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South Boston

By adamg - 6/19/16 - 10:43 pm
Sunset over Dorchester Heights, South Boston

Nick Cosky watched the sun go down this evening from Dorchester Heights.

By adamg - 6/17/16 - 10:46 am

An investigation into an argument between two groups that ended with gunfire on Fan Pier in February is "kind of at a dead end" because nobody involved wants to talk, a police detective says. Read more.

By adamg - 6/16/16 - 10:32 am

Urban Liberty provides an update on BRA planning for development along Dorchester Avenue from Broadway to Andrew.

By adamg - 6/13/16 - 9:52 am

Malia Lazu reports she went down to Carson Beach with a paddle board yesterday, figuring she'd get a little water exercise in. But, she continues: Read more.

By adamg - 6/10/16 - 7:07 pm

South Boston Today reports that faced with continued losses in court, the developer who wanted to turn the Gate of Heaven school on East 4 Street into 31 condos has given up and not renewed his purchase-and-sale agreement with the Archdiocese of Boston.

Neighbors who have fought the plan say the archdiocese should look at alternative educational uses, such as renting or selling the building to a charter school.

By adamg - 6/10/16 - 1:34 pm

Bandaloop at 100 Northern Avenue

Vinod Johnson watched the Bandaloop dance troupe help the Fallon Co. inaugurate its new 12-story office building at 100 Northern Ave yesterday.

By adamg - 6/10/16 - 9:37 am

The Providence Journal reports on the discovery of the remains of Steven DiSarro, who disappeared in 1993, his car still parked outside the Channel, the venue he managed.

FBI statement.

By adamg - 6/2/16 - 11:09 am
New cross going up atop Seaport chapel

Jen Richard watched construction workers install a cross atop the new Our Lady of the Good Voyage chapel in the Seaport this morning. The chapel was moved from its original location on Northern Avenue to make way for one of the many fine luxoprojects going up along the South Boston waterfront.

Krista Easterly also watched the work.

By adamg - 6/2/16 - 10:05 am
Colored panels on bridge across Fort Point Channel in Boston

Becky watched workers installing colored panels on the side of the Congress Street bridge yesterday: Read more.

By adamg - 5/31/16 - 3:56 pm

A relieved South Boston citizen is loving the moth balls scattered around outside on G Street by the high school:

Kudos to whomever put the moth balls around the area of 95 G Street. I actually enjoy the scent of the moth balls. It is not toxic, unlike the dog excrement that these moth balls are preventing. Please keep up the good work!

By adamg - 5/27/16 - 10:13 pm
Man on a wire in Moakley Park

Nick Cosky took photos of a guy who'd strung up a wire in Moakley Park to do various feats of acrobatic derring-do today.

By adamg - 5/27/16 - 8:17 am
South Boston asphalt

The Pave the Earth movement wins a victory in South Boston (pre-painting photo).

City officials have had the asphalt islands recently installed at Emerson and East 3 Streets painted to look like cobblestones.

Officials had to step in this week to try to calm a burgeoning text war being fought over the city's 311 system over the new raised islands that has pitted people who don't understand the preference for asphalt over trees and bushes and people who love how asphalt acts as a dog and addict repellent. Read more.

By adamg - 5/27/16 - 7:36 am

WBUR reports on the new obelisk near District Hall, which honors American service people who have died since the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

By adamg - 5/26/16 - 2:38 pm

Boston City Archaeologist Joe Bagley is posting photos of the 19th-century stuff he and other folks are finding today at the site of the shipwreck uncovered during construction of a new building on Seaport Boulevard.

By adamg - 5/26/16 - 1:43 pm
Proposed Northern Avenue Botanical Bridge over Fort Point Channel

Proposed Northern Avenue Botanical Bridge.

A proposal to enclose the Northern Avenue Bridge and turn it into a year-round botanical garden was among the top entrants in a competition to help the city figure out what to do with the bridge after it's floated to East Boston and repaired. Read more.

By adamg - 5/23/16 - 4:40 pm
Old boat in the South Boston seaport

Thomas Mann reports workers excavating at 121 Seaport Blvd for the waterfront's latest luxostructure today discovered they'd driven a pile right through an old wooden boat that had lain there for God knows how long.

By adamg - 5/23/16 - 12:07 pm
Firefighters on the roof of 57 W. 7 St. in South Boston

Firefighters making sure the fire is out. Photo by BFD.

The Boston Fire Department reports "careless disposal of smoking material" sparked a fire around 11:45 a.m. on the roof of 57 W. 7 St. that jumped to the siding at 55 and 59 W. 7 St. - "specifically using a rooftop planter as an ashtray."

The department reports no injures; six residents of 57 W. 7, however, were displaced.

By adamg - 5/23/16 - 10:35 am
Sleeper Street Cafe closed forever

Dan Feidt is none too happy to see this sign in the window of Sleeper Street Cafe, which will close Friday, less than a month after the nearby Yada Yada closed to make way for a craft-beer place:

I just want a basic sandwich not microwaved blah.

By adamg - 5/20/16 - 11:02 pm
Old pay toilet on Dorchester Avenue in South Boston

Lauren Demarco discovered today that the pay toilet that used to sit in front of the new wing of the Copley Square library has been relocated to a lot on Dot Ave. in South Boston.

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