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Discrediting #BlackLivesMatter with ambulance concerns is disingenuous. Here’s why.

Rebecca Hains writes about the disingenuous media narrative advanced about the I-93 Black Lives Matter non-violent civil disobedience on Martin Luther King's birthday, Thursday, Dec 15, 2015.


I am a local resident myself, and I’ve encountered conversations about the protests everywhere today. Many people support the protests, but the most vocal responses I’ve seen online seem to be from those who object. They claim to be upset by the inconvenience, by the delays caused by the morning commute.

An even more vociferous response has come from those who allege the protesters are endangering lives by making it more difficult for ambulances to get into the city. These concerns started early. They were presented in a way that disparaged the protesters—calling them “foolish,” “disgusting,” “morons,” and raising the specter of sick children and elderly people to make their case:

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"I am not saying that the Boston protest was the world’s best idea. It is far from perfect (though from a PR perspective, it succeeded in reinvigorating a national conversation). To put it simply, I am troubled by those who cite concerns about ambulances hypocritically. I don’t mean that every person raising such concerns is a hypocrite; far from it. But look closely, read between the lines, and you’ll see that in many cases, it’s a cover for racism and hatred for the entire #BlackLivesMatter campaign." - Rebecca Hains

The Morning #BlackLiveMatters Came to My Town:

Just read a few of the comments to the 17-minute footage video I uploaded today. Granted it is YouTube and the Internet, but you saw the video I shared. It was just trying to chronicle a news story. Yet that video still got comments like these:

“If these whites would live what they preach and move to an all black neighborhood, they would understand the harsh truth about race, and culture. They would never again preach equality!”

“I hope they kill em, it’d be darwinism at work.”

“why did they saw the cement off ?? just put them on a car, drive 100 miles in a middle of nowhere and dumb them there, let them make their own way back with barrells full of cement :D”

“Fine these douchebarrels for wasting tax payers money, unlawfully detaining the public and reckless endangerment for all the ambulances diverted. ALL LIVES MATTER YOU EFFING MORONS!”

“Should have poured 5 gallons of gas in that trash can and lit it.”

“it would have been better and quicker if they had just sawed their arms off”

“F•ck you and your n••ger ass protest bullshit! Die mother f•ckers im hoping they will cut his f•cking arm off. Kill yourselves”

“thy should have tortured them and kicked them in the head and balls”

“If you notice The cause is black lives matter, but the one stupid enough to stick their arms in cement are white people. If the first people in traffic to be hindered by them would have gotten out and beat the holy f•ck out of them it would not happen again.”

“Worthless s**t stains, living off of mommy and daddy’s fortune. No lives, no jobs, no concept of reality.”

“f•cking asswipes got me late for work this morning. I hope all these people get charged!”

“Run the nigg•s over. They are worthless POS. They don’t contribute to society but, take. They BLAME every WHITE person for their own problems when in FACT no father in the home proves their lack of respect for, law or fear of anything. They are ganster through and through. They have no reason to be here. Ship them back to Africa along with all the muzzies. YES, I AM PREJUDICE! At least I tell the truth! Assholes! Really, what does this do al sharpless or soros you F•CK!”

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They don't speak for most of the people who have legitimate concerns about the problems that the blocking of traffic, especially the blocking of an Interstate highway (particularly during the rush-hours) in already densely populated and severely congested areas to begin with. Making an already-horrendous situation worse, imho, is NOT the way to make one's feelings known, no matter who people are, or what their walk(s) of life are.

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