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Three arrested, one sought for Red Line attacks

Suspects in attacks on Red Line at Broadway

Davis, Joyce and Mullen. Photos by Transit Police.

Transit Police report arresting two South Boston residents and a Dorchester man on charges they beat a man on a Red Line train and two women who tried to come to his aid on Sunday.

Police add they obtained an arrest warrant for another South Boston man for his alleged role in the attacks on a train entering Broadway station.

Michael Davis, 36, of South Boston, Patrick Joyce, 24, of Dorchester and Kristine Mullen, 20, of South Boston, are scheduled for arraignment on a variety of assault-related charges on Tuesday in South Boston District Court.

They surrendered themselves at Transit Police headquarters, police say. Kevin McCarthy, 21, of South Boston, is still sought, police say.

Police initially said six people were involved in the beatings; they did not specify the status of the two other people captured on video.

Innocent, etc.



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From the Caught In Southie article:

Tired of the stereotype of teenagers being non-contributing members of the South Boston community, Kristine Mullen....

This stuff just writes itself...

- The Original SoBo Yuppie

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Kristine's upbeat personality

I think they meant "beat-up personality".

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And I hope she wasn't, but if she was the mastermind behind this, then she defintely won't be allowed near children never mind being able to get that Special Ed teaching job that she wants. Of course, simply getting convicted is enough. If she really is that violent, then she shouldn't be near any children, espeically special needs. But yes, please do mind the "Innocent, Etc.". I'm just hoping Kristine wasn't the mastermind behind this attack.

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"Young lady, did you plan this attack?"
"No, sir. Somebody else did, and I just jumped in. Seemed like fun, the cool kids were doing it, you know."
"Ah. Well, okay."

Not to mention "mastermind" is a pretty generous term for whoever came up with this. "Contagious sociopath" is probably more accurate.

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Sounds like Sue from "The Middle".

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Scumbags... At least they will face consequences now.

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Kevin McCarthy, 21, of South Boston, is still sought, police say.

You mean this Kevin McCarthy: http://www.universalhub.com/crime/20110508-five-teens-charged-brutal-bea...

Seems he has a history of attacking people with a group. What a loser and a coward.

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Kevin McCarthy?!


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Looks like justice will indeed be served. Nice job by law enforcement and the public to get these characters in front of a judge.

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I love how everyone throws there two cents. Shut up you don't know anyone of them you don't know the events that happened or lead up to what ensued so hold your tongue all you computer tough guys !

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Please get yourself some punctuation while you are at it.

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Can I comment on Kevin McCarthy? I feel I've now read more about him than I care to. I also have a feeling this isn't the last time I'll be reading about him. This is a place to post comments/opinions without asking for your content approval first.

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I'm sure the two 14 year old girls posed a huge threat.........

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Hmmm similar how you throw yourtwocents in and blame yuooies for EVERYTING that is wrong with your life? How about you take ownership for once ....come on you can do it , try it . The fact that you are saying we need toknow the FACTS before we make a comment here condemning what they did? Prettysure NO MATTER what happened it does not excuse 3,4,5,6 people punching , kicking , stomping one person and doing the same to two girls trying to stop it . So back down touugh guy .

And for therecodr I do know two of them so yes I will and can make an opinion

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Now that is a great representation of South Boston!

I personally know a couple of South Boston teenagers and they are wonderful people, come from wonderful homes and are wonderful neighborhoods. I'd rather have my street full of families like this than a bunch of 22 year old yuppies thinking South Boston is a college campus. I know I am off on a tangent but the last thing anyone wants is South Boston turning into the Allston/Brighton or the North End.

- The Original SoBo Yuppie

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You've got to be kidding, right!? LMFAO

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News for you, in 5 years, 22 year old yuppies won't be able to afford Southie. Forget Alston, it's about to become the new south end.

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Saw all I needed to see on that video clip, more than enough to draw my own conclusions. I'm sure the homeless man did something terrible that warranted him being jumped, and the girls who intervened deserved to be kicked around as well. Your friends are nothing but scumbags.

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jajaa computer tough guys?? you're right, let me get of the computer, call up a bunch of my boys and go around jumping defenseless people. That should make me a legitimate tough guy. Fucking cowards, you all forgot what it is to shoot a fair one.

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the puffy jaw and cheeks bring her down.

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There's no picture of you I can see anywhere, but for you I'm guessing cheese stains, neckbeard, and double chin?

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otherwise ya got me!

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... on the attractiveness of women is rather offensive. please stop reducing the women to numbers.

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from now on I will grade them A+,A, A-, B+, etc. to F

No more reducing them to numbers, they get the letter grade they deserve.

In this new spirit, she is a B-

I would not want you to be "rather" offended.

Plus your name "bandit" is a trigger for me because I was robbed once. Please change it.

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Like, maybe Russia, where that and your homophobia and thuggish "everyone's had a booty call go wrong" attitude will fit right in.

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Почему нет? Русские женщины сладкий.

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Я могу перевести на русских слов с помощью Google Translate тоже.

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But let's keep it in English from now on, shall we?

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I was enjoying lapsing into junior high mentality. Thank you Adam for you gentle, deserved and necessary guidance.

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Of course I'm scared she'd kick my ass now.

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Why, are you a 40 year old homeless man? She has no problems kicking people's ass when she's out in a group. Will she be able to pay her rent when she moves out of her mother's house, I wonder?

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Moe, Larry, and....Shemp

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....and the parade organizers are worried about LGBT.

What's funny is these people just earned the respect of all their townie friends and fam. I can see it now "Yo, yous see what my boy did on the train?? don't fuk with us! yea! that shit made the news! Dot and Southie represent!!"

These people can't be priced out of South Boston fast enough.

- The Original SoBo Yuppie

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Such tough guy rough town boston is getting outdated. Too many business and cultured individuals in Boston these days to make old
School "rough and tough" attitudes relevant. That just seems mentally ill now a days.. No one respects that anymore. Sorry townies I ain't intimidated

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Put ur real name if u ain't scared

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Unfortunately, it won't be people like this getting priced out, but the honest, hardworking ones. Eventually they'll leave, when they sell their dumpy properties for millions and move up to NH like Scott Brown did.

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Probably most of their families are actually pretty disappointed and ashamed, though one or two cohorts might be "supportive". And you find thugs like this all over, not just in Southie and Dorchester. Like that kid who raped his teammates with a broomstick on a camping trip or whatever a few months ago. Remember that story? Not from Southie, AFAIK.

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I'm very disappointed. I am disgusted and nauseated by the video I watched. Yes, one of the assaulters is a member of my family. I feel terrible. I feel sick really, you know that nauseating feeling that won't go away? I wonder how could he do this to an innocent guy just riding the train? How can you physically cause harm to an individual for no apparent reason? You HATE yuppies? Really and why? They are educated, keep their property nice, promote hard work and safety, I welcome nice neighbors and am saddened by the violence I saw displayed in that video tape of last Sunday on the Red line.

It scares me to think that the victims could be any-one of us. Our right to safety in a moments time taken away. The lovely gals who stepped up to the plate in the homeless man's defense are heroes really, and they were beaten also.

Please, don't be to hard on me....I already feel terrible and ashamed. New-comers are always welcome in my Southie and the oldies are too!!!

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Is John Cicione going to write another article this week about how amazing the kids of south boston are? Or how they respect people unlike yuppies who try to run people down in the crosswalks? I will PROMISE you that the South Boston 1882 paper WILL NOT cover this , will not mention it...and one want to take that bet???

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What was their punishment the first time around?

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Excellent question... What happened to the scum McCarthy in 2011 when he and a gang of Southie teenaged thugs beat two guys and were caught public drinking? Obviously not enough!

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From Dot and Southie. So much for them being spoiled suburbanites as was suggested in the by some commenters in the original article.

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Think you missed the sarcasm in the yuppie accusation posts.

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I'll start by saying I do not condone violence against any person, but the hatred spewed from the Uhub Peter Gelzinis wannabes is over the top.

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I'm sure you will find comfort ane validation in the safe space of the Herald comment section, no?

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They indulge in and approve of the crudest sort of class, ethnic and religious hatred towards the indigenous people of South Boston, but get their panties twisted by me rating a chick as above average in looks. Makes ya sick.

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I think you were already there.

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Just go away!

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I was nauseated to see such violence on a MBTA train. The victims could be anyone of us, how frightening! I couldn't sleep at night if I thought I hurt someone's feelings, never mind physically beating and kicking a person, a human being. I'm still feeling like vomiting. Yes, They need to do time, seriously. I don't know if that will help them behave in the future or introduce more criminal behavior. But the bottom line is...we must preserve the safety of the public, they like cowards beat on innocent victims like a non-English speaking homeless man and the young ladies attempting to assist the homeless man. I would like to be reassured these punks are off the streets. I think they should remain sober as well. I'm sure the alcohol consumed didn't help matters.

The Yuppies vs. the long -time residents.... I am a long-time resident and love South Boston. I'm educated, and love my new neighbors (yuppies). As I sweep out front of the house or mow the lawn, my neighbors thank me for keeping the community we ALL live in clean and litter free. I'll never understand the riff between the two, I welcome the newbies and cherish the oldies!!!

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Yes, exactly! So much of "old time" Southie are like you and you're what made this a great town for years. Drunk, violent trash, usually living on the governments dime in the projects are always first to claim this as "their" neighborhood, when it was never theirs to begin with.

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First of all, I just want to point out the fact that you are rating her looks on a scale is completely disrespectful and rediculious. Those of you saying she shouldn't be allowed near children because of her "violence" needs to get a clue and open their eyes and realize that she was drunk and jumped into a fight. It was an unfair fight and I am not at all trying to say what she did was right, but her getting into a drunk fight does not make her a bad or unsafe person. You all need to take your heads out of your asses and stop acting like you or any of your friends have never made a drunk mistake because chances are you have, in fact I see a lot of you making them at M street beach when I work there in the summer. You make drunk fools of yourself. I know kristine and she is a sweet loving girl and she happens to be amazing with kids, as a matter of fact she was my babysitter when I was younger. Secondly, I want to take a little time to talk about yuppies! My favorite topic (jokes)! But, in all honesty I really don't mind a lot of yuppies, in fact they really have cleaned up the town and made it a better place; but the fact that SO many of them are SO hypocritical in the way that they continuously talk southie born people down and have the balls to tell us that we ruin the town upsets me greatly (don't mind the huge run on sentence this is). So many of you act so superior to us and try talk us and southie down but then you go brag to your friends who live in god knows where about how awesome and trendy it is to live in southie. I just don't understand why you can't embrace the way southie is and it's people, because a majority of us really are good people! Instead you try to change southie as a whole, it's name (southie to SoBo), it's stores, it's whole atmosphere. I really just don't get it. I realize I am rambling and I just want to sum up what I'm trying to say. STOP JUDGING PEOPLE AT FIRST GLANCE! God, kristine is a great person and it sucks that all of you are juding her based on a drunk mistake. This goes for most of us, we can be really great people, you just need to give us a chance. Stop being so ignorant and arrogant and realize that where you come from does not define you.

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For certain professions, one "drunk mistake" is all it takes to rule out one's ability to be employed, The drunk mistake here was, in fact, involved behavior that was quite brutal. You know, most people who get a bit drunk don't try to kill other people.

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