You say lucky, I say blessed. In any case, yes, It was a good run. But I was a good employee, too. It was a fair exchange all around, I think.


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I'm sorry to hear about this, Suldog. I think that anyone who reads your piece will agree that you're not long for the unemployment line.

Incidentally, not that I read it often, but I worked in the public sector for long enough to have read the Herald a more than a couple of times. I have never read anything like your piece in it, and hence, I am not surprised that it was run on a Saturday.

I presume that you have a connection of some sort there? Did you submit that to anyone else?

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But I have had a couple of pieces published there prior to this, so they were amenable to my current blandishments. I did not submit it to anyone else.

Thank you for the kind words!


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I feel like a twin: I too was laid off from my job of the last 20+ years and last filed for unemployment in 1989. This is my third month of unemployment and the best advice I can give is make sure you stick to a regular daily routine or you'll end up in a lazy rut of semi-self-loathing. Hope you find some new full-time opportunity soon.

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It was a shock to me. I certainly empathize.


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That was the best piece I've ever read in the Herald by far, by a mile, by a hundred miles. I had to read it aloud to my husband. (And I do check out the Herald pretty often as a guilty pleasure, or to find our what the Globe missed in local news.)

You're a prince, Jim Sullivan, and I wish you success in whatever you do next. But I hope you become a columnist because you'd run rings around most of them, no matter what paper they write for.

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Thanks! I can live on praise like that for a few months (as long as the unemployment checks keep coming, too.)


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...that it isn't Suldog' s voice one is subjected to while on hold with the unemployment office or it would have a deleterious impact on the affection I hold for him. :) Good luck shifting the statistics next month (fingers crossed for myself as well!), and I'll have a good giggle while spending goodness knows how long on hold soon as I make my claim for the next tier. Sigh.

Lovely article too!

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Best of luck to you, also. And thank you.

Also, unless I come off as an ungrateful slug, thanks to Adam for posting this.


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Great piece about a rotten situation. Good luck!

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Nice to hear so many kind words. Thanks, folks!


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