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By adamg - 9/18/07 - 10:58 am

David at Blue Mass. Group reports from a MassINC debate on casino gambling this morning. In attendance: Rep. Dan Bosley, casino opponent; Treasurer Tim Cahill, who proposed a casino plan before Patrick; and Richard McGowan of Boston College., whose research field is addiction.

Dan Kennedy, who was also there, has more.

By adamg - 8/28/07 - 9:20 am

Keno, scratch tickets just not enough to fix our crumbling infrastructure.

By adamg - 8/25/07 - 10:30 pm

Dan Kennedy wonders if it would kill the MSM to acknowledge they've gotten their leads on the whole Glenn Marshall channeling Royal Switzler thing from Cape Cod blogger Peter Kenney.

By adamg - 8/9/07 - 9:49 am

Sabutai knows something about the gambling issue, living in Middleborough and all, and so wonders why Deval Patrick won't release that casino study:

By adamg - 7/31/07 - 8:16 am

Middleboro resident James Reynolds is chronicling the anti-casino effort on Middleboro - Worst Casino in the World. Dan Kennedy points out another anti blog: Gladys Kravitz: Middleboro's Nosy Neighbor.

By adamg - 7/29/07 - 10:12 am

Middleborough goes 'all in' is the lead story in the paper and yet never mentions that voters actually voted against the casino in a, granted, non-binding, voice vote. The Herald does note the voice vote in its story.

The Outraged Liberal is confused:

By adamg - 7/28/07 - 6:42 pm

They voted against the casino in a non-binding hand vote, but yes in a binding ballot-box vote. The matter now moves to the state legislature.

Sabutai reports from the Middleborough town meeting:

By adamg - 7/24/07 - 10:50 am

Already, supporters are basically calling people who oppose the casino Klan members. Dan Kennedy, who grew up in Middleborough, explains why he thinks the town should vote no this Saturday:

By adamg - 7/23/07 - 6:31 pm

David posts a copy (PDF) on Blue Mass. Group.

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