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We see somebody at BU is ready for winter

Who moved my cone?!?

On a day with an official heat advisory, somebody on Bay State Road in BUville is clearly already getting ready for winter by putting out a cone. Or maybe they do things differently on Lawn Guyland or wherever the cardboard writer is from and cones are always in fashion (note to kiddo: You do realize that sometimes the city DPW moves space-saving cones or that maybe somebody other than the owner of that car did, right?).

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that a note is all he left.

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You thinking the note writer maybe knows these two?:

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Not that I want to be caught dead defending "Lawn Guyland", but I would be surprised to learn that those hailing from there were very familiar with the cone/street furniture routine, since they come from the land of perpendicular parking.

Also, I don't recall the use of the word "prick" being particularly popular there. It's a little too, er, refined. I think you would have gotten something a bit stronger from "Strong Island".

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I'm also genuinely surprised he/she knew "a lot" is two words and not one.

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know "a lot" in the context used on the note is correctly two words, and still use bad language.

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..I have some relatives out there who call each other that, all too often.

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"And I have my CAR here for a reason, too--to park it."

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When stumbling home on winter nights, my friends and I would often take the opportunity to do some light furniture shopping in lower Allston. Having no use for orange traffic cones, we delighted in simply moving them from their origin to any other point down the road.

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The more I read this note...
The more I am dying to know...
the reason...

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Not all of Bay State Rd is BU -- there are private residences closer to the Charlesgate side and a bunch of MIT Frats are scattered throughout the block.

BU students are unlikely to know Boston's law of the land when it comes to space saving during the snow. They are likely just being your normal run of the mill jerk who wants to move something big later in the day and wants the space kept open for them.

Back were I come from we ask a friend to sit in the spot for an hour reading a book while we wait for the truck.

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I have this problem in Highland park in Roxbury. There used to be plenty of parking in the neighborhood. Now as more housing is being built and the neighborhood is become less 'dangerous' and Northeastern students are discovering the area parking is becoming like the rest of Boston. some of the old time neighbors are putting cones out year-round to reserve 'their' parking. And they are very nasty if you move the cones.

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. some of the old time neighbors are putting cones out year-round to reserve 'their' parking. And they are very nasty if you move the cones.

translation: Some of the old time neighbors are helping themselves to what isn't theirs. And they are very nasty if you try to stop them.

No different from any other common thief and should be treated the same.

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Print out handicap permit applications and stick them under the wipers of said old-timer's cars.

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Is the "reason" he had the cone there because he is a prick who likes to save spaces by throwing crap in them and pretending that he owns them? There is no saving spaces, especially in the summer. If you need to reserve a space for a moving truck you can get a permit for that. Otherwise, tough luck.

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not to mention the cost for getting a street permit. No too many people opt for the permit. I saw a gang of people moving on the beginning of this month and did not see one permit posted.

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Boston makes it unnecessarily difficult to get a moving van permit, by lumping it in with construction permits for things like digging up the street. It makes sense to require a huge bond/insurance policy for the latter, but not the former.

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omg wtf I actually have to get off my lazy ass and do something? Oh dear. Sensitive kitten: it's really not that difficult to get a moving van permit, I puh-womise. I've done it twice with no problem. A trip to city hall isn't that big of a deal... unless gasp! public transportation is scary and too dirty for you. If you can't handle the supposed insurmountable inconvenience of getting a permit, then you probably can't handle big bad scary city living. Honestly now!

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Ok, I see that Boston no longer requires the bond for moving permits. That's a step in the right direction, but the permits are still very expensive ($50 plus $1 per square foot).

Cambridge charges $25 for a truck under 50 feet in length, and Somerville charges $40.

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Do permits cost money? When I moved to Boston, I got a permit to give the moving truck a place to park in front of my house. I don't remember it costing anything. If it was very much I think I would remember it.

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Yep. Money for the permit (see above, looks like $50 for a standard truck, although I can't remember paying that much a few years ago) and then money for the no parking signs. And you need to go to two different departments at City Hall. Fine if you are a student before classes start, not as good when you need to take time off work.

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I seem to remember when I moved from the west coast to Brighton in 2007 that the online info for reserving a moving spot also indicated that a police detail might be necessary. While I was probably reading the "worst case scenario" aspect of it all, between the shuttling through City Hall for permits and the possibly expensive detail we just opted to wing it and hope for a parking spot. Boston makes moving to the city generally difficult and confusing, and this was no exception.

The phrase we used was "Welcome to Boston: F*CK OFF!"

Somerville was a breeze by comparison, but by then perhaps we were used to the Byzantine labyrinth of MA bureaucracy...

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Perhaps for a very large move or one that will impact traffic?


For my impending move next week, I'm taking a gamble on not getting a permit, in part because getting to City Hall during the day is difficult, and in part because for some reason, no one parks on my street on the weekends.

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Maybe because my wife did all the work and I just put the signs up.

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If you pull a street occupancy permit, for each space you occupy, you are displacing a neighbor into a for-pay garage; that's real money that comes out of your neighbor's pocket, so it would be unfair if you could pull a permit for free.

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Old TVs and monitors better than cones for reserving a spot. Cones are too easy to move. Where did he get a cone anyway? Probably stole it from DPW. The proper thing to do is get a permit from the city and put the cardboard sign on the parking meter for no parking.

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