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Roxbury liquor store agrees to cut the nips and help clean up Ramsay Park

Brothers Liquors on Shawmut Avenue agreed with city officials yesterday to stop selling tiny bottles of booze.

A lawyer for the store told the Boston Licensing Board yesterday the store will give up sales of nips in one month - which will give the store a chance to sell off its existing inventory of the mini-bottles, which residents have long complained encourages local alcoholics to drink in nearby Ramsay Park and dump their empty nips all over the place.

The store had been prohibited from selling nips until last year, when the board lifted the prohibition.

The store also agreed to sponsor a monthly cleanup of Ramsay Park.

Store owners agreed to the nips ban and park cleanup only after the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services asked the licensing board to restore its previous ban on nips and the sale of single cans of beer.

Under an agreement with the office, the store would continue to keep selling single beer cans - but with the knowledge police from District D-4 will be keeping an extra close eye on the results of those sales for the next few months.

The store is no stranger to the licensing board. Last year, it had its license suspended for a week after police found it offering delivery service to underage Northeastern students.



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friggin college kids.

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Why do you blame college kids? Did you even read the article? It said the problem was alcoholics making a mess in the park.

I wish the Central Square liquor stores would stop selling nips as well.

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The Booze Board can ban liquor stores from selling nips? On what grounds? The vast majority of liquor stores in Boston sell lil shooters, and the vast majority of customers for nips are derelicts who drink in nearby parks and dump the empties all over the place.

That said, kudos to this Store for doing something positive for the community (even if they were strong-armed into it).

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a jug of something strong at the door, two bucks a swig?

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Now how about the store in Forest Hills? The area behind the wall from the Court House to Hyde Park Avenue is cleaned out every couple of weeks but looks like a tramp camp littered with dozens of nips and cheap cans a few hours after it's swept.

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This isn't isolated to this one park.. its EVERWHERE. I see these empty nip containers everywhere.

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People in Boston love to complain complain complain about the dumbest things.

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