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Citizen complaint of the day: At least people could get around that Dunkin' Donuts truck

Stupid truck.

Every Friday morning, somebody tries to drive down West Street in Downtown Crossing. Only to have to back up and find another way to work because of a stupid McDonald's delivery truck parked there, just around the corner from Tremont.

This morning was no exception for the aggrieved citizen, who filed his or her sixth straight complaint today about the truck with Kentucky plates 45121T. Last Friday, the city ticketed the truck (just like it did in October), but the driver no doubt just chuckled before tossing the ticket away.

Dunkin' Donuts driver achieves the Masshole trifecta.

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The irony of a truck reading "Whip through traffic" blocking off...traffic is just hysterical.

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Er, just a thought, but then try to not drive down West street on Friday mornings.

Just sayin'

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at the end of the street next Friday morning to haul Billy Big Rigger's truck away the next time he blocks the street.

But issuing traffic tickets is easy revenue - whereas towing an actual violator requires real work.

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Call 911 - and stress that the street is completely blocked and emergency vehicles wouldn't be able to pass. BPD should ticket and order the driver to move it immediately. If they don't, then the city should tow it.

The cost of towing one of those things would be a small fortune, all of which is passed right on to the vehicle owner.

I have a great idea - base parking tickets on the GVWR class. A couple of eighteen wheelers mis-parked, and we can re-open a library branch.

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I got a little advice from a firefighter/inspector after having a conversation with him about my lack of response when reporting a vehicle parked in the street (left overnight during winter). He said, "If you don't get a response from the police, call the fire department! We'll see it gets towed."

Not that his helps here. The rigs needed to tow a semi are a pretty big deal and not something your average tow lot has access to.

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I think it ends up being about the same amount of work, from the officer's point of view... the towing gets farmed out to a private group who contracts with the city, and there's still a parking violation that gets paid to the city. If I'm the responding officer who sees this guy, and all I have to do is call in a tow, that's definitely what I'm doing to this jackhole.

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It has been established that Billy Big Rigger always blocks West Street every Friday morning at a given time. So, instead of BPD waiting for a constituent's 911 'blocking the street' call to dispatch a tow truck once the rig is there, have the tow truck lying in wait to move in when the driver arrives and leaves the rig parked.

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Since you must take a left at the end of West St. anyways, why not take the next street over? Takes you to the same place - to Tremont. West St. is a narrow street to start with, but like I said yesterday instead of stopping to take pictures to show how put out you are, why not take the next street over?

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If you see the truck on West Street while you're still on Washington, you can go up to Temple Place and take a left, unless of course there's a Silver Line bus blocking Temple Place. Or you can turn down Mason Street, which is technically a one way going the other way, but it's never enforced and it lets you out by the Ritz.

Or you can complain about something that again, will never change in this town...

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I don't think this would be allowed in a World Class City.

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For the life of me I couldn't remember the other street names but yes - they are all cut throughs to Tremont.

It seems that people like this person today and yesterday spend more time bitching than finding a solution. I'm just amazed at how people are so sensitive lately to being temporarily "put out".

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And your street was blocked like this, you might feel a bit differently.

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I'm guessing this was extremely early in the morning....doesn't look like the street as all that busy at the time!

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Oh please, Adam. The driver put out some orange cones for us. What more do you want?

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So thoughtful of the driver to put them out, so drivers know to squeeze left.

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Given yesterday's post about the DD truck, I thought the cones (more irony here) were to warn cyclists to squeeze left - you know those dark colored tailgates can be quite difficult to see!

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NYPD uses GIGANTIC, three-axle tow trucks now. Block a street or a hydrant, and you're gone. Doesn't matter if you have 4 wheels or 18.

On another note, is there no designated delivery zone/delivery time in that area?

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Yup. Enforce the damn traffic rules. No standing/parking in travel lanes, do not block intersections, do not allow people to run red lights.

This isn't rocket science.

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Then we can't do it here.

Don't you know? It's the law of Masshole NIHism.

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Interesting how different these comments are, in tone and content, than the ones regarding the incident with the DD truck, JP and bikes.

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Can I call 911 and have the police tow the city garbage truck that blocks my street for 20 minutes every week?

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You must not want your own trash to be picked up.

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I'd be fine with a neighborhood dumpster setup, which many European cities have.

But my main point was that blocked streets are part of living in a pre-automobile city. Of course we should find ways to keep things moving, but a truck making a delivery is not the worst thing in the world.

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The drivers typically stay in the cab, and they can stop collecting and move through if an emergency vehicle needs the space.

A driver who is parked and has the ramp down and is unloading is not able to move away so quickly.

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not his cone. greg and marsha were having a driving contest and were searching for an egg.

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The mayor's Office of Constituent Engagement tweeted this afternoon:

McDonald's: Please tell your drivers not to block West St. Has been ticketed. Will be towed.

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Could they park on Mason St ?... like the other truck deliveries

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What's being developed on the block across the street from the Paramount Theatre?... Washington Street between Hayward Place and Avenue de Lafayette Boston Massachusetts 02111

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Condominiums, by Millennium Partners.

Hayward Place condo tower breaks ground downtown (Boston Herald, 11/15/2011)

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Got a solution!?... contact the good folks

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