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Friends identity South End murder victim as Niko Nunez, 20

Niko Nunez

Friends are identifying the man shot to death on Aguadilla Street as Niko Nunez, 20.

The Globe has more about the life and death of the young father.



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Thoughts and prayers to his friends and family.

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That's a shame. RIP to the boy.

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Prepare/ rehearse mentally for what a confrontation in a sketchy area might be like with hopes that I could increase the chances that i may avert/diffuse or be successful overall.

What cannot be prepared for to a large extent, is the instance of "lightning striking," aka "the wrong place at the wrong time."

When the shooters are as young as they are these days: they have worse aim, and they are bold enough to even shoot automatic weapons in broad day light.

Granted gang violence is SELDOM random in our fair City but if so in the case, God Bless.

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According to the globe article - in other words, the usual aspiring rapper turning his life around story. This was not random, and this lad was not an innocent angel.

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So you knew him and his family and friends intimately I see.

Since the Globe story didn't have too much detail, why don't you tell us all about him, since you're clearly so well-acquainted?

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Is it really an unreasonable inference to make?

"Getting his life on track", lots of tattoos that to me seem like they could be gang-related (No I'm not an expert but tattoos on the front of your hands are not too common outside of those circles), hanging out on the street at 3 am, etc. etc. What grieving family is going to come out and say "Yep, he was in a gang"?

I mean come on, you can bury your head in the sand here but the rash of violence in these areas doesn't just come out of thin air. Until the glorification of gang culture stops, until there is emphasis on education in the urban community, until people aren't labeled "sellouts" for achieving something better, these will be regularly recurring stories.

Are all of these shooting victims in gangs? Absolutely not. But the indignation that happens when someone suggests that a majority of the victims are likely to have gang ties in one form or another is ridiculous.

RIP, another child left fatherless and unfortunately likely to repeat the cycle.

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clutch them pearls harder

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regardless whether he was a gang member or not no one deserves to go out the way he died and before making assumptions about him and his path, learn more about him because he was getting his life on track in fact he made a lot of changes to better support for his son and family and had a great character and infectious smile that would change anyones mood from down to lid up in an instance, not to mention he always looked out for his friends and family no matter what. Even if you argued or had your disagreements with him he never let that separate you and him at all. & this is coming from someone who is acquainted closely because im his cousin.

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Thank you, cousin, for bringing some humanity and TRUTH into this discussion. I am getting so tired of folk in their ivory towers criticizing a dead father whom they know nothing about. These folk are so quick to dismiss this young man as a gangster based on what "seems to be".

What do you know about growing up in the city, JP regressive? Did you? As youth, most of us banded together for protection, strength in numbers. This is about staying safe, which as we know is not guaranteed. This is not about "bangin" this is about self-preservation. Maybe it was different when and where you were raised.

The truth is, few people know about the victim, yet most of you have a sanctimonious comment because you just don't know what it is like to try and survive in the city while doing the right thing, all you see is another low-life.

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In no way am I saying that he "deserved to die" or dismissing his death, or calling him a low life. I didn't know him personally and would never make those assertions anyway.

What I'm saying is that there are consequences for actions, whether they happened in the past or are still occurring. To ignore the potential and likely role that gang affiliations, past or present, play in much of the violence in this city doesn't do any good for anyone. In order to attack the root cause of this endemic, the first step is to acknowledge its presence. That's my only argument.

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... basis for assuming that this murder victim was "gang connected".

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As outlined above, it's an inference that I don't view as unreasonable, based on what we do know about the situation.

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What you say is so true about the ivory tower. I lived in the S. End for 5 years until 2012 and it was a very odd place. 40% of the housing there is supposedly low income, but I never saw any of my low income neighbors. Sometimes, if I stopped in for Chinese food on Tremont and Pembroke, I'd run into some kids there. If I'd say hi, they'd say hi, but nothing else. I'm from the middle of the country, so it's a very new and weird thing to me to think that people who live 1 block or 2 blocks away from me are living totally separate lives. There are rich and poor people in mid-west cities too, but they talk to each other, at least sometimes, even if it's just in passing.

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look, you can talk all you want about glorification of gang culture, high crime areas, general statistics, whatever.. but none of that necessarily applied in this particular case. You got additional details the Globe didn't? Awesome, out with them. Otherwise, neither you nor the original anon up there had anything to go on, just assumptions.

You both decided it was perfectly OK to demean a dead person because of one single phrase. Hey, in my own case I would have said I was "getting my life back on track" after high school, but I never went near a gang or a gun. But, because of where he lived and what his name was and goodness knows what else, you make assumptions.

And for the record, I didn't know him, I have as little idea of who he was as you do.

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... for anonymous cowards to mouth off. It raised their "self-esteem" -- and it costs them nothing and is completely risk-free.

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I'm sure you're no angel, either.

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u didn't know him , please don't be so judgmental... god bless you..

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Dont talk about what you dont know. You didnt know him

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So please enlighten us - what did he do for a living? Why did he get shot three years ago? Why was he living in the projects on everyone else's dime even though he was an able-bodied young male? Why did he have a kid he clearly could not support, given the fact he was living in the projects? Go on, I'll wait...

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I have mentor my son Niko for two years and I come to find out that I was the mentee and Niko was my Mentor

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My voice regarding Gun Violence.
I hope my efforts are not in vain!

please comment

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This guy has already been shot before?

He had "begun" getting his life on track?

He's the parent of a 7 month old baby, but he's out riding a scooter around the streets at 3am?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes... No one deserves to die, certainly not in this manner, but this kid certainty didn't do much to prevent it from happening.

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Let me teach the ignorant who probably is being fed with a silver spoon since birth and living under a rock while mommy and daddy supports their cocaine addiction while in college. Ready... I am a male in my early 30s. Born and raised in the "ghetto". I hang out with a group of other males/females all hours of the night. My body is full of tattoos. I have lost many friends/family throughout my years to gun violence. My parents still live in the "ghetto" and both work, pay full rent and utilities. I also have a "babymama". You might consider me a "gangbanger" because my clothes are baggy, my hair is in a fade, etc... Guess what? I graduated COLLEGE, have my masters in Criminal Justice, and have been employed with the Criminal Justice System for many years. Do your research people. My introduction to this message: to show how ignorant people are...

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How dare any of you!?!?!? I know this family. This kid. He was buried today. You don't know anything!! The bit about tats on the hands!? I have 15 tats 7 of them around my hands and wrists and I'm a goddamned accountant! No he was not an angel, who the hell is!? He never stole or killed or anything. You don't know the circumstances and you don't know the family. This is a tragedy in every sense. For the parents of the murderers who have had children this callous, for the family of the deceased who have to deal with a loss. For the child left behind fatherless.

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Who are any of you to be talking about my sons father this way . He wasn't perfect no one is but he was a damn good father to my son . That was my sons joy . The day I found out we were having a baby he was getting his life on track but like any damn human being we still have lives and I let him live his . Just cause he was a father didnt mean he had to be stuck inside all day . Unfortunately me ansld my son dont have him but we wanted better for him and he will have better this isnt going to be la cycle whoever said that . You are all perfect little angels with absolutely no damn life .

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I knew Niko and he was one of the sweetest and humble people I could meet. No he may not have been an angel but like others said who is. When I learned of his death it hurt so much his smile, his positive words and humbleness to people around him . I understand that nobody wants thier love ones name to die in vain but honestly he was a good person. Mistakes are made and maye the reason to his death but nobody deserves thier lives to be taken so cruel and violent. The devil is a liar and my heart goes out to his familu, he loved his family and I knew that from being an associate.

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