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Are we having fun yet? Not in the Sunday Globe comics, we're not

John Carroll is outraged the Globe has dropped Zippy on Sundays.

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... the really pretty unimpressive "Wumu" (or whatever).

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She just never got Zippy!

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this is great news!

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How stupid are those strips?

Not as good at a lot of what's out there, but not nearly as stupid as Zippy.

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Can Zippy make a comeback if he grows a beard?? I loved that crazy dude.

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Outraged is an understatement. Why, If I still subscribed to the globe I'd cancel my subscription. If I went to their crappy websites, I'd stop going. But since I already think the Globe is crap I can only complain here.

Zippy is amazing and helps me make it though the day. Unlike most other comics, there is real art in zippy and even without the captions it's enjoyable. Zippy is an oracle. He explains the life, society, and the world around us. I can honestly say that when going though some of the most difficult moments of my life, reading Zippy each day helped more then anything else.

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i honestly cant tell if your kidding...

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Ok, I get it. The humor is a little esoteric (after hating Zippy as a child, something later clicked and I became a big fan, I even got a "tip" in 2003 when I submitted a photo of a Malden bowling alley which was used in a strip, the signed original of which is framed on my wall at home), but besides that, the work is high art, which is missing from comics pages (not that all strips need to be -there's more to a good strip than just the artwork).

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Other than Dilbert, the Sunday Globe comics have been rather dull. All those comics the Globe used to have are now on the Herald. When Garfield left their pages a few years ago, the Globe comics have not really been the same.

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The only thing good about Garfield is that it begat the webcomic "Garfield Minus Garfield."

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... for a few years ... long, long ago.

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Yeah, back when the competition was "Love Is..."

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Why drop Zippy when you inexplicably pay to run FAMILY F**KING CIRCUS, that's what I want to know.

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... and why does he/she almost always make _really_ bad decisions on what to add and what to drop?

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I always wondered if its not just an editor's decision, but also a contractual agreement between the artist and the newspaper. Like if the contract expires, thats the time to either drop it or renew it?

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That's the reason that the Globe lost all the truly good comics to the Herald years ago - the syndicate that oversaw the artists was owned by Hearst, so when Hearst bought the Herald, the syndicate decided not to renew its contract with the Globe, and went over to the Herald instead.

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...Zippy will turn up in the Herald. ;~}

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...but Bill Griffith is a real artist, unlike so many comic strip authors who may be funny but can't draw worth a damn (looking at you, Scott Adams).

Check out this strip featuring our own Charlie's Sandwich Shoppe: http://zippythepinhead.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Product_Cod...

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This is really an outrage. I mean like wake the kids and call the neighbors and then go over to Brookline and burn down John Henry's mansion.

Griffith really is the best artist in the funny pages. Comic strips are really crap compared to the average art quality of years past. I really enjoyed Griffith's travel sketch book, "Get Me A Table Without Flies, Harry." Zippy as a strip is only laugh out loud funny every so often and usually not in the two panels of set-up and one punchline formula that most follow. I can't stand "Big Nate," "Rose is Rose" and "Family Fucking Circus" but we're stuck with them. Ok, people with no sense of humor, artistic sensibility or clue might want a strip they can enjoy as well, but does that mean they have to take away the GOOD strips???

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... ever resurrected a comic based on public clamor?

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He famously lobbied The Boston Globe against dropping The Amazing Spider-Man in 1994.

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...that was during the series where Peter Parker was having all those extramarital affairs...

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I've noticed recently that "Rymes with Orange" has been missing. Fantastic cartoon, one of my favorites, that and Pooch Cafe..

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That Rhymes with Orange has disappeared. And why is For Better or For Worse stuck in the 70's?

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For Better or For Worse was rebooted (back to when the parents and kids were young) by the cartoonist a few years ago. This was one of the best comics IMO since we ALL experience what those characters go through...

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I do think For Better or For Worse was one of the better strips. I thought Johnston's art does a really good job of capturing body language and the stories were very relatable...in their time. The actual nut of the stories still holds up very well, but the occasional fashion, technology and music reference can just be really distracting. Not a deal killer, but it's like sitting down tonight and watching an episode of All in the Family not as an archival sort of thing but like stuck in the middle of current programming.

Shouldn't she just publish compilations of her work for those that wish to read it and then vacate the pages of the newspaper so something new can come in? Of course that would require newspaper editors capable of identifying new talent or willing to take risks on things that aren't imitative, unimaginative crap like the majority of the Globe's strips.

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rebooted the comic strip back to a young family focus. But the chauvinism and sexism of those times are dated when read now.

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Comics died when Gary Larson and Bill Watterson stopped making them in 1995.

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Wine snobs, beer snobs, coffee snobs, car snobs, bike snobs, ski snobs - seen 'em all.
Now there's comic snobs? Wow, get a grip.

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If it weren't for the snobs, there wouldn't be standards.

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... actually thinking about comics and expressing reasons for liking some and disliking others is ... snobbery?

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[email protected] - he's the dick who took out Zippy and still kept Rose is Rose and the Family Circus.

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Rose is Rose (or even Family Circus -- though I rarely look at this one except by accident).

Thanks for the name and e-mail address.

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