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Roslindale Square could get froyo shop; when does it get a coffeehouse?

The Boston Licensing Board next week considers a license request from somebody who wants to open a froyo place in the old Social Security office on Washington Street.

Delicious YoGurt, LLC (yep) needs a food-serving license to open an eponymous shop at 4198-4206 Washington, just south of the RMV. Its proposed hours are 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

This would be Roslindale Square's second froyo purveyor - Jimmies on Corinth also offers several types of frozen yogurt in addition to ice cream.

The board's hearings start at 10 a.m. on Wednesday in its eighth-floor hearing room in City Hall.



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Is this in the new building with the Subway or the old one with Bob's Pita? I thought Bob's took up that whole store front at the old site.

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Sounds like I need to take a trip up there after picking the kidlet up from school this afternoon. The listed address is 4198-4206 Washington, which sounds like it actually goes from Dragon Chef to the old Social-Security office. Since people rarely apply for common victualer's licenses until a week or so before they're ready to open, there should be a sign or something there.

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Pretty sure it's the old building, right next to Bob's. There's been a sign in the window for at least a month.

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Which is right next to Bob's and its one bagel for sale.

And then, after the kidlet and I stared at the faded "coming soon" sign for a froyo place, we walked over to Jimmies for some ice cream.

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There's a sign there. Bob's takes up most of the building, but there is a little bit close to the Muni that they do not occupy.

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... there's the old, old SSA office -- across the street from Jay the Jeweler (more or less).

I wonder what will happen to the Little Wanderer's Thrift Store, now that the Home for Little Wanderers has moved out of the neighbohood.

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I forgot about the first SSA office, which is now either a furniture store or "the old furniture store."

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has been vacant for my entire Roslindale experience, going on 10 years. I keep thinking something like a Curves or Koko Fit will open there as it would seemingly match a vacancy in the neighborhood.

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Jay the jeweler used to be inside Parke Snow's. , and the SS office used to be in the old First National Bank , on the triangle across from the train station. The new new SS office was the hardware store , but where the flock did the Happy Hour go ?

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... that woud have been the old, old, old SSA office.

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Yes when the cabs were there , and the pizza joint with the square pizza slices , Messina Pizza !

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Wasn't that the place that consisted of a bar, a pool table and no chairs?

In any case, it's gotten replaced by a series of other places, most recently Napper Tandy's.

Oh, hey, and here's a photo I took back in the day:

Happy Hour
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When I was a little kid I and would go by that sign I thought "Happy Hour" meant that the waitresses were topless. I have no idea where I got that idea. My husband always says "that would be a happy hour!"

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The Home for Little Wanderers hasn't left! They just closed one of their buildings. Their Child and Family Counseling Center is still located at 780 American Legion, right near Cummins, and they serve over 7,000 kiddos between that clinic and their several other programs and residences. (Check out thehome.org)

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We really like Jimmies. Hard for us to get there often enough.

Hope the new place is a locally owned shop, but I will not freak out if it's (gasp) something else...as long as Jimmies continues to thrive, that is.

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The sign says Fashion Berry -- I believe it is this local company (with one Natick location): http://fashionberrynatick.com/Froyo.html

This is the same building with the new Bob's Pita and the YMAA -- there was one open storefront remaining, closest to the RMV.

Coffeehouse soon is likely. Stay tuned.

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But the hearing notice says Delicious YoGurt LLC, dba Delicious YoGurt.

And definitely keep us posted on the coffee news!

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I really hope it's something closer to the atmosphere of dwelltime in cambridge - but I'd settle for our own funky version of cafe bartlett sq or fazenda. If you're involved, last thing I'd want to see is some crappy starbucks knock-off with giant stock-image photography on the walls and bad lighting.

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not a good sign.

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Maybe of interest ,


The author goes back to penny gliders, a paper route,
and his old haunts,
in what was- and still is- a neighborhood of immigrants



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That is an amazing article/biogrophy. It goes back to Roslindale in the 1940s, long before its downfall in the 70s and its resurgence in the 2000s (and now, its multiple yogurt shops). Took me forever to read, but worth it. Looks to have been written in 1989 based on his last anecdote about his conversation with the Area E police officer. Also fits that he says a house on Walter Street "recently" sold for $160,000, which would be about right based on what my house was sold to the last owners before me in 1991. The best reference of all may have been to the Roslindale accent. If anyone can describe what that was I would love to know. There are still plenty of people around with South Boston, Dorchester, and Charlestown accents, and there is still a West Roxbury accent to some extent, but I have never heard of the Roslindale accent.

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...where the author of this article is now (assuming he is among the living). One of my projects (if I ever maage to retire) is to start collecting oral histories as to long-ago Roslindale (and maybe to document what we have right now -- as _future_ oral history).

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The writer says that it has been "51 or 52 years" since his family moved from the house on Florence Street (to one on Walter), and that he was 4 at the time. That would make him 55 or 56 at the time he wrote the article. And as Roslindaler points out, it looks like the article was written during the winter of 1989-1990. I'm inclined to think it was early 1990, as he reports a police officer saying there was "Not one [homicide in Rosi] in all of 1989".

That would make Mr. Anderson about 80 now. Which means it's quite possible he's still with us. He reveals that he was a newspaper writer (when he says that Deputy Superintendent McHale "knows newspaper writers don't come to talk to him about bluebirds and daffodils.") So it might be possible to search out his bylines and find out more info.

Btw, thanks kvn, for posting that link. And thank you Peter Anderson, wherever you are, for such a personal and fascinating memoir.

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Used to be behind what's now Washington-Beech in the woods now occupied by that other project whose name I can never remember (with the swans on the signs). and the old trolley barn that used to sit where the Domino's and Dunkin' Donuts are now. Or so Bob the barber at the Rialto explained to me one day.

But some things never change in old Rozzie Square:

The public power grid was so old that electricity failed periodically, shutting down business and causing permanent damage to perishables.

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Behind the Beech Street projects was Swede's Pond, and there was some sort of bandstand there. I think it was filled in when they made High Point development. With
Respect to the gypsies , across from the Finast on Washington street ( whatever it is now ,who knew ) , up by Liszt street , there was a house with a triangular lot bordering the parkway, and it was home to a large family of gypsies, did hot topping too. On Washington street , across from Tony's Atlantic , was the Hill Drug Pharmacy, and between that and the hardware was Henry Goon the China laundry for the Sunday go to mass white shirt with starched collars. He moved to the Square and met a bad ending....

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He was one of the few great writers at the Glob in my lifetime. My friends and I used to look forward to his Sunday column in the New England section.

He convinced me that the region was worth exploring to describe at some granular level.

His explorations of Nicatous Lake in Maine had us going there too.

He was probably the closest the Glob ever got to a Yankee James Agee.

He's been gone for a while.

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Anybody, or am I the only one here who's older than dirt?

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I get my hair cut at the Rialto Barbershop, which backs up to where the theater used to be (when the Rialto Cafe opened, Bob gave them a photo of the old theater as a sort of good luck symbol; didn't work).

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Many a movie I saw at the Rialto, and then we'd go over to the parkway Spa and Nick would pull us a Coke off the tap.

The Yogurt place will go next to Bob's Pita & Produce in the former SSA building. It's the same block as the Dragon Chef on the corner of Washington and Basile.

In my day that block was the Centre Hardware Store owned by Arnie Shufro.

And it hasn't been the "Muni" or Municipal Building" for ages - now Roslindale Community Center. After the new health center was build the they moved across the street the old Muni was gutted and rebuilt. The Registry is still in the building but now on the Washington Street side and not in the basement. Of course, people still walk in the Cummins Highway door DAILY asking for the Registry even though its had its own street entrance for some 5 years.

I can barely remember the wrecking ball taking down the OLD Charles Sumner school which is now the Post Office.

And my mom used to work for Charlie Singer at Roslindale Taxi when it was in the (now) MBTA parking lot.

Mr. Messina had the best Sicilian square cut pizza in the area (land now Citizens Bank). I remember the smell of the anisette. But my preferred scent was the fresh ground coffee at Kennedy's which had stores in JP and Roslindale.

I remember the old fire station as well, now the library.

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When they renovated the old post office for use as the health center, they uncovered the Roslindale 31 MA carving - and had to put a sign in the door under it explaining this was NOT the post office.

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