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Citizen complaint of the day: There's never a fire hose around when you need one

Two exotic cars parked at a hydrant

An irate citizen complains about where some valet is parking the more exotic cars on Congress Street near the Children's Museum:

Four hours ago it was a Masserati parked in front of the hydrant. Now it's a vintage Caddie and Bentley. Are you going to do something about this valet or do special cars get special treatment? PLEASE!!

This is what happens to the cars of morons who park in front of hydrants.
Another reason not to park in front of a hydrant.



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I called the city once on a restaurant's valet parking on my block - found out that to get the permit, you have to park the cars in a lot. You're not supposed to park on the street.

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The Seaport Ave. valets just use the bike lane/travel lane to store vehicles. They were also crudding up the lot at Harpoon, claiming that they had rented space there (all a misunderstanding, riiiigggghhhhttt).

There needs to be a neighborhood crackdown on this shit. More than just little "don't do that again, mmmkay" hand slaps.

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There needs to be a neighborhood crackdown on this shit. More than just little "don't do that again, mmmkay" hand slaps.

I'm definitely going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

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Valet enforcement is not very stiff. At least not under the previous administration:


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Valets routinely use bus stops, bike lanes, sidewalks and double park, and the city never does anything. It would be great if Walsh stepped up where Menino was impotent, but I bet this gets marked"all clear now" at 7am in a week or two.

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The worst offender I've seen is the Boston Harbor Hotel.

First of all, who's the ignoramus in the city government who let them use most of the sidewalk space for car storage?

But even that's not enough, and they still routinely block traffic on Atlantic Avenue with illegally parked cars.

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"Btd does not have officers on sunday. call police."

Why didn't anyone ever tell me this earlier? You can park wherever you want on Sundays?

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I thought one of the central principles of a system like Citizens Connect was to *never* give the response "that's not my department." but, instead, to route the ticket to the appropriate department and bird-dog it for resolution.

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The central principle of Citizens Connect was for Menino to say he did something, and to let people vent. In my experience its useless, they wait a week or two and say "all clear" for things like illegal parking or tell you why they aren't going to bother, like here or when MA State police or MassPort has jurisdiction.

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Do the police care about non-safety rules like resident parking? Or can I start parking in Back Bay resident spaces on Sundays?

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Ignoring that the convertible is not quite in front of the hydrant. I have to notice the convertible is prepared, unlike the BMW in the previous news post, the car seem to have no windows for the fire department to break if there was a fire.

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I'm sure the fire department could find a way to make an example of this car, if they had to. The lack of windows just means it's easier to 'accidentally' make a leaky connection that just happens to spray water all over that leather interior.

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maybe doin a little investigatin? anybody know if there is a country western titty bar near here?

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anybody know if there is a country western titty bar near here?

Lucky's might run a special night. Ironic, of course.

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Are they doing any filming for Black Mass around there? Those looks an look like the era and style of cars my buddy was showing me from the set.

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It's not just the valets that pull dick moves like this to try and make an extra 20 bucks. Hotel management and restaurants will never turn anyone away and when it's super busy you just have to make do. Wen I worked at a downtown hotel we frequently blocked traffic and there would always be guests double parked because the doorman has all the spots in front of the hotel filled since he pockets all the cash. When I worked at commonwealth hotel it was insane during every Red Sox game. I understand it's a city and there is very limited space but hotels need to do something about the parking problem when guests check in. I've noticed cars blocking traffic at nearly every hotel in the back bay and downtown and it's extremely annoying when traffic is already a headache in those areas.

That said, I hate when people complain about the rich getting preferential treatment. Of course they get special treatment. They're rich. They pay more than you. Don't be jealous. It's always something totally innocuous that people complain about, too. Even here it's not a huge deal to block this hydrant because it's still accessible and I'm sure the valet is close enough that he could move the cars in the event of a fire. People complain about the most minute shit that really doesn't even affect them.

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What are you trying to say? That hotel doormen take bribes to let people park in the hotel's valet curb spaces?

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