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Detainee base sites report few problems


No protests. No children in the schools. No effect on city services. Two children with pneumonia treated at a local hospital and paid for by the federal government.

That's how the first month has played out at Naval Base Ventura County—Port Hueneme in Oxnard, California, where unaccompanied immigrant children are being housed

Still, normally rational folks are freaking out, here a state senator, and here a Republican activist.

In the communities near Camp Edwards on Cape Cod, a potential site to house children refugees, here's how the debate has been playing out.


July 22 - One day after protesters lined the entrance to Joint Base Cape Cod at the Otis Rotary on Route 28 urging Gov. Deval Patrick to change his mind about using Camp Edwards to house children who have fled Central America, around 60 people held a rally supporting the idea at the Falmouth Village Green on Monday.



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I think the Michelle Malkin blog posts earlier this year about planes full of "illegals" being "dumped" at Hanscom Air Force Base in Massachusetts (which is false) may have set the tone for a pitched fight over housing children refugees while they're being processed.

The debate was spiced up by fear-mongering that these kids are disease-infested criminals. More likely, rather than joining violent gangs connected with drug cartels, they decided to undertake a dangerous trek across central america in search of safety. The point is, we need to process the kids to find out as best as we can determine, the truth about their case.

Three things can happen; they can be reunited with family, given asylum or returned to the country they came from. Our laws require the decision is made by an immigration judge based on the facts as best as they can be determined.

I think we should treat them with respect and compassion while they're here.

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The Malkin thing is true.

Mind you, the Feds compensate the sheriffs that hold the detainees, but illegal immigrants, or criminal trespassers if you want to be more neutral, are being flown into Hanscom to be held until their final status is determined.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the influx of unaccompanied minors the country is dealing with now, save that some of the deportees are probably MS13 or Calle 18.

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While awaiting Deportation Hearings, of which, many will not show up.
Just remember something: Federal money is still your money.

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they'll be here for years and years..

having jobs, and families, and being people.


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Having jobs! Now you're talking!

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If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license,
but not for being in the country illegally, you live in a country run by

If you have to get your parents' permission to go on a field trip
or take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion, you live in a country
run by idiots.

If you have to show identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor or check
out a library book, but not to vote on who runs the government, you live in a
country run by idiots.

If the government wants to ban stable, law-abiding citizens from
owning gun magazines with more than ten rounds, but gives 20 F-16 fighter jets
to the crazy leaders in Egypt, you
live in a country run by idiots.

If, in the largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not a 24-ounce soda because
24-ounces of a sugary drink might
make you fat, you live in a country run by idiots.

If an 80-year-old woman can be stripped searched by the TSA but a
woman in a hijab is only subject to
having her neck and head searched, you live in a country run by

If your government believes that the best way to eradicate
trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more, you live in a country
run by idiots.

If a seven year old boy can be thrown out of grade
school for saying his teacher is "cute," but hosting a sexual
exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable, you live
in a country run by idiots.

If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more
government intrusion, while not working is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks,
Medicaid, subsidized housing and free cell phones,
you live in a country run by idiots.

If the government's plan for getting people back to work is to
incentivize NOT working, with 99
weeks of unemployment checks and no requirement to prove they applied but can't
find work, you live in a country run by idiots.

If being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you more
"safe" according to the government, you live in a country run by

If you are offended by this article, you probably voted for the
idiots who are running our country into the ground

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If you think all of that is true and cut-and-paste crap like that without any critical thought, then well, at least you're comforted to know your government represents you well.

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Very creative. It's the "Death of Common Sense" for the 21st century. It's great how simplification makes everything so black and white, and...conservative.

I hope someone invests the time to refute your arguments point by point, but who has the time? And what would be the point? It's not likely to change your mind.

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What a liberal answer. "I disagree with the basic facts that have been laid out, so I hope SOMEONE ELSE will do the work to prove you wrong."


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My second part of the response is here, but not really directed at you. I would guess it would take a long time, in person, for you and me to really be understanding each other.

Like one of my elementary school tests said, "Please read all responses before answering." I do appreciate the depth of your emotion and opinion in your now unfounded response. At least it's not freaking nihilism (w/ props to the Big L).

Snappy responses may be stylish, but it don't beat data and analysis, not in my book. Also, it doesn't matter, but I take great offense that you present your plagiarism as basic fact.

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Is discussed on snopes and refuted on politicalgarbagechute.com. Saves us the effort.

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Snopes only discussed the Foxworthy-ness of the rant, while I would not consider "politicalgarbagechute.com" to be the most reliable of sources.

That said, it's the typical right wing rant, and yes plagiarized to boot. Still, people have a right to their opinions, regardless of slant.

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People have a right to their opinions regardless of whether they are based on facts or just gut reactions spurred by fear and hatred. They have a right to voice them. They don't have a right to make up facts, distort issues and ignore reality just to satisfy their own fears and hatreds and present them as "just opinions" that ought to shut up everyone else and be the law of the land.

And I would say that this goes for all political leanings, with the understanding that one side tends to follow Yoda's advice more often than the other.

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[conservative cut-and-paste tripe snipped]

So when are you leaving?

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Believe uncritically every piece of hyperbole you find on the internet, you are an idiot.

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Someone please refute each point, because this article doesn't seem far off.

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That's your homework assignment for this upcoming weekend.
Find the refutations and explain why you think each one was made by an idiot.
Be sure to throw in "Benghazi" and "death panels" every so often. If you need help
I'm sure there some regular troll/"conservative" commenters here who would be
delighted to assist you.

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I have no interest in doing so. I say "doesn't seem far off" and you throw in "Benghazi" and "death panels", give me a break.

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Others have pointed out, refutations are readily available in whole or part elsewhere. However, given that the original post is nothing but uncited assertions and opinion writ as if it were fact, it is, first, up to the original poster to provide evidence of his assertions before others waste time refuting it. Extraordinary claims, etc.

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Have a Twix bar or two on me.

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Search Snopes.

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I won't refute each point. I do have work, after all.

Being arrested: Sure, some stupid government municipalities do make game laws arrestable offenses. These should be civil infractions resulting in a fine or summons to court only, and in most reasonable thinking states, this is true.

Not being arrested for being an undocumented immigrant, that's pretty much a lie: Common ICE methods of arrest of otherwise lawful, undocumented immigrants. There are also plenty of States like Arizona which have laws on the books allowing local law enforcement to arrest and transfer to ICE only for being undocumented.

I would remind you that not being documented, no matter the emotion for some, is a status offense. Similar to hunting out of season, for instance. A victimless crime, as we used to say (though criminology always taught me there may be harder prices to catalogue to society, which is the reasoning behind these laws).

Workplace raids used to be common! Remember the raids here in Mass? http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2013/03/10/immigrants-commemorate-anniv...

Parental permission: These laws were not borne out of illogical thinking. Field trip permission apprises your legal guardian of risks, and holds the school blameless, unless negligence is shown. The same w/ aspirin. An abortion?

Abortion: 2 states and the District of Columbia explicitly allow all minors to consent to abortion services. 21 states require that at least one parent consent to a minor’s abortion, while 13 states require prior notification of at least one parent. 5 states require both notification of and consent from a parent prior to a minor’s abortion. 6 additional states have parental involvement laws that are temporarily or permanently enjoined. 5 states have no relevant policy or case law.

This is from the bottom of page 1. The thing about abortion on this screed stood out blatantly to me, as I've dealt w/ health rights and applicable law for minors before. I think that 21 States requiring at least one parent belies that point, as well as the notification--requiring States. In the States where minor consent is allowed, the reasoning in reproductive rights is that if parents were informed, some adolescents may fail to seek medical attention at all.

If the option to see a medical provider discreetly is provided, more options are open, not just abortion. A young woman could, at the least receive access to timely prenatal care and given all options, not just an abortion (emergency contraception). Or she may decide after speaking w/ a provider that speaking w/ her family is best. Adoption could become an option.

But adolescent health providers believe there are significant numbers of kids who may never seek health advice. Even if they deliver in a hospital when the time comes, the baby may have already been permanently affected, never mind the debate about back-alley abortions, or worse.

See how long just the first two points took for me? Please feel free to continue on your own. But I read all of these as misdirections, reducibility to the point of distortion, and trite w/ the point of being punchy, but losing any nuance and true understanding. Aspects of fact are twisted for support. It's the opposite of enlightening.

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If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license,
but not for killing a Black teen, you live in a country run by 

If you have to get your parents' permission to go on a field trip 
or take an aspirin in school, but not to buy a gun, you live in a country 
run by idiots.

If you have to show identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor or check
out a library book, but not to buy a gun, you live in a
 country run by idiots.

If the government wants to ban stable, law-abiding citizens from
owning gun magazines with more than ten rounds, but gives 20 F-16 fighter jets
to the crazy leaders in Israel, you
live in a country run by idiots.

If, in Mississippi, you can’t educate your citizens and you lead the nation in obesity and poverty, you live in a country run by idiots.

If an 80-year-old woman can be stripped searched by the TSA but a 
woman in a hijab is only subject to 
having her neck and head searched, you watch Fox News.

If your government believes that the best way to eradicate 
trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more on weapons, you live in a country 
run by idiots.

If a seven year old boy can be thrown out of grade
 school for having Gay parents, you live
in a country run by idiots.

If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more
 government intrusion, while not working is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks,
 Medicaid, subsidized housing and free cell phones, 
you listen to Howie and read the Herald.

If the government's plan for getting people back to work is to
 ship your job to China, you shop at Walmart in a country run by idiots.

If twenty 6 & 7 year old kids are massacred in a Connecticut elementary school and you say it’s the price we pay for freedom, you live in a country run by 

If you are offended by this cut & paste, you probably voted republican.

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