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Scott Kirsner's ethics issue

Neither the Globe nor Kirsner have a problem with him running forums that rake in money from local high-tech entrepreneurs of the sort he writes about as a freelancing Globe columnist, but the Boston Business Journal noses around.

The Dig, meanwhile, goes full rant on the Republican hacks who double as Herald columnists, using numerous words derived from old English that would not be suitable for publication on a family Web site. Oh, and they introduce their readers under the age of 50 to Alex Beam - and not in a good way, of course. Seems they, like the three other people who can still find Beam in the paper, noticed the similarities between a recent Beam column on advice to graduating college students and a column written a few years back by a Chicago Tribune columnist (the one that everybody thought was written by Kurt Vonnegut).



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is the Fredo Corleone of the Boston political beat. Holly "O-fer"Robichaud is really bad at her day job. Adriana Cohen is a tedious read. Who gives a rat about tech geek Kirsner and a BBJ piece on ethics is a pot the kettle is black turd.

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Is a low rent, Howie Carr wannabe. Which may be the meanest thing that I've ever called anybody in my life.

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every morning Howie has to see Mike Barnicle on Morning Joe and his call from Faux never comes. Howie's living Hell. Ahhhhh....enjoy.

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Hey, don't I remember him reporting how "Jimmy" Bulger kept the drugs out of Southie?

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should find a mass murderer to co-author a book with and then promote it every day on his show. Its called the Herald version of media ethics or in layman's terms a shitty thing to do.

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So when is the Dig going to do an column on how most of the local media are Democratic operatives with bylines?

I'd love for them to explain why state Sen. Richard Ross' lame divorce bill from years ago is national news but state Sen. Leland Yee's epic scandal isn't?

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Can you name a single local columnist who is also working for a gubernatorial candidate?

Sorry, a single local columnist who is also working for a Democratic gubernatorial candidate?

As for Yee, maybe the fact that he's in California, and the local papers long ago gave up the pretense of covering national issues has something to do with it.

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Really they how come we have never ending stories about the fat guy in NJ?

How many members of the press are married to members of current or former members of political operations? How many members of the press go to work for political campaigns or leave campaigns to work for the press?

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Late of the Herald?

That's a valid issue, members of both parties do it (Take Jay Carney, please - or that Nixon aide who now anchors the ABC evening news), but that's not quite the same as a Charlie Baker staffer writing a column at the very same time for the Herald.

As for Christie, are you reading all those stories in the Globe? If the liberal press is so good at hiding Democratic foibles, how did you hear about Yee? I first heard about him on that noted conservative mouthpiece, the Daily Show.

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Not to jump on the bandwagon, but I am, I too find it odd that there's no news of Yee even in the Globe. I mean gun trafficking from a guy who didn't miss a chance to speak on the evils of guns. It's just too bizarre a story and yes, the Globe did do the Christie story.
I too found the Globe lacking in coverage on the mess that is the MA Healtcare exchange web site. The Globe was very late to report on that story. A story that touches many people. I'd hate to think their political leanings lead them to underreport on such an important topic.

The Herald is predictable but manages to pull off some good stuff. The Globe has gotten more politically motivated in the past few years. I've noticed more so under McGrory - he should go back to writing, I enjoyed his columns.

But even with the two, I'm glad we've got two papers in this town. Many don't realize how fortunate we are.

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I have read many stories on this subject in the Globe over the past 5 months.

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Only on non-liberal websites, that's where I've heard about Yee

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Obama's birth Kenyan birth certificate.

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media outlets like the New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, the Huffington Post, all the California newspapers, on and on and on.

I can only assume that there's no oxygen in that dimbulb rightie bubble you live in. Be warned: apoxia and Breitbart.com both kill brain cells.

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about needing to watch the Daily Show to learn about Yee.

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Given that he's a California State Senator, may I recommend the L.A. Times or the San Francisco Chronicle?

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I know, because I only go to non-liberal bars and drink kool-aid! I don't ever drink at those liberal bars, therefore they don't offer kool-aid!

But, hey, I never knew that The Daily Show was non-liberal media ...

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Did you look at any of the Yee results here? One refers to this very discussion, the rest are posts about Boston-area people named Yee (or posts in which I used the phrase "yee-ha!") Congratulations! You've just discovered that Universal Hub is a Web site that focuses on Boston.

Also, I don't speak for Mother Jones (we haven't had our quarterly Liberal Cabal meeting yet), but I suspect it has a ton more results for "Christy" simply because he's been making national news for a lot longer than Yee, even aside from the recent bridge unpleasantness.

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Brent Bozell followed UHub.

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Warren and Markey. One lied about their heritage the other about their residency, neither was an issue.

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You don't read the Herald? Weren't they writing about those alleged issues every single day?

You also seem to have forgotten they both were elected by majority vote, not appointed by "liberals." That must really gnaw at you, knowing how your fellow citizens are ignoring your sage wisdom.

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Adam, a big part of press bias is what they refuse to cover or report and the obvious details which are left out. It is why some candidates during election season are haunted by events from several decades ago while others aren't even accountable for votes part of public record the previous week.

UHub has been scooping some of the local press regularly in this regard with its attention to little details. Details matter and it isn't just sloppy editing and reporting resulting in them being missing.

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constant foaming hyperventilation over all the evils the gosh-darned libruls are raining down upon your head.

Here's a hint: step outside the right-wing propaganda bubble once in a while. It's much less angry out here with ordinary people who get their news from a range of sources, including a bunch of actually trustworthy ones. Plus we have science and everything!

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Adam, a big part of press bias is what they refuse to cover or report and the obvious details which are left out. It is why some candidates during election season are haunted by events from several decades ago while others aren't even accountable for votes part of public record the previous week.

Yeah, I know! I didn't even see one single article in any Boston newspaper about which box Sen. Warren checked off on a meaningless form twenty years ago!! And her opponent was too much of a gentleman to ever bring it up himself.

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Tell that to the other candidates who may have gotten less consideration for the position, because she gamed the Affirmative Action system that was part of the hiring process, and they didn't.

Sorry, she flat our lied, to her particular advantage. You can't shine that sneaker.

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They are utterly unfamiliar with the actual facts of the case. Warren's self-identifying as having some native ancestry happened well after she had secured her position at Harvard, as part of her bio for The Association of American Law Schools. Harvard has long maintained that her ancestry never surfaced in its hiring process, and had no role in its decision to grant her tenure, though her "minority status" was cited in two Harvard Crimson (the school's undergraduate-published newspaper) stories as an example of the law school's faculty diversity.

That Scott Brown decided to make this the centerpiece of his campaign against Warren is a testament to how terrified he was of running on his own voting record in Washington. That there weren't enough suckers among Mass voters to unwittingly or willfully fall for this ridiculous non-issue is a credit to the Commonwealth's sanity. I don't expect New Hampshire voters will be dumb enough to elect this fake-moderate, dutiful-GOP-foot-soldier himbo, either.

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They did these surveys - and they could be anonymous. They had nothing to do with hiring quotas or preferences. I filled out the first one when I had been on the job for about a month.

Complete and total bullshit.

BTW, genealogists have calculated that Warren is about as much of a Cherokee as the current Chief. The only difference is the certification of that lineage in the latter case.

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Funny how it works with that self identification thing. Well-meaning, purely innocent people like Senator Warren always seem to self identify in a manner that always works in their favor, never against their interests. Amazing, isn't it?

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How it worked in her favor?

It got her no promotions. It got her no jobs. That isn't how it works and you either know that or you refuse to listen. Repeating something over and over doesn't make it true - surely, you must have learned that in junior high school during that week when it was your turn to be "the slut".

Harvard, as a federal contractor, is required to keep track of this stuff - no more, no less. Given the federal contracting system, which you clearly know nothing about, it didn't even buy Harvard anything. It is just data to be collected - nothing more or less.

This was bad faith, talking points bullshit and you should know that ... or you are just too foolish to let go of the fact that Senator Centerfold couldn't run on his record because he was representing Karl Rove and not Massachusetts and he knew it.

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And you have me at a bit of a loss carrying the conversation forward because, to be honest, I don't read the national media or the Globe's and Herald's attempts at national coverage on a regular basis; I'm kind of narrowly focused these days on what's happening inside 128. I do admit to half-watching ABC news in the evening; because I'm too lazy to change the channel after seeing what Harv has to say about the weather.

And yet, none of the Fox News talking-points stories are new to me; I must be picking them up somewhere, so if the Liberal Elite Media is trying to cover things up, they're doing a pretty bad job of it.

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from a comedy show? Wow.

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Why in the hell are you repeatedly posting this "Adam gets all his national news from Comedy Central" nonsense?

I was the one who pointed out that The Daily Show covered Yee ... but that isn't Adam saying that he only gets his national news from there.

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It's a plural "you", as you and Adam are both clearly part of the Liberal Cabal and therefore identical in media consumption.

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pretty funny for an overweight deaf drug addict.

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EBT! Illegals, Obamacare!!! Did I say EBT? GRRRRRRR!

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Then why do I seem to run in to him at least once a month, if not once a week, in Medford Square? We seem to have been correlated on our monthly prescription refills at CVS there for quite a while!

Maybe the "liberal" news didn't waste time on these "issues" because they they were figments of the fevered paranoid right wing imagination?

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My understanding of this perception is fueled by two parts. 1. By the fact he owns a very nice home in Maryland while his MA residence continues to be his his humble childhood home in Malden. 2. People in my hometown rarely seem to see him.

Going by your observation of his encountering, it is probably due that his office is in Medford Sq. If he does all his errands of prescription and daily life around Medford Sq. It would explain why you see him a lot, meanwhile few Maldonians see him despite his official residence as prescription refills is indicative that he does most of his daily stuff - thus the publicly visible activities - around Medford.

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Enough that he is frequently encountered, albeit around his office.

I doubt that he is sleeping in his office when he is in town. He seems to be around quite a bit when the job we sent him to DC to do isn't in active session.

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and facts have left the wingers with the Pee wee Herman defense. "I know you are but what am I".

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I see so one set of rules for one party and none for the other. Those almost nonexistent (r) delegation needs to be soooo accountable while the (d)ominated legislature doesn't need any accountability.

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There is accountability.... it's called an election. Gather up the Republican party and vote these "Democrat hacks" out of office if they're doing such a horrible job!

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might makes right. Lovely.

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trying to co-opt tea party tactics again. Might makes right wing nuts think of Rev Wright.

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the government and say we didn't.

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The Republican Party in MA can't even seem to decide what the rules are for counting votes at their own convention when it comes to candidates getting on to the primary ballots.

That's when there aren't any Democrats or media of any sort involved in the process in any way.

Get back to us when your guys figure out what your own rules are, mmmkay?

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I'm sorry, but The Dig is? Poor Faraone, trapped in a world he never made. The Herald is a rag for sure, but where else are old white people going to go for their thinly veiled bigotry?

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As such, I doubt that the Dig has any such pretensions.

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Pretension and Chris Faraone have never met?

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Acid and Chris Faraone have met... several times. Once at the DNC (which to this day, makes my skin crawl just thinking about it)

Maybe his 'world' is a world of living color with Alice in Wonderland?

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which is kind of too bad, as the dailies sure don't seem to bother much with their "afflict the comfortable" responsibilities any more. Just because the Globe's and Herald's most egregious hacks are easy targets doesn't mean they don't deserve a good flogging once in a while.

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are filling with the Herald demo. Its only a matter of time.

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...speaking of other media news, how about giving a shout-out to WBZ TV and radio as it was just announced they won Peabody Awards for their coverage of the Marathon bombing last year. Well deserved.

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Reddit deserves the award for getting more things than wrong. The local and national media (NYPost's disgraceful copy) got so much wrong and so little right at the outset compared to the army of Redditers listening to scanners, shifting through tons of metadata, and posting what they had figured out 24/7.

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Um, what? Outside of Boston, Reddit deserves all the scorn that got heaped on it for running around like lunatics and identifying brown people as suspects. Where do you think the Post got the photo for that infamous front page that blamed the bombing on a couple of high-school kids from Malden?

In Boston, the Boston subreddit did great work - doing things such as organizing pizza drives for first responders and posting info on vigils and the like. They did NOT join in the feeding frenzy to ID the bombers. They did a wonderful job as a community, but they weren't breaking news.

As for the media, yes, the Globe did make one big mistake (prematurely reporting a suspect was in custody), but in general, they and other local media did a far, far better job than the national media, such as, again, the Post, which kept reporting that 10 or 20 people had died long after everybody else knew the number was 3. And no local reporter went to a home-furnishings store to buy a pressure cooker to wave the cover around on TV, like one CNN reporter did.

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Sorry I don't consider Reddit even in the same class for this award. Reddit is a posting website, not a news website. Nothing is verified, ever. Anyone can post anything they want. (i.e. Adam's comment about 'brown people') And Reddit/Facebook/Twitter and their post after post during the Friday after the bombing did more of a DISSERVICE to what was going on than it helped.

Not dissing Reddit as a whole, but to call it a news source is like the comments section of BDC or the herald becoming a news source on its own.. a good portion of it is garbage postings, so it would be unreliable as a respectable news source.

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Really, they need a shout-out? Everytime I turn on the station they are touting themselves. Is your last name Williams?

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stay classy channel 4. Self back patting feels great when your wearing polyester. Just don't try it with rayon. Too painful.

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Can you register on UHub for real so we don't get you confused with impostors besmirching your, uh, good name?

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for one pompous self righteous and anonymous keyboard warrior. The rest are anonymous novices.

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Not sure why you paired the two together, Adam. The Dig/Herald Lib vs. Con thing will overshadow the real story.

The real story is that these tech and "innovation" writers only serve as mouthpieces for real estate and tech companies trying to sway public opinion in their favor in order to get tax breaks and zoning changes in their favor. It is definitely working, too.

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the BBJ humping real estate and other incestious business relationships are pure as yellow snow,.

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the globe's connection to the charter racket? They have run absolutely no expert opinion pieces on the downsides of charters (yes there are pros, but we're only getting one side with that paper). Their editorial staff must have some skin in that game.

hey - I dislike things about BTU as much as the next person, but something is really fishy.

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Thats what I use the Globe for. Wrapping fish. Oh and the Herald lines my bird cage.

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