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Campaign roundup: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but lawsuits are awfully satisfying

With one week left in the campaign, what have we learned? That every candidate for every office everywhere is a slavering, fanged troll who eats live babies and puppies as snacks, except for that nice Steve Grossman. He's such a mensch.

Speaking of slavering, fanged trolls, don't say mean things about un-birther Bill Hudak or he'll sue you.

The Globe is just wondering: How did two-thirds of the first Red Sox license plates wind up among pals of Karyn Polito? Wicked Local covers a debate between Polito and Grossman.

Jim McKenna hopes to capture angry voters.

John Carroll writes last night's debate was so boring he couldn't even get a decent drinking game out of it - and blames avuncular Charlie Gibson. The Globe provides the blow by blow. The Harvard Crimson reminds us that the two leading candidates are properly Charles D. Baker, '79 and Deval L. Patrick, '78.

Punditocracy: Michael Graham, at the Boston Republican, complains about alleged Democratic bias at the Globe. Jeff Jacoby thinks that Big Dig memo might be the hammer the Patrick campaign needs to put Baker away. Tom Keane watches the debate, goes meh.



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