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Citizen complaint of the day: DJ Dirty Dek is a pottymouth

DJ Dirty Dek sticker

A fed-up citizen complains about a local DJ who keeps putting up his stupid stickers on light poles across the city, no matter how many of them this fair citizen of the Hub keeps ripping down:

I've removed almost a hundred past few years. Obscene language.

Mr. Dek has a Facebook page, of course.

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Lol his pic

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Speaking as a shitty artist, that Onion bit is cutting awfully close to the knuckle.

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It's mr steal ya girl right there. Pimp daddy

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Ya I'm worried about a fat guy who know how to use a record player stealing my GF. Haha, you should see how nervous I get a fast good joins, fat guys who know how to use microwaves will steal your girl 10x out of 10.

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Hundred bucks says the person who lodged the complaint is from Brookline.

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in bad music.

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...the future is now. At least in this case...

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How about fining the guy for vandalism for every single one of his obnoxious stickers which has to be removed by a city crew? The city can use the money to clean up other graffiti and install some public bulletin board kiosk things to encourage civilized posting of playbills.

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Shameless self promotion. And a waste of money if you ask me.

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he's a dekarator...what do u expect...get off his nuts...complaining about potty mouth stickers... smh it seems to me like someone has too much free time on their hands...

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Mr. Deejay Dirty Dek is a decorator. However as a play on words and an abuse of English spelling, we could also say that he is a "dek-arator" since the last part of his stage name is "Dek". What do you expect from a decorator but decoration on your streets with his decorative stickers? Please stop standing on his scrotum, especially if you're standing there simply to complain to him about his decorative stickers.

I shake my head in your general direction because I am expressing my disdain for your opinion but as this is a written medium the best I can do is to tell you that I'm shaking it. I believe you have too much free time if you are standing on the scrotum of a man you want to complain about as he attempts to decorate the city with his stickers.

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You make me laugh. Your focusing on all the wrong things why not spend your time on getting these drug dealers off your corners who are selling the youth of your community and future of your country drugs. Here is a productive member of society being nip picked for self promotion look at the sticker it is not fowl language spelt correctly.....GET A LIFE

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You make me laugh. YourYou're focusing on all of the wrong things. whyWhy not spend your time on getting these drug dealers, who are selling drugs to the youth of your community and future of your country, off of your corners who are selling the youth of your community and future of your country drugs. Here is a productive member of society being nipnit-picked for self-promotion. lookLook at the sticker. itIt is not fowlfoul language speltspelled correctly.....GET A LIFEGet a life.

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We will show you fowl language as our rafters reclaim our native lands! We are unflappable. Fear us and our hearty calls!

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Walking the streets tearing down 1 particular sticker out of many in a college town seems personal. Dude must have smashed his girl or said no to taking a photo holding the haters cat. Weirdos.

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