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Red Sox

By adamg - 4/21/06 - 10:52 am

Kristen tells the Sox it's time to step up to the plate and score some damn runs for the guy already:

... How many times have you heard the phrase, "He was such a nice, quiet guy. Kept to himself. Didn't cause any trouble," about the recently discovered serial killer with fifteen severed heads in his freezer? I'm just sayin', Postal Workers were nice too before they started getting all "disgruntled." ...

By adamg - 4/19/06 - 10:16 am

Beth's first reaction to the end of last night's game:


Her second reaction: Ponder the Papelbon situation - what happens when he finally gives up a run, or a game?

Red: We're 14 games deep and I've already had three near-heart attacks.

By adamg - 4/15/06 - 12:03 pm

Daryl, our Singapore Sox fan, analyzes last night's game (PAPELBON! And Schilling!) and adds:

... [S]eeing Varitek come to bat against the Mariners makes me think, "Yo no soy marinero. Yo no soy marinero, soy capitan."

Red on Surviving Grady analyzes the weird performance of the Sox to date (Pitching: Great or sucks; Manny, Wily Mo, where are you?):

By adamg - 4/14/06 - 7:50 am

Imagine somebody in Boston always pointing out everything that's wrong with the Red Sox. On paper, you get the CHB. On the Web, you get Sedition in Red Sox Nation. Except this pseudonymous poster writes better.

By adamg - 4/13/06 - 11:32 am

Mark Jurkowitz wonders if that 17% ownership of the Olde Towne Team is affecting the Times' editorial judgment, what with giving the Sox more ink over the offseason than either the Yankees or Mets and now with giving the Sox opener at Fenway better play than the Yankees opener at Yankee Stadium.

By adamg - 4/11/06 - 11:04 am

Lewis Forman: Let's go Red Sox:

... There are so many things about the team and the park that I could talk about but let's just let our combined love of our fabled baseball team keep us through our day of sitting at a radio listening to the game. Nothing beats the sound of the ball hitting a bat in AM radio mono sound. Ahhh. ...

Christopher Walton is upset at the Red Sox for insisting only fans with cable can watch any Sox games on TV this year:

By adamg - 4/8/06 - 9:03 pm

Comes to us via Michael Feldman: The Red Sox roster includes 23% of all Jewish major leaguers.

By adamg - 4/4/06 - 2:35 pm

2006 Red Sox edition by WBZ-1030 (requires your speakers be turned up. All the way).

Via Gnomi.

By adamg - 3/29/06 - 1:44 pm

Constantine von Hoffman notes the irony of a Major League baseball team promoting gambling, *cough*Pete Rose*cough, but says if baseball's going to let the Sox get involved with the Lottery Commission, it should go all the way:

... Here's to Cubs Crack, coming soon to a street corner near you.

She says no, no to Red Sox scratch tickets

By adamg - 3/28/06 - 1:02 pm

The Angry Young Bostonian fires his ire at Red Sox pitcher Julian Tavarez for punching that Devil Ray yesterday:

... There is certainly no guarantee the Sox will even make the playoffs this year, and we don't need bad seeds like Tavarez pulling Everett-like shit that will only raise the heat from fans and the media.

Lewis Forman, though, liked what he saw of the bantamweight pitcher:

By adamg - 3/28/06 - 12:35 pm

The start of baseball can't come soon enough for Yup:

... I can't wait to hear his voice again, those suit commercials weren't enough to get me through the winter. Rem-dog, whisper your sweet baseball nothings into NESN, go ahead, I'll let you. ...

By adamg - 3/28/06 - 12:29 pm

Don't ask the Boston Gal to pick up any of the new $5 Sox scratch tickets for you:

... [M]y beloved Boston Red Sox have sold their soul to the Massachusetts State Lottery by teaming up with them with this scratch ticket which will "offer a mix of killer ticket deals, cash prizes and Sox paraphernalia."

Why do I get the feeling this move will be as bad for Red Sox Nation as the Musical No,No, Nanette?Why do I get the feeling this move will be as bad for Red Sox Nation as the Musical No, No, Nanette? ...

By adamg - 3/22/06 - 1:40 pm

On Soxaholix, Hart sums up the distaff feeling on Bronson Arroyo:

If the Cincy pink hat brigade doesn't give him the fan love he so richly deserves, well, watch your back bitches, because a cah load of Meffid chicks will roll up one day and beat your asses so bad that aftahwahds you'll be wishing you looked as good as Schottzie. ...

By adamg - 3/20/06 - 11:53 am

Sox seek to corner market on players with odd names.

Spatch is loving it:

... Not since the days of Rollie Fingers, Catfish Hunter and Boston's own Spaceman ("I like to sprinkle marijuana on my cornflakes in the morning!") has Major League Baseball been blessed with such great monikers, and I want Boston to catch 'em all. ...

Coco Crisp notes.

By adamg - 3/6/06 - 8:08 am

Andrew Lipsett wonders who'll have the better season this year: Curt Schilling or Randy Johnson?

By adamg - 2/28/06 - 9:11 am

On Soxaholix, Hart's bunch has become the latest group to wish Johnny Damon would just shut up already - especially on the whole "fun" thing:

... Absolutely, one of the things that put the 04 club over the top was the acquisition of a guy who not only doesn't have fun, he actually doesn't even like playing baseball — Keith Foulke. ...

By Jeff - 2/25/06 - 10:29 am


Watch the viseo and tell me if it is please. The wife and I fought about this. LoL

By adamg - 2/22/06 - 5:37 pm

If only his Game 6 had come out in 2003 (or even up through, oh, Oct. 16, 2004).

But it didn't. And now his saga of a philandering, gun-toting, angst-ridden Sox fan in Manhattan watching his life fall apart as the Sox get ready for the Buckner Bowl just won't have the same punch, at least not for anybody who really is a Sox fan. Go read Soxaholix for the perfect overview.

By adamg - 2/20/06 - 11:06 pm

Mark Sullivan: New England raises a Gansett to the memory of Curt Gowdy:

... In the 1950s and early '60s the sound of summer from Bar Harbor to Block Island was Curt Gowdy calling the Red Sox, sponsored by Narragansett. ...

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