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No more Rondo

Torn ACL, out for rest of the season.

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"It's all over. It's all over. R/Hondo stole the ball."

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There goes the season

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Not sure that'a a prize worth winning this season, anyway...

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Sox, Pat's, Celts...

I suppose we should appreciate the sports humor of the non-hockey season suddenly becoming real and the Bruins doing OK. I can't bring myself to chuckle yet.

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As a city, we've had a pretty good run. Pats win 3 Super Bowls, Sox win 2 World Series, Bruins win The Stanley Cup, Celts win the NBA Championship. That's life, though - ups and downs. We'll look quite ugly if we start complaining when things go back to 'normal'.

The bigger question, for the Celts, is what they do now. All of a sudden, Pierce and KG might have become trade bait. Personally, I think it would suck to see either one of them go, but Ainge isn't likely to sit still. We might be looking at a major rebuilding for when Rondo finally returns for a full season (which is likely 2014-15.)


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Play defense like that and they contend. No trade and esp. not possible with Pierce or KG considering they're both over 35 in multi year 10+M deals. Just not going to happen and there's too much talent on the team to get as much in return.

It's simple. Jeff Green keeps playing like the guy who momentarily turned Chris Bosh into Greg Ostertag. Bradley, Lee, Terry & Barbosa step into more minutes and work the offense through KG. Push the ball. If anyone else goes down we pick up Delonte.

And that rebuilding nonsense is for the birds, but not Larry. When was the Lakers last rebuilding year?

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You think a team currently 2 games under .500 suddenly gets better w/o Rondo?

Jeff Green is not consistent.

Jason Terry is not very good.

KG cannot shoulder the load of being the offense's focal point, especially if you want him to play exceptional defense.

Push the ball? This team's best player's are old and they just lost their point guard!

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Push the ball like they did today. Transition basketball is easy buckets and exactly what old guys need.

Run the offense thru KG doesnt mean he takes a bunch of shots. Work the ball through the post, more touches, and a lot more moving w/o the ball.

Obviously they;re a much worse team now but this might force them too mesh, figure out their roles. It's a whole new team. Six guys who played over 25min today didnt play against the Heat in the ECF last year. Relax Shaughnessy.

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Shouldn't the offensive focal point of a contending (for a title, I assume) team play more than 30 minutes per game?

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Did you see the final minute in regulation? That's what happens when Pierce is your main ballhandler and not Rondo. Four point lead, with the ball, and POOF - gone. Do you think they DON'T win that game in regulation if Rondo is handling the ball with 45 seconds left?

Aside from that, though, it's an anomaly in the NBA that teams who do not have an integral part of their team always play especially well in the first game without that player. Seriously. It happens all the time and I've made some good money betting on those teams in that situation. Everybody steps it up somehow and they tend to play over their heads. The real test will be the next game, then the next one after that, then the rest of this season and (at least) the beginning of the next.

I love how they played yesterday. It won't last.


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I think they've played more than a game w/o Rose. How about the Celts in 2009?

You dont think Green and Bradley vastly improve our chances of playing D on Wade & James?

Nobody replaces Rondo but it's not like this team won't make the playoffs.

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I'd make it about 9 to 5 in their favor to hold onto the eighth spot, but only because the teams below them are so unrepentantly crummy. If you want to lay 2 to 1 or better, I'll take a small bet that they DO NOT make it.

The problem going forward isn't defense. This team still has a fine defensive core, what with KG, Bradley, Lee. The problem is on the other end, where they'll have to work that much harder to get the good shots. And working harder on offense drains energy for plugging away on defense, etc.

This team won't quit, I'll guarantee that - and I appreciate that, believe me - but they're going nowhere beyond the first round this year, if that.


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But seriously, the only thing worse than the chicken little syndrome that came with the injury is the idea that now they're better without Rondo. That is ridiculous. Along with the idea that a pass first guy is somehow selfish. My point was that they still have a ton of guys who can pass, dribble, shoot and defend. So they'll compete if they can push the ball and get easy baskets. The Sullinger injury kills b/c they dont have enough rebounders especially to take on a team like Miami in 7.

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I have to admit, they've been enjoyable to watch since Rondo's injury (they were enjoyable before, too, but you know what I mean.)

It's a very interesting phenomenon. They've been getting into their sets a bit quicker without Rondo, which in turn gives them a slight edge on opposing defenses. The other teams will catch up to it sometime soon, I believe, but I hope this finally gives Doc (or whoever may be in charge by the time Rondo returns) the impetus to make the C's a true fast-break team instead of one so reliant on half-court offensive sets. I would absolutely love to see Rondo and Bradley blazing upcourt about 90% of the time.

And, yes, Sullinger's injury is devastating. If only we had another guy who bangs the boards, plays great help defense, is utterly unselfish, and provides a scary presence in the middle. I heard rumors about some guy named Perkins being able to do all that, but... ah, skip it.


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