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Maybe he was just rummaging around under his desk for a copy of the T photo policy

You snooze you lose? You snooze you lose? Original.

UPDATE: The person who took the photo says it was at 11 a.m., Saturday, not near midnight.

Last night, MBTA Transit Police tweeted a request: If you see anybody on the T who looks like they could use shelter in this heat, give them a call.

Shortly before midnight, somebody tweeted the above photo to the police, added:

looks like someone needs shelter, or a bed

Redheadedgirl IDed the location:

It's park street, on the Red Line level- you can tell from the pillar.

Steve Annear reports the T is now investigating.

T cop found napping at Mattapan station.

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At least the two cops were in the stations. I seen them on the beaches in East Boston and puttering around on motorcycles or bicycles on the streets but never in the stations. You punish these two and the rest of them will never go into the stations.

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MBTA Inspector

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...would it have been utterly unreasonable if the photographer rattled on the window and said "Yo - dude, wake the fuck up or
you're gonna get in trouble."?

Is it fair to say that instead of looking for "gotcha" moments, you could've scared this guy into never sleeping again without him
getting in trouble? It's not the photographer's job to do what I'm suggesting but c'mon...wake him the fuck up!

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I had the same thought myself -- this guy might be a real upstanding employee who was up late last night taking care of his sick kid and accidentally dozed off for a few minutes. Poor bastard might loose his job even though he's always been helpful to passengers.

But then you have that green line driver who yells at someone for taking a cell phone photo (!) and should be removed from her duties. It's hard to cut anyone at the MBTA a break when you hear stories like that.

But it's irrelevant. The union likely has the power to ensure their reprimands are minor so there is neither any harm nor benefit to reporting the offenses. Posting it on a public forum like this will have the greatest impact anyway.

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There was a guy who worked at the Green Street station for a while. Instead of sitting inside his booth, or even being inside the station - he'd illegally park his Mercedes S-class (a fairly new one, too) right next to the station in the fire lane (instead of the handicapped lane on the opposite side of the street), and then polish/clean it. Routinely.

I reported it immediately, gave them a description of him, the Mercedes, its license plate - and demanded to get a call back. Never did.

Head over to Back Bay Station some time and see all the nice shiny vehicles owned by people making $20k-54k (starting wage is $10/hr, average yearly income among all bus drivers is $54k.)

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Think they paid cash or used a loan, i.e. credit [somebody elses $]? Or lease? VERY few American can pay cash for a new car, most get a loan [credit] or lease, so in effect most really don't 'own' their car, suv, truck anymore than people with a mortgage 'own' their home.

But I know what you're saying. Interesting to see working class / middle class folks with very fancy cars. People love to show off, but whoever is loaning them the $ with interest is getting the last laugh.

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Could a public employee have another means of getting a Mercedes Benz? Like a second job, a spouse who does well, an inheritance, etc.? The rush to judge public employees, sans any background information, is fraught with peril.

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A friend of mine makes about 75k a year but buys a new Cadillac escalade every 3 years (last one cost about 77k) and chooses to live in cheaper low rent places. He also spends about 1ka year cleaning the dam thing.

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Also, the T pays him to sit in the booth, not to stand outside and polish his illegally parked car.

Also: your friend is an idiot. He could be buying a 1-2 year old Escalade, and he could do so more often and spend less money because he'd be paying less on depreciation.

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He could also buy a 15K 2008 highlander.

He can do whatever he wants on his breaks or lunch though.

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The T police just want to get homeless people off the T and into shelters. And most of the shelters are disgusting, dangerous places. Which is why many homeless don't use them.

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After taking a photo, bang on the window to make sure the worker did not suffer heart attack, stroke, or other condition rendering them unconscious! God knows so many car accidents and T crashes are caused by medical conditions not bad driving!

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but look fancy with their white shirts and cool shoulder badge. The 10% of the inspectors who actually do their jobs make up for it.

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I think there's about 20+ Chevy Suburbans that spend about 18 hours a day idling.

Someone PLEASE explain to me what they're doing now that the T has GPS tracking on all the busses? And they no longer equip the Suburbans with pusher bumpers?

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Is he actually asleep? I've done that when I have a terrible headache. I'm awake, but trying to rest my eyes so it goes away.

This is the main reason I support public safety positions having a no-penalties-call-in policy, because it encourages people to come to work unfit for duty.

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Every time I go through Park Street, the heat is noticeable. I can just imagine having to sit in that guard shack, in the heat, and trying to stay awake.

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Slight chance he might be held accountable because of the attention the photo is getting, but I doubt it. Ever go through the bother of reporting a T employee? I have and they make it painfully clear that they don't give a damn. The employees know this, that's why the bus drivers at Forest Hills feel free to walk around with that go-to-hell attitude.

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It is entirely possible that this person wasn't on duty.

(probable is another matter)

If inspectors work split shifts like bus drivers do, he might have decided to stay and sleep where it was cool instead of going home and trying to sleep in a house/apartment without AC. Could have been on a break, too if he had been in since 5 or 6 in the morning.

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Depending on their job description, I might not consider this a bad thing.

If an inspector is supposed to wait around until getting a radio or phone call, there's nothing wrong with taking a nap.

I'm far less bothered by this than the T station agents who are supposed to be helping the public but instead hide where people can't find them.

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