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Artists briefly flush out MFA's collection

Toilet art"Milk: Bathroom," by Elizabeth Alexander. Photo by Greg Cook.

The other night, a bunch of local artists snuck into a pair of restrooms at the MFA and set up an impromptu gallery - in homage to a similar stunt 40 years ago at the museum. Greg Cook reports MFA guards were not amused:

At least three gentlemen from MFA security arrived as Cook spoke to the crowd packed into the hall outside the men's and women's rooms off a stairway down from the MFA's new Shapiro Family Courtyard. They generously let him say his piece, then as artists and audience moved along, MFA staff removed from the bathroom walls all the art by the participating artists.

More artOnto the next gallery. Part of a set by tbobtubb.

Cook's photo used by permission. Tbobtubb's posted under this Creative Commons license and tagged as universalhub on Flickr.

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