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Walsh staying home this afternoon

This just in from the mayor's office:

The St. Patrick's Day parade was born out of the celebration of Evacuation Day, a day set aside to recognize and honor our military and those brave Americans who have banded together for the sake of freedom. And so much of our Irish history has been shaped by the fight against oppression.

I'm disappointed that this year, I will be unable to participate in the parade. As mayor of the city of Boston, I have to do my best to ensure that all Bostonians are free to participate fully in the civic life of our city. Unfortunately, this year, the parties were not able to come to an understanding that would have made that possible.

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What are you going to do now that the karate is happening and space saver are being tuck away until next winter. This site is pathetic!

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And [Turkeys]

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Not yet. But SOON!

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Mom previously reported only having 5 wild turkeys feed at a time in the back yard. Just had eleven. Word is getting around about her bird seed.

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Who else is going to answer the hard-hitting questions like, "Where can I find a good fried Fluffernutter sandwich in Boston?" (Answer: Local 149.)

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[stuck T trains]

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But neither seem to keep you from coming here to comment.

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He's actually got his history exactly backwards. We've been celebrating St. Patrick's Day in this town since 1737, and holding parades since the 1840s. Evacuation Day was created, as a civic occasion, by leading members of the city's Irish community, in an effort to identify Irish-American patriotism with the Revolutionary cause, as a pair of struggles against British imperialism. And - not incidentally - the parades back then featured temperance groups and were part of a struggle to define the nature of the Irish community, between the more heavily working-class elements who embraced it as a day of drunken revelry on the one side, and those who attended mass, held up pictures of Robert Emmet alongside George Washington and sought to assert their polite respectability on the other.

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Evacuation Day was created, as a civic occasion, by leading members of the city's Irish community, in an effort to identify Irish-American patriotism with the Revolutionary cause, as a pair of struggles against British imperialism.

More like a means of getting a paid day off for a religious holiday not shared by much of the population.

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Right, like a all of those who don't believe in Jesus, but celebrate Christmas.

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By all means, continue to enjoy the well thought and reasonable comments and topics presented by that foremost journal of thought, the Boston Herald. If you can get by the Scott Brown love...

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sure seem to get awfully wobbly at the knees over Scott Brown, even though he just ditched them for his first true love, New Hampshire. The fact is, he *always* liked New Hampshire better. They can always quietly sob into their Cosmo centerfolds, I guess.

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Very interesting, considering that the Herald loves to make the T look far more scary than it is.

I wonder whose nephew/niece was involved.

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All of the press has been quiet about that repeat offender mob. One or more of them has to be someone special's kid.

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the developmentally disabled as demonstrated by the challenged musings of Joe Battenfeld.

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..the stink of loozah clinging too closely and the inhabitants of the imaginary Granite Utopia are likely of several minds.

The screeching teabags will have none of this lily livered carpetbagger.

The old school rock ribs that yet draw breath will sneer at this feckless opportunist while reaching for the smelling salts over the crotch.

The fiscally prudent cranky yankees will despise him for being a masshole and insulting their formidable intelligence.

Which gives him the remnants of the Sununu machine down Salem Way where the Norquist Clones generally gather in large huddles following their bitter exodus from the Chusetts of Taxes.

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Peter Gelzinis? Ah, he doesn't count.....

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Any dialect will do...

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Didn't you see what our anon friend is trying to warn us about?


They've got balsa wood! Run! Run for your lives!

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dead serious am I missing something?

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Read the very first reply to the story. "Karate" is presumably an auto-correct of "parade."

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A pox on all their houses.

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Here's what happens when a legitimate group representing equality wants to march in the parade...

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The fact that it ran the morning of the parade, however, after this whole thing has been going on for weeks now, kind of lessens its impact and makes you wonder why they were so reluctant to talk to the Globe.

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Maybe because they just wanted to march in the parade instead of get in a stupid fight for no reason.

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Yeah, equality is such a stupid fight!

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I am now officially sick of Whacko, Southie Parades, and LGBT community members being denied their god-given rights to embarrassing displays of faux Irishness.

This is the first weekend in memory where I am looking forward to Monday.

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that vodka, green Miller Lite, public urination, and vomiting at 10 am are not Irish cultural cornerstones. The Irish ship sailed on the Parade many, many years ago.

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When I have caught the breakfast roast on TV or clips, its had decent jabs back and forth by politicians along with funny songs. I missed it again this year, though.

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Liz Warren tried to make a Scott Brown joke and wound up trivializing dead veterans while almost choking on her own tongue. A real knee slapper.

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you must acquit.

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Oh wow! One float that only got in by flying under the radar. How "accepting".

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Captioning for hard of hearing now on Boston City Hall TV webcast of Public Meeting of Boston City Council at

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