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Norwood car dealership wins $1.5-million victory in legal battle against brothers of worker fired after cancer diagnosis

Jalopnik reports on some vindication this week for Clay Nissan: A Norfolk Superior Court judge this week ordered the assets of two brothers seized because the judge agreed they sure seemed to have libeled the car dealership over the way it fired their sister.

Far from firing Jill Colter because she had cancer, her manager at Clay Nissan agonized over dumping her because of poor job performance that had nothing to do with her treatment, Judge Renee Dupuis wrote in an order. In fact, Clay knew when it hired Colter she had cancer and even as it was firing her, it continued to employ two other people with cancer in the same department, Dupuis wrote.

An extensive blog and Facebook campaign by the brothers cost the dealership large amounts of money in lost sales when they had no evidence to back their claims the dealership regularly fired people diagnosed with cancer, she added in ordering the brothers' assets attached in what she said was the likely case the company would win its defamation suit.

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The court gave Adam Colter a week to submit the e-mails, which he never did. The judge concluded that the e-mails didn't exist.

I love quoting "Liar Liar." To do so again, in reference to Clay Nissan, "and the truth shall set you free!"

Now I just hope that the dealership does the right thing and uses some of the $1.5 million to help pay for the treatment of the cancer-stricken former employee.

As for the defendant, call me queer, but if my brother was sick, I wouldn't be placing myself in a position where I'd end up on the hook for a libel settlement when I could have used the money to help pay for his care.

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Now I just hope that the dealership does the right thing and uses some of the $1.5 million to help pay for the treatment of the cancer-stricken former employee.

You seen to be confused. The dealership received the award to make up for the money they lost. This isn't Santa giving them presents. It's money they need to pay their bills - including the salary and benefits of current employees.

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I know that they received legitimate, quantifiable damages...but they really lost $1.5 million in business/fighting this?

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These brothers got what they deserved. They should have let the courts decide. This campaign against the dealer is sickening. I am so happy they won. It was a shakedown.

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