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Hemlines are really rising this year

Pantsless subway riders

Greg Hum snapped a photo of a dog on the Blue Line today. Oh, yeah, and some people who are also not wearing any pants.

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That's the Blue Line ;)

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Do they get a special security line?

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Probably headed to the beach to work on their tans.

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Thanks, changed the OP to reflect reality.

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For the longest time exhibitionism during travel has been dominated by automobile occupants flashing truck drivers and others on most any day, with rare exceptions like Lady Godiva and copycat movie scenes. Newcomers to the scene are the WNBR and NPSR. Um, er, welcome to transportation equity.

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She was a gambler. She put everything she had on a horse.

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..Lady Godiver was a Freedom Rider. She didn't care if the whole world looked.

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1st world activity.

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perverted proletariat...

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So lets be fair, could be a blue collar union worker. Unless you want to stereotype that as well.

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The problem with this thing was the absolute smugness of it. I was on the Blue, Red and Green lines today, and I have never seen a group of people who looked more impressed with themselves. For what, wearing underwear? Is performance art, or whatever this thing is, supposed to be that self conscious? Not to mention self-referential. They were all texting each other's whereabouts constantly. Two young underwear-clad women I witnessed on the Blue line seemed to have a whole act down. They each hung onto a pole and each buried their face in book from which they did not look up once at any time for the length of the Blue Line. I might add that at no point did they turn a page either. They were either doing it entirely on purpose or they were the world's slowest readers.

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If I were participating in this, I wouldn't make eye contact with strangers either. Some of them take "costume" as "consent". The point is to do something silly at the same time as a bunch of other people so it stays silly rather than making you a target.

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Yes, taking off your pants where its not common signals a need for attention and does signal to others an invitation to conversation, or at least gawking. That's what the raincoat and indecent exposure crowd are also seeking, perhaps with hope of shock and awe.

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Otherwise, such a fascination with costume or underwear merely signals immaturity.

For a six year old, such behavior is age appropriate (they're ALL wearing UNDERWEAR (giggle giggle stare look away giggle))

For an adult, it is pathetic.

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I just find the whole thing pretentious, and your comments about it condescending. Frankly, many of the comment you post are smug a condescending. Just my opinion.

And no, I'm not an uptight 'neocon' or (fill in the 'progressive' retort).

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Sounds like you still have some growing up to do.

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"Otherwise, such a fascination with costume or underwear merely signals immaturity.
For a six year old, such behavior is age appropriate (they're ALL wearing UNDERWEAR (giggle giggle stare look away giggle))
For an adult, it is pathetic."'

I think you're a bit out of touch with reality here. A group of people, in an organized and planned out manner, take to the T in underwear, and you are saying they are not to be gawked at, that it is somehow an inappropriate reaction? What response do you think the underwear clad group are going for? They would likely have been a bit disappointed if they were completely ignored by us jaded Bostonians.

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Could someone 'splain to me how "there are people on the train doing something silly and being smug about it." interferes with anyone else's enjoyment of life in any way?

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Another reason to avoid the lovely MBTA.....

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At least we know the T police will be watching the video cameras today

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Did the photographer get the dog owner's permission to take the picture of the dog?

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God forbid taking pictures of someone's "baby" w/o permission!

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SO played.

What this thing needs is some filthy, fat hairy pervs in shit-stained, ripped tighty-whities with noticeable erections ogling the girls in their skivvies. Put the kibosh on this thing right quick. Unfortunately I had other plans for today....better luck next year.

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This event has jumped the shark.

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This as well as the santa speedo run. Enough already.

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I understand all the real hep cats are going to wear g-strings and deer antlers while running over the Tobin! Then once at the toll booths they will fling themselves off in a Chuck Stuart à la lemming fashion into the Mystic... No really it's true...it's next week! Let's do it! It'll totes be on all the social media outlets, c'mon! [/end plot to rid Boston of these annoying asshats]

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