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First nominee for the Storeowner Snow Hall of Shame: Dot Ave Burger King

Yo, King! There are these things called snow shovels. You might want to buy a couple and then use them so pedestrians who make the mistake of walking on your side of Dorchester Avenue after a snowstorm don't have to risk getting pancaked in the street because you couldn't be bothered to clear your sidewalk.

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Thanks to the Burger King website, the address of the offending restaurant is: 1208 Dorchester Avenue, Dorchester, MA 02125-1504; (617) 282-5293.

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Wouldnt calling the city and making them get a fine be the best course of action?

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You are correct, of course. With a stop at the supermarket, we didn't get home until about 6, too late to call ISD.

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I could have sworn there was a web form at the city's website last year that you could use to lodge a snow clearance complaint specifically.

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