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Green Line extension delayed again

The Globe reports.

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At this point I'll be surprised if it happens at all. They were required to restore E-line service as part of the same agreement, and we all know that's never going to happen, even if it would save them money in the long run.

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This is sounding more and more like the way that people in Roxbury and the South End got led on for years about a light rail line only to get buses (painted silver). Let me guess, in 10 years the state will be unveiling a bunch of buses painted green that connect to Lechmere, while commuter rail will have been extended to 10 more cities over an hour away for suburbanites to not ride.The same article points out that while buses, rail and light rail all have increased ridership since last year, the commuter rail is down 10%.

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Oh yes, it's the sound of a local real estate market collapsing...

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Wasn't the Copley station renovation originally supposed to be completed in 2008? We're more than halfway through 2010 and it doesn't look like it's going to be finished anytime soon. Judging by that, I'd say that the estimate of the new extension delay to even 2015 is one huge impossible pipe dream.

I'd blame it on the orange line. Changing all those "New England" signs to "Tufts" signs clearly took up all the available time and money. ;-)

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Maybe they'll spend the extra time re-designing the stations so they won't look like elementary schools built from shipping containers.

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You Somerville folk thinking you're somehow deserving of that, when the rest of the city isn't?

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Well, yes, as it's part of a legally mandatged requirement from when the Feds jammed I93 through the middle of that city. The extension is part of a mitigation agreement from the 1960s. Those people have only been waiting for decades. Do your homework before spouting ignorance, Brett.

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is one of the most densely populated cities here in this area, and in New England, generally. There's also a high, high incidence of asthma and other respiratory problems, and traffic gridlocks are constant in many parts of the city, especially during the morning and late-afternoon/evening rush hours. Route 28, as well as
I-93, are often crowded, as is Union Square. Buses are not an acceptable alternative.

Quite frankly, since the Bay State and the country at large are broke, we're still fighting endless wars, and our leadership, both statewide and nationwide, are total clusterf**ks, I see no chance that the Green Line Extension will happen anytime soon. We won the battle to get Yard 8 taken off the table, but there's more work to be done and an equally tough battle ahead.

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As someone who lives directly adjacent to one of the proposed locations, I couldn't give two bleeps if they are crystal pallaces, as long as there's a roof over the platform area and it will get me into cambridge or boston quicker and with lower headways than the 80 bus it's replacing.

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instead of more logical brick, concrete, or wooden structures, then the City should pony up the money to cover the cost increases.

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