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By adamg - 9/12/18 - 2:54 pm

The Dorchester Reporter reports he's not waiting until after the election; will step down in two weeks to become special counsel to a lobbying company.

Conley had announced earlier this year he would not run for re-election. Democrat Rachel Rollins and independent Michael Maloney are running in November.

By adamg - 9/5/18 - 10:55 pm

Now that they've laid off all the workers, the new owners of NECCO are auctioning off some of its brand names - and much of the candy-making equipment at its now closed Revere plant. Read more.

By adamg - 8/28/18 - 8:13 am

The Jamaica Plain News lets challenger Katie Forde and incumbent Steve Murphy explain why voters should choose them for the job in this Tuesday's Democratic primary.

By adamg - 8/27/18 - 10:01 am

The Globe reports Suffolk County DA candidate Greg Henning is pulling in tons of contributions from police officers.

What's kind of interesting about those donations is that they all list the officers' address as 1 Schroeder Place, which is BPD headquarters - even if the officers work in the Revere, Winthrop or Brockton PDs - or are, in fact, Massachusetts state troopers.

By adamg - 8/20/18 - 9:30 am

Jamaica Plain News interviews Katie Forde, who, for the second time in two years, is running for Suffolk County Register of Deeds against former City Councilor Steve Murphy - only this time she's his only opponent in the Democratic primary.

By adamg - 8/17/18 - 2:31 pm

Suffolk County DA Dan Conley today made it official: He's endorsing assistant DA Greg Henning to succeed him in the Sept. 4 Democratic primary: Read more.

By adamg - 7/30/18 - 9:32 am

Workers at the suddenly shuttered NECCO plant in Revere say the company's new owner violated federal law when it closed the place last week without warning. Read more.

By adamg - 7/27/18 - 9:53 am

CommonWealth takes a look at the race for the Democratic nomination for Suffolk County District Attorney - and efforts by some in the black community to get some of the candidates to drop out, which is leading to the same sort of backlash that happened with a similar effort in the crowded race for mayor in 2013.

The primary is Sept. 4.

By adamg - 7/9/18 - 9:05 am

The Revere Journal reports on the latest proposal for the city: A 12-story, 156-room hotel on Revere Beach Boulevard.

By adamg - 6/27/18 - 10:13 am

The State House News Service reports on a forum the six candidates for Suffolk County DA held at the South Bay House of Correction yesterday.

By adamg - 6/21/18 - 12:26 pm

The Revere Journal reports the city is gearing up for some major rat asskicking that could include traditional rodenticides, dry ice and, yes, owls, in addition to distibuting heavy, covered trash cans to residents.

By adamg - 6/17/18 - 4:54 pm
Car in Everett with bicycle wedged in front

Car in Revere with bicycle wedged in front

State Police report arresting an Everett man on charges he drove into a bicyclist on Revere Beach Parkway in Revere early this morning, then just kept driving. Read more.

By adamg - 6/10/18 - 10:42 pm

CommonWealth summarizes the ACLU-sponsored forum for the five Democratic candidates for DA at Hibernian Hall the other night. You basically have three candidates on the left (Rollins, Carvalho and McAuliffe), one who, if not a right winger, not exactly with any plans to become the next Larry Krasner (current assistant DA Henning) and one who shares some views with the first three and some with Henning.

By adamg - 5/29/18 - 11:15 pm
Plane in front of a full moon

In Revere, Mike Cohea watched a plane heading into Logan - in front of tonight's full moon.

By adamg - 5/23/18 - 10:14 pm

Maybe it's a good thing Necco is getting a new owner: WBZ reports on an FDA inspection of the company's Revere plant that found, among other things, "Rodent feces 'too numerous to count' " in the building.

By adamg - 4/17/18 - 12:38 pm

The Supreme Judicial Court today dismissed a Revere man's conviction for possession of a stun gun, because the state's current complete ban on their ownership violates the Second Amendment. The ruling could spur legislation to regulate the weapons, similar to the way more traditional guns are. Read more.

By adamg - 4/10/18 - 12:38 pm

The five candidates for Suffolk District Attorney took similar positions on issues ranging from reducing the number of people who go through the criminal system to protecting law-abiding immigrants from ICE at a forum last night sponsored by JP Progressives and the NAACP. Read more.

By adamg - 4/5/18 - 6:14 pm

Four of the five people currently running for Suffolk County District Attorney this year support the criminal-reform legislation that just passed the state senate unanimously and which was opposed by just five Republicans in the house. That could be enough vote splitting to elect the one candidate who opposed the proposal, David Bernstein writes.

By adamg - 4/2/18 - 7:12 pm

Boston City Councilor Michael Flaherty (at large) announced today he won't join the race for the DA's seat Dan Conley is giving up: Read more.

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