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By adamg - 9/21/06 - 5:04 pm

Jeff explains why he will never again go to or recommend this sports bar.

By adamg - 9/21/06 - 1:09 pm

Ben Ostrander was in the stands last night when Big Papi hit his 50th home run:

... I do not really member being in a Fenway when the crowd went so crazy, that includes come from behind wins in Yankees game. ...

By adamg - 9/20/06 - 12:47 pm

I know, I know, not news, but it bears repeating.

By adamg - 9/18/06 - 2:23 pm

Bruce Allen and his readers count 11 errors in a single paragraph in Nick Cafardo's column on David Murphy today:

... What is going on over there? Is it that hard to check a few facts? Nick is trying to compare Murphy to other players drafted in his class, and just totally messed it up. ...

By adamg - 9/17/06 - 11:32 am

Joy of Sox notes Tim McCarver's proclamation yesterday that Trot Nixon is the most beloved Sox player by introducing Tim to David Ortiz.

But wait, it's even worse, because Timmer actually called Nixon

the most beloved player in THE Red Sox Nation

Which is just wrong.

Papel-Blog couldn't take it:

By adamg - 9/12/06 - 11:29 pm

Beth is Sox fan enough to admit it - she used to love the way Keith Foulke spit. But now? Ecch:

... And he's chewing tobacco, a great wad of it, bulging out his left cheek and making his lips shine with terrible disgusting brown juice, every so often letting go a great wet dribble of the ugly muck onto the mound.

The Ghost of Keith Foulke is a great metaphor. As with the team, the facts are the same--he's out there pitching and spitting on the mound. But everything else is not. ...

By adamg - 9/10/06 - 9:08 pm

C-Love explains why gynecologists and OB-GYN nurse-practitioners should read up on Red Sox history.

By fibrowitch - 9/10/06 - 11:24 am

It's fun, you can work with or without a partner, and only a small amount of money is needed for apparatus. Most importantly, it will draw all those television addicted two year olds outside where they can get exercise.

Does a two year old screaming in glee, and clapping her hands count as exercise for her? Or just for the adult who should have known better, providing the entertainment.

The back story...

I had a small party yesterday, 30 people. two people under the age of 5. I, knowing nothing about children except that if you purchase them fudge, don't be there when their Mother sees them. - I also hear that until about the age of 3 they leak, but I have no experience in this phenomena. I purchased some large balls they could throw, some bubble stuff they could make bubbles with, or dump on the floor. Option two being the most popular with the two year old. I also bought some blow up punching bags.

By adamg - 9/6/06 - 9:56 am

Kristen proposes:

... For the rest of the season, no one with an actual name is allowed to pitch for this team. No "Josh," no "Curt," no "Matt" (heh, right ), no "Mike" and no "Jonathan." From now on, only people with made up names can pitch. ...

By adamg - 9/5/06 - 9:29 am

Beth awakens to new possibilities:

... I've gotta admit...after seeing our starters back last night and seeing the team make another rally behind an improbable 6-inning performance from the world's unlikeliest hero, Julian Tavarez, I have hope. Hope that, as the last series against the ChiSox threw us into disarray, maybe this one will bring us back to life.

Yep, thought that sucker was in a coma, but there he is, worming around in my subconscious. Just the tiniest little larval hope. ...

By adamg - 9/2/06 - 12:44 pm

It's not about baseball anymore.

Jay Fitzgerald: The news is humbling on so many levels. It really does make you think about life's priorities. Fitzgerald, a Herald business reporter, adds he is glad he wasn't the one to have to decide whether to run the original Lester report earlier this week:

By adamg - 8/31/06 - 6:06 pm

On Dan Shaughnessy Watch, Jenny takes time off from bashing the CHB to bashing the Herald's Tony Massarotti and whoever fed him the story about Jon Lester's enlarged lymph nodes:

... First of all, whoever leaked this information should be fired. If it was a Sox official, I want them gone. If it was a health professional, I want them gone and I want them arrested for a HIPAA violation (yes, you can be jailed for that).

By adamg - 8/31/06 - 8:30 am

Dave Copeland still has tickets to three games and he's still going even if he can't get anybody else to go with him.

Beth (who can't believe the news about Jon Lester): Maybe the one silver lining about this crap is that it's separating the true fans from the frontrunning douchebags.

By fibrowitch - 8/31/06 - 1:17 am

Just wanted to drop a note here for the launch of the revamped dog boston web site.


By adamg - 8/29/06 - 8:11 pm

All day today, I've been seeing referrals to the David Ortiz page here from Google searches on terms like

david ortiz HGH


"david ortiz" heart steroids


By adamg - 8/29/06 - 7:45 pm

Take the poll; choices range from the 1812 Overture to Usher.

Via Jonelle, who wonders what the deal is with the 1812 Overture:

... Seriously? Are we that dorky, New England? ...

By adamg - 8/29/06 - 8:56 am

Back to Mass. General for David Ortiz.

Red pulls for him:

... He is the Mighty Thortiz. King David the Destroyer. Commander Kick Ass of the Hell Yeah Brigade. And now... he's ailing. So we sit and we wait for the updates and we hope for good news. Because it is infinitely more important than anything that transpires on the field. ...

By adamg - 8/28/06 - 8:13 am

On Dan Shaughnessy Watch, Jenny marvels at the suddenly once-a-day CHB, dissects his writing and gets very disturbed at a passage that describes how Terry Francona started coughing up blood during a post-game press conference:

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