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Stay out of the ATM near the Landmark Center Best Buy

Holloway McCandless reports on an incident around 8:40 p.m.:

Warning to BofA ATM users near Best Buy Landmark--card opens door to get in, but exit lever is broken. Rescued by passer-by.



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Or was there a carnivorous plant involved.

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I thought fire code required that you be able to push (not pull) open any exit door from a public building. Does an ATM count as a building?

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How can you tell this was a pull, not a push? Sounds to me like there simply was no little flap to push it to unhinge the lock and push the door open.

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Say the ATM machine developed some type of electrical fault and started smoking. You want out, burning plastic smoke is not good for you. Any fire safety device shall be maintained in good working order. 527 CMR covers a lot of these situations.

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That's true AFAIK. But it sounds like the door was broken. You'd think our society would have developed door technology that makes this very unlikely, but stuff happens anyway.

On multiple occasions I've found locked secondary exits in T stations between midnight and closing time, often in places where you'd get trapped between the turnstiles and the locked gate (unless you paid again, or had a pass). Sometimes a manager replies to my complaint and assures me it won't happen again, but it keeps happening anyway.

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Couldn't find the clip, though.

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...anyone actually reporting it to either BoA, or to the Building Maintenance?
I mean, posting it here is helpful and all, but this site doesn't service the building.

*takes off Princess Obvious hat*

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And the result was they couldn't find anybody responsible for ATMs, so she had to rely on the kindness of strangers to get out.

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Y'know, with a little scrap metal and a welding torch, she could have fixed that broken latch by herself, and done a service to the neighborhood, instead of just whining about it on the internet.

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just reported it through the proper channel here.

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It's a trap!

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BoA is getting desperate to retain customers.

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