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Walsh to NH: Brown's yours now

This afternoon, Marty Walsh answered questions on Reddit. The shortest exchange:

Q. Yes, Can you please take back Scott Brown? New Hampshire doesn't want or need him.

A. No thank you.

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Don't worry, once he loses in NH he will move on to another state to run again until he finds an electorate gullible enough to elect him again.

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To the Navajos

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Or would you prefer to supersize the stupidity?

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Of honesty as an individual who can actualy trace their Native American heritage. But hey you can believe what you want, it is America.

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You do realize that you and me both probably have more Native ancestry than the current Cherokee Chief does, right? Who likely has similar levels or less than Liz Warren (according to specialists in tracing ancestry) ...

But don't let the reality of our heritage being intentionally submerged to avoid racism and stolen children get in the way of talking points bingo ... or the fact that Brown was a sitting senator who chose to run a campaign of juvenile frat boy caricatures of our heritage rather than run on his (aka Karl Rove's) record in the senate.

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You had me hooked at honestly, but you lost me at some Native American garbage. Who cares, really? So long as she's making honest policy and using logic. Warren wouldn't be my first choice for that, but she's not as bad as I expected, I guess.

You should have left after your first comment. It was mildly amusing, but now it just looks like chum and bait.

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many of our families were torn apart because we were identifiable as Native Americans. I don't know much about EW's family other than what was in last year's headlines. I do know that in some eastern cities, if you didn't want your kids stolen from you to be adopted by white childless couples or shuffled off to remote and abusive boarding schools, and you weren't willing to risk forced sterilization at the hands of the state, you did your damned best to keep your mouth shut, you went to church, and you made sure that your clothes & accent blended in as "neutral" among surrounding immigrant groups. It is disgusting and a source of a lot of shame for many "Urbans" ( = urban Indians). And not of our making. And now we're criticized for not having our papers in order? Guess what you can do with that request....

And that's why so many people of Native descent - all across the country - can't document our families to today's standards, whether political, fashionable or whatever the dominant culture currently requires. It was a matter of survival to lose that evidence. Who me? Nothing to see, just working with my head down. I'm just "American."

But, yes, we walk among you. And you might not even know what we really look like ;)

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Your knee jerk response, not so muchThink quality over quantity when posting.
And BTW, I'm part Native American and like Warren's stances on consumer/investor protection but think she's full of shit with the heritage angle.

Oh, and i wouldn't vote for a Republican for dogcatcher.

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Howie, Whitey Birth certificates Welfare Queens Calvin Bundy....never mind.

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Not to get hung up on facts because you seem on a roll, but it would be impossible to give her back to the Navajo tribe.

She, as many Oklahomans, claimed that she was part Cherokee and Delaware. Yet it's also impossible for us to giver her back to those tribes. Why, you may ask? It seems that the citizens of Massachusetts elected her to represent them in the Senate.

If you're not familiar with the American way of government and citizenship, as citizens we are all free and can stand for election. We can make persuasive arguments to convince the majority of voters to vote for us. In fact whether you believe that Senator Warren is 1/32 Cherokee or Delaware of not, the majority of Massachusetts voters chose her over an experienced politician, Scott Brown, (Cosmo, 1982).

Once Scott looses in New Hampshire, he's always free to move back to Massachusetts and try again. I suspect that he'll be moving to one of New Mexico, or perhaps Georgia?

In any event as Massachusetts voters weren't very responsive to the cheap Indian jokes, I would like to thank you for perpetuating that kind of rhetoric. Despite the fact that the cartoonish Indian war hoops didn't help your candidate, I'm sure they made you feel good, which is important. Please keep it up.

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Once Scott looses in New Hampshire, he's always free to move back to Massachusetts and try again. I suspect that he'll be moving to one of New Mexico, or perhaps Georgia?

Doubt it, he's too... wait for it.. wait for it...


For GA or NM. Seriously, he'd never win. And at least in GA, they can smell a carpetbagger a mile away, especially from the north.

I suspect he will lose and try another neighboring state like RI, CT, or ME. (he's too conservative for Vermont). I don't he's bright enough to realize he has no place in politics..

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You do realize that Bernie Sanders is a Socialist, right?

He caucuses with the Democrats ... but he's an actual Socialist.

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Corrected my post.. :)

Now says Conservative

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A SOCIALIST?!?!? Don't tell Glenn Beck or Rushie, they might think he's working for Obama

(sarcasm.. I know ALL about Bernie, I'm from a NH/VT border town. I'd vote for him if I could.. )

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I feel like the clientele of Liz are snobs and old women. And difficult people. The kind of people you say right and they say left .

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Lying Liz is too busy hammering the middle class. She's against the high cost of college right up until payday.

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Gee, how original!

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EBT I'm a Patriot you're a Patriot Rush said so because Sean bought Bill O a falafel and Glenn sold me seeds while Savage is the voice of reason so lets kill the illegals... This friggin talk radio tourettes is killing me.

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"Lying Liz is too busy hammering the middle class. She's against the high cost of college right up until payday."

And the cretins keep on delivering.....

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It's comments like this that gave Warren an extra 3 point lead over Brown for a blow out, and is keeping the MA GOP at the end of a long stick in voters minds.

Please keep it up! No really, who doesn't love a group of idiots that shoot themselves in the foot for you!?

Can't wait to see this NH race. I'm getting the popcorn ready (And Brown probably the Advil).

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It'll be disgruntled massholes from the Sununu neocon cheapskate wing which tapers away north of Derry.

They have had plenty of time to choke on the tax free utopia myths as they struggle with huge property taxes and death by endless fees and are counting on Lord Staplecrotch to get relief at the Fed Level..

The Grandpa Simpson faction has glorious nutbags vying for the mantle of Meldrim Thompson or some comparable bygone curiosity.

The shrewd cranky yankee yeomen who would give us sagacious Warren Rudman counterparts are probably despairing and have the scarlet letters of RINO splattered on their T shirts.

Most are wary independents.

And carpetbaggers better step lightly as it isn't a place to welcome their meddling.

I knew a GOP kingmaker there, a funny old woman who kept sheep in Portsmouth and had every GOP candidate since Nixon courting her. They are are an astute and sturdy bunch.

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Do you find people have a difficult time understanding you since you speak exclusively in sarcastic colloquialisms and bumper sticker slogans?

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... and almost nothing he says is bumper-sticker-esque -- and not all of it is sarcastic. One of our interesting posters (whether I agree or disagree). Frankly, his contributions here eclipse yours (so far).

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He's a homeless man's Dennis Miller. Indecipherable, didactic, know it all. Whatever interesting points he tries to make are lost in the sea of raw sewage surrounding them.

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..it probably isn't useful to imply that the other comment makers are a "sea of raw sewage".

Maybe "a eutrophic brook overloaded with detergent run off" would be a better scale fit.

Or a "Ho loaded porta potty in the South End" if you want to be more topical.

The grandiosity of "sea of raw sewage" is like sledgehammering flies with overblown drama rhetoric.

But I would argue that commentariat is basically a good bunch and if we need rhetorical flight for them it might be 'a well knit fabric of community with a few loose threads"

There... fixed.

You're welcome.

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.. like this


But, alas, I still have an attention span. With luck, I'll have a stroke or something so I can finally express myself in a way the commentariat has come to expect.

For those who like translation into easy bits.

Browns problem in NH.


Elderly people up there don't like him over the stapled crotch centerfold and shallowness.

Tea Party Types think he's a RINO.

Pragmatic old school Republicans don't care for his bad arithmetic.

The population is generally suspicious of opportunistic carpetbaggers and 'summer people' (massholes) in Rye.

So his main support base is displaced Neocon Massholes living near the border around Salem and Derry. These people stupidly thought there was a free lunch with the absence of income and sales tax until they got their property tax bill and began to notice all the chiseling fees.

He is also popular with oligarch politicians like Craig Benson who was governor for 2 years after running Cabletron, one of the more vicious employers up there.

These people have long memories going back to when Massholes invaded in the 1600s and tossed all the property records to steal the land.

The locals had to appeal to Charles II during the Restoration to get their land titles back.

Early Massachusetts was like a launch pad for Oliver Cromwell Roundhead cronies before then and Early New Hampshire was more supportive of the crown and its Cavaliers.

Got it?

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I thought that was his most interesting answer, especially given his seeming flip-flop on the issue

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Just posted something about it, thanks for the nudge. But just because he's willing to abide by the referendum doesn't mean he isn't going to stop fighting the two current proposals - or any others that come up. He also didn't explain what changed from two weeks ago to now.

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Here's what they said when I asked them about Brown recently: "The guy's an asshole. He's one of those guys who's more in love with the trappings of the office than anyone I've seen in decades. Scott Brown is the type of guy who throws sandwiches at his staff and then makes them go out and buy new ones. Why? Because he can, that's why. Fuck him".

Mind you this is a Republican strategist saying this....

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Now this is an example of precisely the kind of anecdotes that I read UHub for.

dvdoff, this is right up there with your story of one (I forgot which) of the Gallagher brothers asking you to stop so they could give some of their American money to someone on the side of the road.

It also makes me even more sure of the fact that I need to get out from under this desk career.

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If it's one of the Gallagher brothers of Oasis, it would almost have to be Noel.

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It was Liam!

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The conservatives get VERY riled up about someone believing they had Native American blood in their family lines. It's so dishonest they say. YET, if you're a college educated lawyer driving around in a working man's truck, sporting a barn jacket, you're somehow a paragon of genuiness. Top it off with a propensity to roam and call wherever you hang your campaign sign home, and you've got a serious case of fakery in my book.

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What riles me up about Waren is she is given a pass. Really, she's on a book tour? I'm sure she's got time off from work, but it would be nice if she did concentrate on her constituents. Ever contacted her office? Nil constituency services.
Face it, she does not care to represent her state, only herself. She says the right things that people eat up; "hammering the middle class" "you didn't build that" and on and on. I hear her book is full of her nice little sayings.
She's on a book tour getting soft ball questions and no one thinks this is lame? Hopefully she's donating any proceeds to a charity, although I haven't heard that.

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You complain that you are getting squeezed out of housing as a middle class worker, and other real issues that Warren is attempting to tackle at a high level.

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Do you really think that if Warren was defeated here, she'd have the unmitigated gall to go to NH and run? Scott Brown is only running because he hopes to become a lifer like John McCain or Mitch McConnell. He's an incredibly small minded man who really likes being a Senator. You really think that those "He's for us!" bumper stickers are true? Sorry, the only person Scott Brown is looking out for is Scott Brown.

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Never said I supported Brown's run for NH. Too little too late, in my opinion. But, it's up to the NH voters, not us.

And as far as Swirley's comment about Warren "fighting" for people like me.

How? What has this woman done?

She belongs behind a desk on a committee that CAN do some good. She's no politician and I'll cut her no slack in her current position, in my opinion she's a mistake.
She's smart and I feel if she's got any real talent, it's not going to get utilized in such a government we have right now.

Again, she's getting a pass on her book tour, getting softball questions. She gets a pass on her "high cheek bones" remark. Why do people continually give her a pass?

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Never said I supported Brown's run for NH. Too little too late, in my opinion. But, it's up to the NH voters, not us.

And as far as Swirley's comment about Warren "fighting" for people like me.

How? What has this woman done?

She belongs behind a desk on a committee that CAN do some good. She's no politician and I'll cut her no slack in her current position, in my opinion she's a mistake.
She's smart and I feel if she's got any real talent, it's not going to get utilized in such a government we have right now.

Again, she's getting a pass on her book tour, getting softball questions. She gets a pass on her "high cheek bones" remark. Why do people continually give her a pass?

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Warren tried to be on a committee several years ago, the newly created consumer protection committee, to head it actually, but republicans blocked it. So blame yourself.

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A junior senator doesn't have an awful lot of legislative clout. What she does have is the spotlight on her, and she's used it very effectively in part by asking the right questions of witnesses at committee hearings, to highlight just how badly the people who are supposed to be regulating the banking industry are doing their jobs. That kind of exposure in turn, creates political pressure to clean up the mess, sunlight being the great disinfectant, and all. She's using the tools she has available to her to do the job we elected her to do.

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So you are saying she is the first politician you have ever heard of to go on a book tour? And you weren't "riled up" about Warren before her book tour? I bet you were riled up about whatever the Herald told you to be riled up about since you first heard her name.

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Lame, I don't read the Herald but I do read the Globe, been a subsciber for many years!

Why is it that if you can't get used to the fact not everyone thinks as you do, it must be because of the paper they read or the tv they watch (no, don't watch fox either -sorry).
I guess having a difference of opinion is too foreign of a concept for some.

Ah, tolerance gotta love it!

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read so I believe you.

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You should talk to someone about your obsession with the Boston Herald. I don't read it myself but it seems you do and then you hate yourself for it.

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as it's the leading pejorative purveying rag. Though my obsession with its shortcomings pales in comparison to your Liz Warren hate.

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I meant to add, you give her a pass on her cheek bone remarks? Why:? If someone else made that remark, would you feel the same?

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That people continue to make an issue of this when there are far more important things to deal with - such as making it possible for middle class people to own homes and stay in them.

That Scott Brown spent his time representing Karl Rove and not Massachusetts to the point of not being willing to own his actual experience in the Senate.

I might have been annoyed by the cheekbones thing - except all the campaign rally racism - the war whoop tomahawk chop stereotyped BULLSHIT - was VASTLY more offensive and STILL HASN'T STOPPED!

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I am annoyed by the cheek bone thing, it was racist! I don't condone any racist thing said to her either, but she is just as bad and is given a pass.

Nope, she may be smart but not a politician. Anything she has proposed in her short senate career has been shot down by members of her own party! No one has named anything she has accomplished in the senate. But, but, Scott Brown!!!!

Instead of "working for the middle class" she's out hawking a book.

I don't see the attraction, it's almost cult like.

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"I am annoyed by the cheek bone thing"

You have made that very clear.

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riled up when Brown wrote a book, toured it around and did you wonder what charity he was donating the profits to, or were you too busy waiting in line for his "41" autograph? Just wondering...

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Whether you are for brown or warren (or hate either, or both), am I the only one who wishes each of them had simply served as senator before, in each case, embarking upon book writing and self-promotion within a year of being elected? I'm all for her fight for the middle class, I just wish she'd hold off on the book to do more fighting. I applaud her efforts on student loan interest rates and hope she is serious when she says she will work on the more important issue - the cost of college (the loans do need to be paid back, after all). As a Harvard faculty member, she is uniquely positioned, among her peers, to tackle this issue.

Brown had his chance, and spent too little time legislating, and lost his re-election bid. I hope Senator Warren will take a different approach to spending time representing us than her predecessor did.

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...now his beady eyes and oft-displayed chest are New Hampshire's problem, thank christ.

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